Chapter 17

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"Hey Matty," Christie said, smiling at her little brother and walking over to him. She pulled him into a tight hug, but Matt remained still, too shocked to move. Christie pulled away but didn't let her arms drop from Matt's shoulder as she watched the realization filter through Matt's mind, and then tears sprung to his eyes.

"C-Christie?" Matt asked in a small and tearful voice, and Christie smiled and nodded, and Matt launched himself at her hugging her tightly as if he didn't want to let her go- which he doesn't.

"Hey, little bro," Christie said with a chuckle and stabilizing herself, so they don't fall over. Matt buried his face in the crook of her neck, and the tears fell. Christie hugged him tighter, and she had tears of her own at being able to hold Matt again after all these years.

"How? How can I see you? How can I touch you? How can you hear me? Am I dead?" Matt asked, pulling back enough to ask the questions but still staying close to his sister.

"Not quite," Christie responded and turned her attention to Matt's physical body. "You're in a coma, Matty. You are currently fighting for your life, and the doctors are worried. Sylvie is worried. Even this firefighter is worried," Matt chuckled at that.

"Kelly, his name is Kelly," Matt said with a fond smile and stepped up beside his sister. "So, how are you here?"

"Call it your imagination. Your soul is between two worlds, so it is easier for me to access," Christie said and turned to her brother's confused face. "Don't overthink about it."

"So what now? Do I just lay there until I die?" Matt asked only to be slapped in the shoulder by her sister. "Ow, how did that hurt?" He asked with a pout as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Matthew Casey, you are not dying, do you hear me?" Christie asked strictly and pointed an accusatory finger at him. "You can't leave Syl or even this Kelly fella whom I want to hear about later," she said, smiling, and Matt blushed. "You're in a medically induced coma, so you can't wake up even if you wanted to, but you need to fight to go back once those meds are out of you."

"Why can't I stay here with you?" Matt asked and looked at her pleadingly and sadly.

"It's not your time to be here," Christie said with a shake of her head. "You're nineteen, almost twenty in just a few weeks. You have so much to live for."

"So did you. You were only sixteen, and you didn't deserve what mom did to you," Matt said sadly and looked down at his shoes, feeling both guilty and traumatized by the situation. Christie put a hand under Matt's chin and lifted it, so he was looking her in the eyes.

"I was young, yeah, but it was my time to go. But you, Matty, this isn't your time to leave," Christie said and then turned back to Matt's form on the bed. "Look at you-"

"Exactly, look at me. I look like a Teletubby that got ran over," Matt said seriously, and Christie couldn't help but laugh. "Don't laugh at me when I look like shit. I have a stick sticking out of my head. The hair will be hideous once that wrapping is off, and not to mention that my chest will hurt, and my knee and arm are barely holding it together. Coming back from this will be hard."

"It will be, but Matt, it will be worth it," Christie said, trying to convince Matt, but Matt shook his head.

"I don't want to go back to a world where you aren't with me, and mom and dad are still alive," Matt said stubbornly, and more tears fell from his eyes, unaware of the monitors going off and Kelly and Brett both yelling for help.

"Matt, hey, look at me," Christie said, reaching to calm her brother and make him focus on her. "I will always be with you, just not in the way you think. Don't let mom and dad control your life. Mom is locked away, and dad, well, he will be. You have Kelly and Sylvie in your corner now and your entire life ahead. Don't let go."

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