Chapter 1

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Career-wise, life was going great for Firehouse 51's Squad Lieutenant Kelly Severide. He was on Squad, which was his dream job and had reliable men on his team. He has his two best friends, Leslie Shay and Andy Darden. He couldn't be happier. He couldn't complain.

However, his love life was not going so great. He wasn't the type of guy to settle or handle long-term relationships well. His last real relationship ended badly. Her name was Anna Turner, and she was a nurse, but she also had leukemia. They met when he was donating bone marrow to her, and it would look like one of those romantic comedy movies from an outsider's point of view. The donor and the recipient had a short-lived but whirlwind of a love story. Her cancer was gone, but then it came back. It was sad to watch her die. Held her hand as her heart rate flatlined. He heard the doctor pronounce her dead. He was staring at the DNR sign on her door. So no, he isn't looking for "the one," but he is looking for someone a bit more constant. He likes the different faces in his bed, but lately, he longed for someone familiar to wake up to.

To say he is confused by this thought would be an understatement, but that doesn't stop it from coming in. He has too much baggage he carries with him, and he is not the person who likes to have a heart-to-heart.

With all that being said, Kelly finds himself at bars looking for his next person to sleep with when he's not on shift.


Matt had woken up with his head on his textbooks and notes all around him. He groaned and slowly rolled his head, hearing the cracks in his neck. He groaned again when the light from his bedroom window shone in his face and blindly got up to close the blinds. He slumped back on in his chair and stared out in front of him, not really looking at anything but staring out into space while his mind woke up. He looked to his used bed, and the clock sitting on his bedside table and saw that it was one pm which meant he had gotten six hours of sleep. He had worked all through the night and fell asleep at seven when he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

He sighed, got up, stretched before walking to the bathroom, taking a shower, and getting ready for what's left of the day. He is glad that he doesn't have to work today or have any classes since it is a Saturday, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have to study.

He works on campus at the local cafe as a barista. He doesn't hate it since most workers there are students, and since it's on campus, they are pretty accommodating when it comes to their schedule. He also gets along with everyone there; they understand he has the busiest schedule out of them. They had offered to cover for him, but he has never missed his shift for the year and a half he has worked there. He needs the money and feels bad enough for not paying much for rent.

Matt got out of the shower and found a sticky note on the mirror that he had missed before.

Next time try and make it to bed before you pass out :)
I'll be back tomorrow morning, and we'll go for breakfast before your shift. - Syl

Matt chuckled to himself and took a picture of the sticky note and sent it to her.

To Sylvie: I can't promise it won't happen again, but I'll try to stagger my way to my bed.
Also, breakfast sounds excellent, which means you have to stay safe during your shift.

Matt put his phone down and dried himself before throwing on a hoodie and a pair of jeans before brushing his teeth and dealing with his hair.

Once out of the bathroom, he went back into his room, packed up his schoolwork, and grabbed his laptop before grabbing his keys and heading to campus. He would pick up something to eat before going to the library to get a change of scenery for his homework. He is in his second year of University and doing a double major in medicine and engineering. He knows that this was probably a death sentence when he accepted the offer, but the school gave him a full-ride scholarship, and it was away from home. He took it and decided to suck it up and bury himself in his textbooks.

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