Chapter 2

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Matt had woken up in a hospital bed, and he didn't even remember coming here. He looked out the open doors and saw people everywhere. Most were patients looking hurt and finding anywhere to sit and rest. Nurse and doctors were running around, patients were wheeled in and out, and medical jargon was thrown around. He tried sitting up and groaned in pain as his ribs refused the movement, but he powered through, trying to understand what was going on. He scanned himself and saw that he was in a hospital shirt and pants with an IV attached to his arm. He followed the IV and saw a clear bag and a bag of blood hanging there.

He moved the arm that didn't have the IV into the back of his neck and frowned when he felt a bandage there. It was right where the junction between his head and neck. He doesn't remember feeling blood there or bleeding in general, but then again, he was a bit distracted by everything going on. He wonders what other injuries he has and has no idea.

He lifts his shirt and sees a white wrapping around his ribs and thinks maybe he broke his ribs, but they don't hurt that bad. Actually, he doesn't feel much pain anywhere, so it must be his painkillers. He puts his shirt back down and goes to check on his legs, and on one leg, there's a nasty red and purple bruise, and he cringes just by looking at it. On his other leg, there's a boot on his foot, and he wonders what happened.

"How did I miss all of this?" He muttered to himself and shook his head. He looked back out to the hospital and could tell that it had calmed down if the gathering of tired-looking medical professionals was standing around and talking. He looks around his room and sees other patients he didn't realize were there either, and they look to be in a much worse state. Some people's heads were wrapped entirely and had a neck brace, and others had an in-tube down their throat.

Matt sighed and fell back on his bed, and memories of the explosion flew into his mind, and he found himself thinking about the explosion again. He brought a hand up to his head and squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to remember where he had seen or why it felt so familiar.

He felt himself getting frustrated that he couldn't remember or figure it out. He knows that this will bug him until he figures it out, and he hopes it will be soon because he has a feeling the information he knows he has but can't remember will be necessary to the investigation. At least he hopes there will be an investigation because that was definitely not some structural accident/malfunction or whatever.

"Matt?" He snaps his head up at his name and relaxes when it's Sylvie. She runs over and pulls him into a tight hug, and Matt groans in pain when his ribs protest. "Sorry," she said quickly and stepped back but kept a hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" Matt asked, noticing Sylvie's tear-stained face.

"It's nothing, one of the guys got injured, and they are in critical condition but out of surgery. He is going to be fine," she responded, wiping her face while sitting down at the edge of his bed. Matt smiled reassuringly and squeezed her other hand.

"Care to tell me what the hell happened?" Matt asked, changing the subject, and Sylvie sighed and tapped his shoulder. He moved over on the bed, and she crawled in beside him and curled up to his side.

"After you were brought out and placed on the mat, at first, there was nothing major, but then you passed out and started bleeding from your neck. You have bruised ribs, fractured right ankle, concussion, and multiple bruises," she said, and Matt could only shrug.

"Not my worse," he said, and she punched his thigh, and he laughed. "Hey, dark humour."

"Not right now," she scolded, and he held up his hands in defence. He placed an arm around her while she laid her head lightly on his chest.

"How long has it been since the incident?" He asked.

"Ten hours," she replied, and his eyebrows shot up. "It was horrible. I don't even know how many casualties but about 75% of the main campus building was destroyed. Luckily it only hit one building, and all the residents were not touched."

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