5. There's something you should see..

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"Ah, Yibo!! I am so glad you agreed to do this here. I don't trust that Zhuo Yitong one bit. He is always creating troubles for me", complained Han Yi and Yibo just stared blankly at the man without saying a word because he could. He wasn't here to gossip and hear the stories of who backstabbed whom. He was here because he wanted to find out who was responsible for the chaos in his area. "You haven't called", Yibo heard Wang Talu speak to Rong and his enforcer just shrugged a shoulder saying, "Was busy." A frown came on the Wang Alpha's face and Rong moved beside Yibo as the Alphas from various packs took their seats. Yibo's uncle and his brother chose to remain seated away from the table, as they were here only to hear what the other Alphas were thinking and not to take part in the meeting. The other Lan wolves stood guarding the place making sure that the Alphas who were on bad terms with each other didn't start a fight. Yibo gestured Han Yi to take a seat before walking further into the room. He placed a hand on Zhan's back and Zhan sat beside his chair with Wang Rong, Xuan, Fan Xing and Guo Cheng fanning them. Yibo met every Alpha's gaze and some of them nodded in acknowledgement while the others just stared into his eyes, trying to prove that they weren't afraid of him. Stupid assholes. Yibo could still see the uneasiness in their form and Yibo thrived on that fear. He noticed all the men who were staring at his firecracker a little too long for his liking and when their eyes met his, the men immediately moved their gaze elsewhere. They knew Yibo had an extremely short fuse where Zhan was concerned. They had heard of how Yibo had broken that Zheng Alpha's neck because he had stared at Zhan too long. Yibo wasn't even sorry for ending the man's measly life, the old bastard deserved it when he said that his firecracker had the most delectable ass he had ever seen.

Once all the sixteen Alphas were seated, Yibo leaned forward on the table, his face as stoic and cold as always. "You are not here to throw blame on one another. Anyone who tries to create problems and instigates a fight will be escorted out and my wolves won't be nice. I have decided to do this here because we have a problem...and a really big one at that. I am here for a discussion, anyone who wants to fight or isn't serious about this can leave." Yibo's hard gaze pinned all the Alphas in place and when no one stood up or said anything, Yibo eased in his chair. "I was about to suggest that we all ask two members from each pack to investigate the matter", spoke Wu An and one of the Alphas shook his head. "It will take them a long time to get along and that might make things more difficult for us." Yibo thought the same and some other Alphas hummed their agreement. "Han Yi's wolf did say that the killer is a wolf shifter. We need to consider that it can be anyone among us. We have hundreds of wolves in all our packs combined, we need to do a thorough check among our packs first", Bai Li suggested. "What about the rogues? Have we completely ruled that possibility out?", spoke Tianyu and Xuan answered shaking his head. "Not completely. It has to be taken into consideration that the boy from the Han pack is in shock. We can't trust everything he says." "Eleven packs have been targeted till now. Maybe we have a common enemy?", suggested Wang Talu and several Alphas shook their heads. "It is highly unlikely that we all have pissed off a single person. And why attack only Omegas? I think it isn't a grudge he holds against the packs but the sick bastard is bitter about Omegas. All the victims were claimed forcefully and raped." "What do you think, Yibo?", asked Tianyu and Yibo placed his hand over Zhan's thigh to ease his annoyance before speaking. "We are just making conjectures. We still know too little about him. I do agree with what Bai Li said, we need to make sure none of our own wolves is responsible for this. I have put my wolves in various areas, they are asking around and keeping a close eye on the people. I suggest you all do the same. The Omegas need to be protected." "Anyone suspicious needs to be caught and questioned. The best we can do right now is guard our Omegas. What we-" "You get your eyes off my mate, asshole or I am going to gut you!", Yibo growled harshly and the Alphas froze hearing the arctic tone. Yibo's eyes were trained on the man sitting in the corner and Zhan grasped Yibo's hand surprised by Yibo's reaction. "Huang Yi Feng!!", called the man beside the Alpha and the man as if broken out of a trance finally turned his eyes away from Xiao Zhan.

Yibo had been noticing the guy ever since he came into the hall. No matter who was the one talking the Alpha's eyes kept gravitating towards Zhan. That was reason enough for Yibo to want the man dead but there was something weird about the way the man watched Zhan. It wasn't just lust in his eyes, something akin to longing and satisfaction glinted in the fucker's eyes and it was driving Yibo crazy. Zhan's hand squeezed his reassuringly and Yibo turned to stare at his mate who was looking at Yibo, concern in his beautiful eyes. Yibo turned back to the Alpha called Yi Feng and this time he snarled loudly, his eyes bright golden as he saw the man still staring at his firecracker. His chair scraped hard across the floor as Yibo stood up and he pulled Zhan behind him, hiding his mate away from the man's gaze. "Leave before this escalates, Yi Feng", the older man beside Yi Feng advised in a low voice and with a last lingering glance at Zhan, the man left the hall. "Hey, calm down. It's fine", Zhan spoke softly and when Yibo turned his eyes to the Alphas, he found all of them staring at him and Zhan. A low growl left Yibo again and the Alphas froze, feeling Yibo's domineering aura. "Zhan, your enforcers will take care of the meeting. You should take Yibo out for a while", Haikuan suggested and Zhan nodded, grasping Yibo's hand in his as he led his man out. They were barely out of the room when Yibo pulled Zhan in for a fierce kiss, stabbing his tongue into Zhan's mouth, his hands roaming over every inch of his firecracker. "Mine", he growled as he nipped Zhan's mouth hard and when Zhan gasped against him, Yibo took Zhan in his arms. Zhan held him tight, his hand rubbing Yibo's back in smooth motions and Yibo kissed Zhan's claiming bite. "What happened back there?" "That bastard kept staring at you. Fucking asshole!", Yibo cursed and Zhan let out a sigh. "Stop getting so wound up over these stupid things. It's nothing serious", he said rolling his eyes and Yibo glared at his mate. "These fuckers wanting what's mine is serious to me. I should find that fucker and rip him to bits." "Is this territorial episode going to last a while? I don't like you when you go all caveman", Zhan pouted and Yibo kissed that adorable pout away. He was sure A-Yuan had picked his pout from Zhan. His firecracker's pout was bang on at getting things done his way, no wonder their son used it too. "You love it when I go all caveman on you. It makes you all mushy inside", Yibo teased feeling his irritation dissipate and Zhan laughed. "What's so funny?", he asked and Zhan smiled. "You are so sure of yourself, Wang Yibo. I must really love you because I find that arrogance really sexy." "You love me more than you have ever loved anyone. You think I am the most amazing man in the world", Yibo's smug words got another laugh out of his mate and Yibo kissed his firecracker's head. Zhan buried his face in Yibo's neck and when Yibo looked over Zhan's shoulder, he found the Alpha from before staring at them. Yibo arched a brow and like a territorial beast, palmed Zhan's ass, pulling Zhan even closer to himself. He sucked on Zhan's neck leaving a mark and gave the Alpha a smug smile that had the Alpha scowling. The man stood in place a moment before turning around, leaving Yibo and Zhan alone.

"His name is Huang Yi Feng. He is next in line for his father's pack. The man has quite a reputation for being an extremely good fighter. His wolf has never lost a fight before." "I don't want him near Zhan again", Yibo hissed and Xuan laughed. "Yeah, we all got that from the little performance of yours. But, there is something you should see." Xuan turned the laptop towards Yibo and Yibo stared hard at the screen. "He was at the mating party?", Yibo growled staring at the picture and Xuan's face turned dark. "Huang Ji Han was invited and he brought his son to the party as well. I have something to show you and it will send you down your "ice zone" but please don't kill me." Xuan clicked on the icon and Yibo saw a picture on the screen. Zhan and him were standing together in the picture, smiling and at first glance Yibo found nothing wrong but on a closer look he saw what Xuan was talking about. His wolf roared inside him and his jaw clenched as he saw Huang Yi Feng standing out of the frame, his gaze focused on Zhan. "There's more." Pictures after pictures were seen and there was the Alpha, always standing somewhere around them, his gaze fixed on Zhan. He blended so perfectly in the crowd, no wonder no one paid attention before but he was in almost every picture, just staring at Zhan like a fucking maniac. "That son of a bitch!!", Yibo cursed feeling the familiar cold wrath take over him. His surroundings grew cold, his heart slowing down and Yibo could see images after images of what he wanted to do to his enemy. A growl left him and Xuan bared his throat to him, but that submission meant nothing to Yibo. His wolf paced inside him, restless and baring his fangs at the screen and when his wolf took over, the laptop crashed hard against a wall. "I will kill him!!"

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