Chapter 24

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"Morning," Will said, noticing Kelly waking from his sleep and wondering if his position was comfortable. He was half on Matt's bed and off of, but Kelly's satisfied smile on his lips told him that it was.

"Morning, Doc," Kelly replied, rubbed the sleep from one eye, and kept his arm wrapped tightly around Matt's shoulder.

"I want to see if Matt will respond to pain stimulation. Also, we have booked a CT for later today to check his head; nothing alarming for the scan but protocol after head surgery," Will informed.

"Will you be getting him off of the vent?" Kelly asked, and Will nodded.

"Weaning off a bit for a few hours and then turning it back on full force at night. His lungs and heart are getting better, but he had much internal damage near that area," Will said, and Kelly nodded. "Now, I don't know if you've given him the full extent of his injury."

"I haven't, no. Most of the time he has been up, he had an episode and then when he doesn't, I don't want to burst that happy bubble," Kelly said with a tired sigh. He knows he needs to tell Matt, and he doesn't know what Matt's reaction will be.

"Would you want me to do it?" Will asked, and Kelly thought about it and then nodded. He will be here when Will tells him but knows he won't be able to do it himself. "Okay, may I wake him?" Kelly nodded.

"Matt?" Will asked, starting with a shake and getting no response. He wasn't expecting one with the number of medications he is on. "Matt, can you wake up for me?" Will asked again, and this time he rubbed his knuckles against Matt's sternum and earned a pained face and a light groan. The second he noticed Matt waking up, he stopped the movement and stepped back, letting Matt wake up the rest of the way.

Matt was not happy to be pulled out of his slumber and less happy when he opened his eyes, and Dr. Halstead was there smiling softly at him. It's not like he didn't like the guy, he didn't mind him, but he was not the first person he wanted to see when he woke up from pain in his chest.

"Morning, Matty," Kelly said, and Matt turned to the voice to find Kelly smiling and leaning in to kiss his nose. Matt looked down and tried not to blush at the action and hoped it wasn't obvious, but he noticed, judging from the pride in Kelly's eyes.

"Good morning Matt. How are you?" Will asked, and Matt gave him a lazy thumbs up. Will chuckled and scanned over his monitors and likely the numbers now that Matt's awake. "Sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to let you know that we scheduled your CT scan for later today to see how your skull is healing up. I also want to wean off the vent, and we're starting that by taking off the pressure for a few hours today." Matt blinked, and Will looked at Kelly, who nodded.

Will had gone through Matt's injuries with him and watched as Matt's eyes widened when they mentioned they had to remove a piece of his skull and do open chest surgery. He also blinked multiple times, trying to process everything when we told him that there was a pacemaker in him since his blood pressure had dropped too low, and he would've died without it. It's temporary, and Dr. Rhodes plans on taking it out in a week or two. Will had also informed both of them that his fractured foot is healed up. The boot can be removed and replaced with a brace. Matt would've started physiotherapy, but they are holding that off for now, given his knee.

Will left after Matt just stared at him for a good few minutes, clearly processing or trying to process everything given to him. He had many questions, and so many what-ifs scenarios crossed his mind, but he was too tired to overthink them.

He was still in his slight daze when Jay and Hailey walked into the room with food for Kelly. They planned on making this as friendly as a meeting as possible so as not to overwhelm Matt. Both of their badges and guns were hidden. They decided for this questioning to be as informal as possible.

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