Chapter 19

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Kelly and Brett came into the hospital and went to Matt's room when they were stopped by April.

"Rhodes wanted me to tell you that Matt was brought in for emergency surgery last night," April said softly and saw the colour drain from both their faces. "Matt had a heart attack not long after you left. That led to Matt's heart rate dropping significantly low, and they are now putting in a temporary pacemaker to help bring his heart rate back up."

"Will he be okay?" Kelly asked.

"Wait for Dr. Rhodes. They went in an hour ago, so he should be done soon," April said and ushered them into the waiting room of the ICU. They both walked like zombies but sat down either way.

"He was supposed to be assessed today and possibly pulled out of his coma," Brett whispered.

"Dr. Abrams said he won't risk putting Matt in for longer, so he might still be pulled out," Kelly automatically replied. It was like his brain was spitting out facts, and he wasn't even correctly listening to Brett.

Brett nodded and relaxed back in her chair and then studied Kelly. Kelly had his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands and could feel Brett's intense gaze like he had all week, and it was getting on his nerves now. The stress of Matt maybe not waking up and then being brought in for yet another surgery and now Brett staring him down like he did this to Matt was getting too much.

"What?" Kelly snapped and turned to glare at Brett. "You've been staring at me like that all week, so say it if you have something to say." It may have come out harsher than intended, but he was too tired to care now.

"Matt," Brett said. "You've been sitting beside me this entire week, well, more specifically, you've been sitting beside Matt. You refuse to let him out of your sight unless it's to see Otis, and even then, you check on Otis for a max of five minutes before you run out to see Matt again. What is your deal with him?" Kelly knew this conversation was coming, but that didn't mean he was prepared anyway.

"I care about him," Kelly said, and Brett narrowed her eyes at him.

"I know you like him. You've liked him since one of the first times you've met him. I'm not blind or stupid, Severide. Did something happen between the two of you? Are you pushing your feelings onto him? Are you forcing him into anything? You know he is nineteen, right? He is almost twenty in a few weeks, but he is still young and seven years younger than you. He may no longer be a minor, but if you are grooming him-"

"NO!" Kelly exclaimed, earning some looks from everyone in the visiting room. "No," he said again, quieter but still as firm. "I am not grooming him. I am not forcing anything on him. I am not pushing anything onto him. We kissed the night before the incident, and I let him lead. If he wanted to back away, I would've let, and I still would. I would never do that, even if the person were my age or older. If someone says no, it means no, and I respect that. How could you even think I would do that?" Kelly said he was a bit hurt that someone he considered a close friend was even insinuating something like that.

"You kissed?" She asked, now sitting up straighter and raising her eyebrows. Now Kelly feels like he is meeting the parents of his significant other, and those parents already don't like him.

"Yes," Kelly said and cleared his throat, wanting nothing more than to get out of this conversation.

"He isn't o-" Brett started with a stern glare and was about to tell him off when Dr. Rhodes interrupted her by calling their names. They both shot up and walked off to Rhodes, conversation forgotten for now.

"I was able to place a pacemaker successfully without complications. We are putting him on a new medication to help control the blood flow better and hope that he won't need the pacemaker anymore in a few weeks. Dr. Abrams is currently with him, checking over his head, and we agreed that we need to pull Matt out of the coma now if we don't want him to fall into a permanent coma. Dr. Abrams said that we were already pushing it, but I wasn't comfortable given his blood flow and heart, but I think we can manage better with the new medication and pacemaker," Dr. Rhodes explained as they walked towards Matt's room.

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