Chapter 13

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Matt woke up the following day feeling a weight on his back and leg. He frowned and looked around to find Shay, Brett, and Kelly in the bed around him. He frowned and wondered what was happening and why they were all there. He wanted to get out of what seemed like a puppy pile when he realized he actually couldn't move. He was sandwiched between Kelly, Brett, and Shay using their legs as pillows. He sighed, snuggled back down, and waited for one of them to wake up— hopefully, Kelly or Brett since they were immobilizing him.

He felt tired and put that off as he was still waking up.

Two hours later, someone started to stir, and it was Kelly. Kelly looked around, letting his eyes adjust before they landed on Matt's wide blue eyes staring back at him.

"Were you watching me sleep?" He asked, voice a lot lower due to sleep.

"Not for the whole time, but you were the first to stir, so I looked over when you started moving," Matt said and tried for a shrug but couldn't because Brett had shifted to put her head on his shoulder. "Mind telling me why we had an impromptu puppy pile?"

"How did you sleep and respond honestly," Kelly said firmly, and Matt frowned at the question but answered anyway.

"Fine, really, I slept fine, I'm a bit tired, but that could be because I'm still in bed and haven't moved my body yet," Matt said, and Kelly stared intensely at him. Matt tried to hold his gaze, but then it got too uncomfortable and started squirming, waking Brett and Shay.

"You don't remember?" Kelly asked, and Matt tilted his head and blinked confusedly at him.

"Don't remember what?" Matt asked.

"What was your nightmare?" Shay asked mid-yawn.

"What nightmare?" Matt asked, now finally able to sit up.

"The one that made you scream and thrash around, and you sat up and stared at the wall with so much fear you looked like it wanted to eat you," Brett said, and Matt frowned and looked at her, not understanding or remembering anything.

"I didn't have a nightmare," Matt said slowly. They were all interrupted by a phone ringing, and Kelly leaned over the bed, grabbed Matt's phone, and handed it to him. "Hello?"

"Matt, we need you at the station. Think you can make it?" Jay's voice came through the phone, and he didn't remember giving him his number, but then again, they are cops, so they had their way.

"Yeah, sure," Matt said, and they said their goodbyes and Matt climbed over Brett to get off the bed. "I have to go to the station also sorry if I disturbed your sleep," Matt said sheepishly.

"I'll drive you," Kelly said, getting off the bed, and Matt nodded and walked out of the room and went to the guest bedroom to get changed.


In the car ride there, Matt was quiet, he was trying to remember what happened last night, but he doesn't remember having a nightmare or getting that feeling that you had a nightmare. It felt like a night of normal sleep.

"You okay there?" Kelly asked once they've stopped at a red light, and Matt turned to him and sighed.

"Did I do that?" Matt finally asked to get a good look at Kelly's entire face and noticed a bruise forming underneath his left jaw.

"It's fine," Kelly said, touching the bruise and then turning away, not wanting Matt to be upset about it.

"I'm sorry, did it hurt? What happened?" Matt asked with a deeply worried and guilty face, and Kelly reached over to grab Matt's hand since he couldn't look him in the eye because he was driving.

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