Chapter 45

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As expected, Matt was tackled by Annabelle the second Hermann's door opened on Tuesday afternoon. Matt only managed not to topple over because Chris was standing there and had caught both of them at the last second. The little girl didn't give Matt time to breathe as she rambled off her disappointment about Matt being two days late, but Matt won her over when he promised to play with her after dinner. It took Chris and Lee Henry to pry the little girl away from Matt with a promise that she could tell him all about her week in an hour.

The math tutoring had gone smoothly, without interruptions aside from Cindy asking if they were done because dinner was ready. Matt stayed for dinner and mostly listened to Annabelle while the girl ate and talked. Matt didn't notice the fondness in the parent's eyes as they looked over at Matt interacting with their daughter.

When Annabelle went to play with her youngest siblings, leaving Matt, Lee Henry, Cindy, and Chris at the table, Matt started talking about his job offer, explaining all the details and revealing that he was accepting the job. It was a shock to everyone because Chris had thought that Matt would end up working at some tech company but was proud of Matt for taking this leap into his future. However, he did give a long talk about safety and the nutjobs of the FBI, which lightened the mood of the environment.

Kelly had arrived halfway through the dinner and was dragged into eating with them by Cindy. He caught the end of the conversation about Matt's potential new job, and just by looking in Matt's eyes, he knew how much the approval of the Hermanns meant to Matt.

Then Annabelle came back to haul Matt away, and Kelly stayed with Chris and Cindy and helped clean up.

After an hour had passed, Kelly found Matt sitting at a kid's table with a tiara and tiny teacup in hand with Annabelle and a bunch of other stuffed animals. Matt didn't notice Kelly let, so he continued to talk to Annabelle as she explained why Allie the Alligator was sad. The conversation went on for a while. Chris walked over to check in on them and found Kelly leaning against the open doorway, watching the scene unfold. Chris gave a knowing smirk at the look Kelly had on his face and wouldn't be surprised if there was a three-member added to their little family soon.

The peaceful moment was broken when Annabelle noticed Chris, and she jumped up and ran over to her father with a toy she broke a couple of days ago that Matt helped fix. Matt turned and went pink when he saw Kelly standing there and took off his tiara.

They stayed for a few more minutes, and when they finally went back to the apartment, only for Kelly to slam the door and guide Matt somewhere else. Matt was confused, but Kelly just shook his head with a grin and said a simple "Brett and Antonio," They went for a walk around the city at night.


The next day, Matt had to talk to Voight. It was a stressful conversation. He didn't know Voight already knew about the job offer long before it was brought up to Matt. Director Whitlow had approached him when the Gregory Casey case had just closed up. At first, it was a conversation about whether Matt poses a threat to the public, and Voight had made it clear that Matt is no threat to anyone, not even a fly. After that conversation had gone on with the two pulling rank and power, Whitlow asked about Matt's skills. Voight was tight-lipped about the boy's skills, not knowing what angle Whitlow was playing at. Two weeks later, Whitlow approached him again, giving him a heads up that they would talk to Matt about potential working for them. Voight hadn't said anything, he didn't want to give his reaction away, but when the quick conversation was over, he was a bit pissed that the FBI kept poking at his team and trying to take the ones he trained. He knew, however, after watching Matt work later that day that his talents were being wasted here. He isn't a cop, so there wasn't much for him to do in the team that would challenge him, and he knew Matt's opinion on cops.

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