Chapter 30

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Matt woke up the following day in the same position as he fell asleep and turned to look at the clock and saw that it was a quarter after six. He knew Kelly's alarm would go off in thirty minutes and settled his head back down to enjoy being this close to Kelly.

"Sleep well?" Kelly's sleep voice said, startling Matt, and he looked up to see Kelly smiling tiredly down at him.

"How long have you been up?" Matt asked, and Kelly shrugged.

"Probably minutes before you," Kelly said and used his free hand to rub his eye. "Can't sleep much ever since Andy." Matt tightened his hold around Kelly's waist and left a kiss on Kelly's chest. "Speaking of Andy. His wake is the day we come off of shift. Do you want to come?" Kelly was nervous to ask this question. Matt didn't know much about Andy and wasn't sure how comfortable he was going to a firefighter's funeral. Being surrounded by many people he didn't know after everything going on with his father's case.

"With you?" Matt asked and moved to place his chin on his hand on Kelly's chest, looking up at Kelly.

"If you want, or as friends, everyone there knows that we're together. I never explicitly told them we were together, but they knew that I stayed with you in the hospital and took shifts off for that," Kelly said, really hoping Matt couldn't feel his rapid heartbeat, but Matt's hand was right above his heart so, of course, he can.

"Okay," Matt said, not wanting to make a big deal out of this to calm Kelly down. "I would love to go with you."

"You'll be okay with being around so many unknown people?" Kelly asked to make sure Matt thoroughly thought this through.

"I don't care. You need me there, want me there, so I'll be there," Matt said with a loving smile and Kelly couldn't help but fall harder for the man. He flipped them, so Matt was pinned underneath him.

"I love you," Kelly said and leaned down to capture Matt's lips in his, and Matt kissed back, now, wrapping both of his arms around Kelly's neck. He was glad that he was allowed to take the slint off at night.

"I love you, Kels," Matt whispered when they pulled apart.

"I don't want to go to work," Kelly admitted placing his weight on one of his forearms and the other, moving Matt's fallen hairs from his forehead. "Andy's presence is noticeably gone, and I never thought I'll have to learn how to live without him." Matt saw the faraway look in Kelly's eyes and stroked his back, listening to what Kelly had to say, knowing he needed to talk and not get any advice.

"We met in the playground when we were four. I was trying to find a friend when this random boy came skipping over to me and started talking like we were best friends. It was weird, but it's so Andy. From that day on, we just stuck by each other. It's so weird that he's gone now," Kelly said and didn't notice the silent tears rolling down his cheek until Matt had wiped them away with the pad of his thumb. "I wish he could've hung out more. I think you two would've gotten along great," Kelly said, now looking at Matt was looking at him softly.

"I do, too," Matt said, and they stared at each other, letting all the emotions of the past few days run through their minds when Kelly's alarm broke. Kelly groaned and rolled off of Matt and turned off the alarm.

"What's your plan for the day?" Kelly asked, turning his head to look at Matt.

"School. I have to email them about missing a week. That's going to be an interesting email. 'Hi, professors, sorry I missed over a month of classes but I got into a car accident because my dad decided to try and kill us both, so I was in the hospital dying, but I'm fine now, so what did I miss?' I don't know how that will be received," Matt said with a shrug and sat up.

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