10. Challenge me...

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Yibo woke up the next morning, his eyes landing on his mate's perfect face and a deep sigh left Yibo at the stunning sight. He had someone so ethereal in his arms, Yibo couldn't blame anyone for wanting his mate. He kissed his mate's soft lips and thumbed a lock of hair away from Zhan's forehead, his thoughts going back to last night. The need to own, to possess and to gobble Zhan up was too strong some days and last night it had been stronger than Yibo. He had said some hurtful things and had expressed his fears in a wrong way but like always his firecracker had understood. Yibo knew he didn't deserve Zhan. Had known it the second he had claimed the man as his. He would never be good enough for his firecracker but that didn't mean Yibo would let someone else have his Zhan-Zhan. He had been too rough, too cold and the sick satisfaction that the marks on his mate's skin brought him was disturbing. It was hard to control his Alpha ways but Yibo put up with it and tried to be a better person for his firecracker. His hands caressed the soft, full cheeks of his mate and Zhan shuffled closer to him, letting out a sleepy huff. The small gesture meant the world to Wang Yibo. He gathered his mate close and breathed him in, rubbing himself up against Zhan softly so that his mate smelled of him. It didn't matter anymore who was fated to be Xiao Zhan's. Yibo had claimed that place for himself. It was Wang Yibo who belonged to Xiao Zhan and it would stay that way. Huang YiFeng was dead wrong if he thought he could get what was Yibo's. Zhan was the air Yibo breathed and he was the reason Yibo existed. Without Zhan, Yibo was nothing and no one could threaten his bond with Zhan. No one. If someone tried, Yibo would deal with them and he had every intention of being as ruthless as he could. Yibo took his phone out and texted his enforcers, telling them what to do. Xuan expressed his concerns and warned him that Zhan wouldn't be happy but Yibo had already succumbed to his wrath. He could take care of Zhan when he came back. For now, he had to remove all the obstacles that stood in his way. Huang YiFeng had to die and what Yibo needed was an opportunity to get rid of the fucker.

Wang Yibo slammed the doors of his car shut and straightened his shirt taking in the view around him. The tall trees and the fountains before him were beautiful and Yibo felt his anger spike at the scenery. 'Zhan will like it', said a voice inside him and Yibo's face turned cold with that realisation. "I'll let them know we are here", Wang Rong informed before going to gates and a few moments later, the gates of the Huang territory opened for Yibo and his enforcers. An Omega came and introduced herself, leading them deeper into the lush area. "Please sit here for a while. I will let my Alpha know that you are here." The Omega was gone the next second and Yibo stood woodenly near the window in the room, staring at the peaceful forest while his insides twisted in rage. "Wang Yibo", came a rough voice and Yibo stared at the Alpha of the Huang pack, who at the moment looked pretty agitated. Yibo liked the fear clinging over the elder's shoulders and his wolf stretched inside him preparing himself. "Huang Ji Han", Yibo greeted with a sharp voice and seated himself. "I wonder what brought "The Phoenix" here to my pack." "Your son. Where is he?", Yibo cut right to the matter and the Alpha before him stiffened in his chair. "If this is about what happened at the conference then I have already made it clear to him what he did wrong. He understands now-" "He attacked our Alpha at the mall yesterday. So, I don't think your son understood the matter well, Mr Huang", Xuan cut the Alpha off in a grim tone and Yibo saw annoyance flash on Huang Ji Han's face. Interrupting an Alpha mid sentence was a sign of disrespect but Xuan didn't care and Yibo liked that. "He attacked you?", Ji Han turned to Yibo instead and Yibo shook his head. "He cornered my mate. My mate is an Alpha and my pack is his." Yibo clarified, sending the message of how much Huang YiFeng had fucked up loud and clear. There weren't many rules in the shifter world. The beasts that lived inside all of them were not fans of rules and restrictions but there were a few that were written in stone and were taken seriously. "Your son tried to attack my mate, an Alpha who had done nothing against him and my son, the future Alpha of the Lan pack was there with him. On top of it, he said some things along the lines of refusing to acknowledge my claim on Zhan. I don't have to tell you how majorly your son has screwed up, Huang Ji Han. Call him here so I can settle this", Yibo ordered and saw the pale faced Huang Alpha call for his son.

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