Chapter 27

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Kelly came back tentatively with a cup of coffee to find Dr. Abrams in there with Matt doing another check on his head. The visits from Dr. Abrams have been far in between, and most of the checks were quick. Kelly seemed to walk in when he was done as he was moving away from the back of Matt's head, where he was checking on the stitches.

"One last check in a week or two from now, and you should be good," he said, and Matt nodded, not making eye contact, and Dr. Abrams left. Kelly thought Matt was going to retreat again for a second, but Matt looked up to him and reached out one arm for him. Kelly took it relieved and moved to sit on the bed facing Matt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run out like that," Kelly said and then took a big gulp from his cup.

"Did you mean it?" Matt asked. Now his voice sounded back to normal.

"I know it may be fast, but with you in the hospital and one of the first things you asked me was if I was okay, it sped things up for me. So yeah, I meant it. I don't take those three words lightly, and I don't throw them around randomly. When I say it, I mean it," Kelly said seriously, and Matt smiled.

"I love you too," Matt said, and Kelly's eyebrow shot up.

"You don't have to say back if you don't fe-" Kelly started but was cut off by Matt's hand on his mouth.

"I mean it. You sat in that chair for basically a month and were there during all my attacks and me throwing up and every time I opened my eyes. Not to mention you let me drag you to a midnight crime scene investigation or me using you as a pillow," Matt said and tugged on Kelly's arm for him to get closer. Kelly was grinning widely and leaned in and kissed Matt, pouring his feelings into the kiss.

"Love you, blondie," Kelly said, and Matt laughed. Actually barked out laughing and buried his face in Kelly's shoulder to silence himself but was smiling.

"Adding blondie to it almost takes the love out of it, but okay," Matt mumbled, and Kelly rolled his eyes.

"Hungry?" Kelly asked, and Matt nodded. "I think I can get the nurses to agree to outside food if you promise to eat it."

"But I just want soup and a grilled cheese," Matt said in an innocent voice and looked up at Kelly through his eyelashes making his eyes look bigger.

"Then chicken noodle soup and grill cheese it is," Kelly said, leaning in to kiss his nose again, and when he pulled away, he noticed the slight blush on Matt's cheeks and grinned.

"Why?" Matt asked, making Kelly frown. "My nose."

"I don't know. I like your nose," Kelly said and pulled out his phone with a shrug. "Do you want me to pick up the food or get someone to bring it here?"

"Sylvie," Matt said, and Kelly looked up at him, silently scanning his face for any signs of a lie or if he was forcing himself to do this. "I don't know if I can talk to her much, but I feel bad for basically kicking her out. I want to see her again, and maybe just a meal with you here will be fine." Kelly nodded and went to his chat with Brett when he remembered that she might be with Shay and taking comfort from each other about today. Immediately Kelly's mood dropped, and the image of Darden's burnt body on the stretcher flashed through his head.

"Kels?" Matt asked, noticing the shift in emotions.

"Something happened on shift, and Shay and Brett might be together comforting each other," Kelly said with a soft voice, looking up and giving Matt a small smile.

"Is that why you're upset? What happened?" Matt asked, and Kelly pursed his lips and sat back down on the bed in front of Matt.

"Andy died," Kelly whispered, and Matt's face dropped. Kelly took hold of Matt's hand, fighting back the tears, and Matt shuffled down the bed to get closer to Kelly. Kelly noticed and stopped Matt's movement and moved up to meet him, and the second Kelly was close enough, Matt pulled him into a tight hug ignoring the slight pain in his chest and arm. Kelly let himself be hugged by Matt and moved his head to put his face in Matt's neck again, and fought another crying session.

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