Chapter 37

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Matt had received an email from the school that they heard from someone in the police force that his skills exceeded the skills of a first or second year, and that's what those tests were. They informed him that he could do selective courses from the third and fourth years instead of doing the entire four years to get his degree. Matt did many of the first-year courses from his first year since the programs were similar, and what they learned in the second year. The test was some old exams that Matt did without knowing what they were, and they counted that as his grade for the class. They said that his program is primarily online, and he only has to come in once a week to do his electronics classes, where he has to build technology. Matt will start in January, and they gave him his schedule, and half of his scholarship can transfer over.

Hallie had agreed to meet the following day at around lunch. Kelly was to pick up Matt from the station, and then they will go to the cafe on campus that was not ruined in the bombing. Kelly had told Matt that he didn't need to come and didn't want to sound like a controlling boyfriend, but Matt had said that he wanted him there and that he was his ride after all. Kelly had agreed, but internally he was happy even though he knew Matt would never cheat on him, but his past relationships just helped to add to his fears.

When they arrived at the cafe, Hallie was already with her laptop opened, and Matt went straight to her while Kelly went to order them something. Hallie had begun talking about her problems with her computer, and Matt went straight to work on her laptop. When Kelly returned, Matt smiled at him when he gave him his coffee and muffin, focusing on the computer. He was half able to listen to what Hallie was going on about exams and her final assignments, which Matt sympathized with since he remembered how bad the med students had when it came to exams. It mainly was one-sided because she needed to rant to someone who wouldn't talk back, saying they have it worse.

The problem on her laptop was fixed in about fifteen minutes— she just had a virus that got downloaded accidentally— but she wasn't finished with her rant, so Matt and Kelly just sat there listening to her. If Kelly had kept a possessive arm around Matt's shoulder the entire time, no one said anything.

After ten minutes, she was done, and she thanked Matt with a hug before she ran out of there to get to her next class. Matt still had thirty-five minutes left of his break, so he and Kelly stayed and talked. Matt could tell that today was one of those days where he missed Andy more than usual, so he did most of the talking— about his plans for school— to help get Kelly's mind off of Andy. If they were at home, he would've gotten Kelly to talk, or they would've watched a movie and snuggled on the couch, but they were in public, and he couldn't do either of those. Kelly realized what Matt was up to and had internally smiled at the realization of how well Matt could read him and know exactly what he needed.

Kelly had driven Matt back to the station, and Matt had leaned over to give Kelly a long and loving kiss before he left and ran upstairs because Voight needed him for a case. Matt was still terrified of the man, but what else was new.


The following two weeks were very typical for the pair. Much to Kelly's dislike, Matt and Hallie have been texting back and forth, but he trusts Matt. Matt also doesn't hide the text from Kelly, and frequently, if they are on the couch cuddling or in bed, Matt's screen is positioned so that Kelly can read it as well. Kelly hates how jealous and possessive he can get but who can blame him when dating Matt Casey.

Matt, on the other hand, doesn't mind it one bit. He never had someone act like that over him, and for someone who lacked love in his life for so long, Matt enjoys it. He also finds it a bit funny sometimes and loves teasing Kelly for it, but he promises him that nothing will happen at the end of the day.

Matt had to talk to Voight about him starting school again. Although he was only physically going in for one class, he most likely couldn't come in afterwards unless necessary. Voight reluctantly agreed but told Matt to keep his phone on.

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