Chapter 43

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Shay and Kelly found Matt the next day at his desktop with a notebook open and a pen in hand, looking concentrated. Kelly walked over and saw FBI-related stuff and knew Matt was doing extensive research on his potential new job. He had tried texting Matt the night before but got no reply, but when he tapped on the bracelet, Matt responded immediately, so Kelly knew that Matt was just focused on working and probably didn't even know where his phone was, which was true. Kelly found Matt's phone in between the couch cushions, which is where Matt had thrown it the night before after his paragraph of questions to Director Whitlow. Kelly briefly wondered if Matt had gotten any sleep, but knowing his boyfriend pretty well, the answer was no.

"We should probably get ready to head out," Kelly said, walking back into the room and placing the phone on the table.

"What time is it?" Matt asked, taking off his glasses and rubbing his tired eyes.

"Nine," Kelly said, and Matt groaned and stretched in his chair. "Well, I need a shower and judging by the fact that you haven't slept all night, a shower might do you some good."

"A nap will, too," Matt said, not catching onto Kelly's idea. Kelly chuckles at how slow Matt is sometimes when Kelly initiates anything about sex.

"Well, we don't have time for a nap, but we do have time for a long shower," Kelly said, standing behind Matt's chair and leaning down, so his lips were by his ears. "Together under the hot water," he whispers.

"Oh," Matt said, finally catching on and nodding and gulping. Kelly laughs at the reaction but kisses Matt's cheek lovingly.

The journey from the desk to the bathroom was filled with kissing, stripping and giggling. They didn't want to detach their lips, which made taking off each other's clothes and walking ten times harder. However, they did make it to the bathroom without either of them accidentally bumping into something and leaving a line of clothes in their wake.

Once they were in the enclosed space, Kelly had Matt pinned to the bathroom door as he started kissing Matt's neck. Matt was biting his lip to keep the noise down, and Kelly didn't like that.

"It's just Shay, she's heard me have sex multiple times, and I've heard her have sex multiple times," Kelly whispered clearly, not thinking, and he only realized what he said when Matt froze. "Shit, sorry. I-I didn't mean- fuck." Matt didn't say anything but lightly pushed Kelly back, and Kelly went without hesitation. He was trying to wrack his brain for how to apologize.

Matt didn't walk out of the bathroom like Kelly expected. He walked to the shower, turned on the water, and stayed with his back to Kelly as the water warmed up. Kelly was trying to gauge Matt's emotions, but it was hard because he couldn't see the man's face.

"Matt, baby," Kelly started and walked towards Matt.

"I'm not mad," Matt said without turning around and only reached out to check the water temperature.

"Okay, then," Kelly said, a bit confused and even more confused when Matt suddenly turned around, tugged him into the shower, and pinned him against the wall. Once again, Matt's strength surprised him.

"Why would I be mad about you having past partners? I wasn't with you back then, so it doesn't matter. What matters is you and me, and right now, I want you to fuck me," Matt said honestly, and Kelly quickly spun them and pinned Matt to the wall and let out a low growl.

"Fuck baby," Kelly said before capturing Matt's lips again and kissing him hard and hungry. Matt wrapped his arms around Kelly's neck, giving as much as he received. Kelly then moved back to Matt's neck, and he knew they were on a time crunch because they were meeting people today. The thought of Matt meeting a team of hockey players lit the flame of jealousy in him, and he started to suck hard to make sure the mark was visible. It was almost like a claim to Matt. He reached over to their soaps and shampoos and found the waterproof bottle of lube as he continued to suck a mark on Matt's neck.

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