Chapter 25

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Dear Matt,

I know I have no right to send you this after everything I have done. Trust me; I always felt terrible whenever I wrongfully yelled at you or hit you without thinking. I know I hurt you. I know I hurt you more when Christie died. I know she was the only person you loved and felt safe within that house, and I am so sorry that I took that away. I'm sorry, Matt and I know saying the words do nothing, but I want you to know I am. Despite my past actions, I am your mother, and I love you. You are my only son, and I'm sorry for how I treated you.

After nearly a decade, I'm writing you now because I saw the news. I saw the bombing in Chicago, and I saw what the reporters were saying. Although there were no names, it wasn't hard for me to realize that Gregory and the bomber's son, the person who built the bomb, were you. I know you had no choice. I know him enough to know he must've forced you or scared you into doing it. I know your heart, and you are like your biological father. Deep down past all the hurt lies a loving, caring and bright soul, and I know my son will never be willing to do that to so many people.

I may know where Gregory is storing all his parts and the rest of the bombs. I came across the property accidentally when I was home with the two of you, and I went to check it out. It's an abandoned warehouse outside of Illinois, and I will write the address at the bottom. I know it's too much for me to ask you to come to see me, and I know you deserve the truth, so that I will tell you here. Just know that I am incredibly sorry for what I have done to you, and if I could take it all back, I would. If I were strong enough, I would've taken you and ran. I'm sorry you had to endure all that you did, and I'm sorry I left you in the hands of Gregory Casey. I'm not telling you this for your forgiveness or sympathy but because you deserve to know who your birth father is and why I did what I did.

Gregory Casey is not your biological father. He has a twin brother named, Matthew Casey. I named you after him because you are his child, and I wanted a reminder of him. Matthew and I met while I was in the academy, and he was wandering around the city looking for a job. The next time I bumped into him, he worked at this little bakery that made the best coffee and muffins. It was small and not much business, but I loved it. We got to talking, and I fell for him. We dated for an entire year when I found out about his past. This was around the time Gregory had just enlisted into the army.

He told me about Gregory. He said that he has a twin, and they were born in a little town outside of Wyoming. Their mom had an at-home birth, and they were really poor. She couldn't afford for both of them to go to school since they were identical twins. She enrolled Gregory (the oldest) into school and would switch every day. When one comes home, they will tell the other everything that happened, so when the other goes to school, they know what the others are talking about. Neither minded, and they got an education for the price of one. They went on like up until they were eighteen. Their mother had passed away a month before their graduation, and they were left with nothing. Gregory decided to enlist and send money home while Matthew worked to keep their little farm together.

The difference between the two twin's personalities is opposites. Gregory got the brains, but Matthew got the character. He was kind-hearted, trusting, loyal, funny, sassy, and hardworking. Gregory was more logical, tougher, held up a wall and had anger management issues. They didn't get along, but Matthew learned to let Gregory have his way and make his life easier without the constant fighting. If you dig far enough and deep enough, you can find the birth certificate for Matthew Casey that they tried to suppress. In the eyes of the law, Matthew Casey doesn't exist. If you look at your birth certificate, it says Matthew Casey the Second.

Christie is not Matthew's; she is biologically Gregory. When Gregory came back two years later, he saw Matthew and me. It was the day before our marriage, and he lost it. Gregory had yelled at Matthew, saying that they had an agreement. When one was out, the other had to lay low. He was so mad, but we had already had everything planned. The next day, at our wedding, he showed up instead of Matthew. I didn't find out until we were on our honeymoon that it was Gregory and not Matthew. I was pissed, arguments flew, and I had no idea where Matthew was. Despite only seeing Gregory once, there is a slight difference between the two. It's hard to tell, but if you look close enough, Gregory's eyes are a bit more green than blue and Matthew's eyes are entirely blue, just like yours. You can see the difference clearly when in the sun because Matthew's eyes turn this pretty electric blue mixed with sky blue while Gregory's turn greener.

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