Chapter 10

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This time most of the apartment complex had collapsed. Everything from the third floor and up was all gone. The stores and restaurants beside the complex were burned down. Some houses behind the street got hit, and there were more casualties. It was around lunchtime, so most people were at the restaurants for their lunch breaks or meeting friends for a quick get-together or hanging out. Since the complex was also close to the college, most college students were home in their apartments. They got as many people out as possible, but that still wasn't enough. Some people died in the underground parking garage because the bomb had shaken the foundation so hard that part of it collapsed. It was a day's worth to get everyone out and transported to the hospital, not to mention stabilizing the entire building for investigation later.

Matt and Hailey watched it from the news, and Matt had to fight hard against the urge to curl up in a ball and hide. He still felt guilty no matter how many people told him that none of this was his fault. He couldn't help it. He built it. He helped design it. His were the only hands that touched those bombs during the building process, and now it led to this. A school wiped out half of an entire street worth of businesses and homes. Even if no one were caught in the crossfire, Matt would still feel guilty because the bombs took out their business that must've taken so long to build and establish.

'Then come back, Matthew. Come back, and you and I can finish what we started, and no one else will die,' the sound of his father's voice came through.'I can make this right. Come back to me. Come back to me. Come back to me. Come back to me. Come back to me Come ba-'

"Matt," Hailey's voice said, snapping Matt out of his thoughts and focusing on her, who was looking at him worriedly. He must've zoned out, and she was calling his name.

"Yeah?" Matt said, shaking his head to clear his dad's voice.

"Voight asked if you could access the security cameras nearby?" Hailey asked her question again, and Matt nodded.

"I would need a more authorized computer if I don't want my laptop to be flagged," Matt said, and Hailey pointed to the desktop she placed on his desk while he was zoned out. "Oh," Matt said, noticing everything and turning it on. He moved his laptop out of the way and started to get to work.

"Why didn't you study computer engineering?" Hailey asked curiously.

"Wanted to, but med and engineering was the program I got a full-ride scholarship to," Matt said absent-mindedly as he typed away on the computer. "Got it," Matt said. The three different desktop screens show all the security cameras he can access around the area. Hailey came over and started looking through the other videos.

"You said the bomb isn't timed, so that means he could've placed the bomb a week ahead and press it today, right?" Hailey asked, working through a theory.

"The day I moved out," Matt said, catching onto her train of thought. He typed some stuff and pulled up the security footage of that day. "The best if you can get the footage from the complex itself."

"Burgess is already working on that," Hailey informed. Matt wasn't sure if he should be watching this or moving out of the way for her to handle it, but then again, he would see a lot of the investigation, so why not. The two observed all the security cameras looking for any signs of Gregory Casey.


"I got the footage of the past few weeks from the complex. Some of it is lost due to the bombing, but the backup footage is fine. We are missing the past two days because they back it up every week," Kim yelled, running up the stairs with Antonio behind her. She placed the CD on the desk that is now Matt's.

"A CD?" Matt mumbled as he picked it up.

"It was the backup in case anything happened," Antonio said with a shrug.

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