Chapter 34

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"MATT CASEY, UP YOU GET!" Kelly yells, coming into their bedroom and hearing a groan. He climbs onto the bed as Matt turns on his back, and he looks up to Kelly with sleep-tasselled blond hair and sleepy eyes. "It's a long day today. Time to get up to get the day started."

"No," he mumbled, turning on his side to go back to sleep.

"No can do, my baby phoenix, wake up," Kelly said, making Matt turn back over.

"Whyyyyy?" He whined, wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. Even better, if Kelly is here, he can cuddle with him.

"Because we have things to do," Kelly said, and Matt—still with his eyes closed—shook his and buried his face in the pillow. Kelly chuckled and placed a hand on either side of Matt's head, leaned down, and kissed Matt's face. "I promise you'll love it."

"But I love to sleep, and you're making me leave it," Matt mumbled, and Kelly laughed and kissed Matt's lips hard before pulling away. Now Matt was smiling and looking a bit more awake.

"I'll make coffee. Let's go, baby," Kelly said, grabbing one of Matt's arms and hauling him up despite Matt's groan in protest. He heard Matt huff but saw him walk to Kelly's closet. Matt still has all his stuff in bags, and Kelly told himself that he would need to talk to Matt about officially moving in.


Matt, Kelly, Shay and Brett are all in Kelly's car. Matt is in the passenger seat with one of Kelly's hoodies and his jeans. He has his hat on, holds his coffee mug with his gloved hands, and looks like he would fall asleep any second.

"Why are you so tired?" Sylvie asked, waking Matt up a bit.

"Stayed up late," he said and took a sip from his coffee.

"Doing....?" Shay asked, and Matt turned to her before looking back forward and taking another long sip from his coffee, clearly not going to answer the question.

They arrive at the mall, and Matt frowns and looks at Kelly for answers. Kelly looks to Brett and Shay, who got out of the car, leaving the two boys alone.

"You told me that you never celebrated Christmas, so this year, we are. We're buying decorations for the apartment, buying a tree, real or fake, up to you, and the girls are getting some Christmas shopping done as well," Kelly said, and Matt's eyes widened.

"You're giving me Christmas?" Matt asked in an almost child-like voice and eyes shining with anticipation.

"It is Christmas after all," Kelly said and smiled at Matt's reaction. He had only a second to catch Matt's mug before it spilled everywhere, and then a head full of blond was in his face. Matt had launched himself from the passenger seat into Kelly's arms and hugged him tightly, mumbling thank you into his neck. Kelly laughed and hugged Matt back, and when Matt pulled away from the hug, Matt crashed their lips together. Kelly fell back into the door from the force but reciprocated the kiss with as much sentiment as he was receiving.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Matt said in between kisses, not giving Kelly a chance to speak in his excitement.

"Matt," Kelly said with a laugh and cupped Matt's cheeks to stop him from assaulting his face with kisses. "I love you too, and oh my god, you are like a puppy," he said, and Matt shrugged and leaned in for another kiss, this time slower and longer.

"I'm excited," Matt said when he pulled back. "Can we go now?" He asked and widened his eyes, and Kelly could've sworn he saw Matt's blue eyes get brighter.

"Yeah, baby, let's go," Kelly said, and Matt beamed at him and climbed out of the car from his side. Kelly shook his head with a fond smile, grabbed Matt's mug, and got out of the vehicle.

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