34. Shen Xiao Feng...

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The Lan pack members were all in their wolf forms lying under the night sky and Zhan smiled seeing a brown wolf, Hedi tackle an off-grey Wang An to the ground. The male wolf was extremely playful coaxing several wolves to play with him but after a snarl from Rong, a chomp by Xuan and a bored sigh from Guo Cheng, Hedi had trotted towards Wang An tackling the she-wolf to the ground. The grey wolf growled at the brown one and soon both wolves were wrestling with each other. Zhan laughed when Hedi bit An's flank and got a tail slap to the face. His laugh woke up the huge wolf resting his head on Zhan's lap and Zhan apologized speaking softly. "Sorry. Go back to sleep." Saying the words Zhan ran his hands through Yibo's flank, scratching behind the wolf's ears until a low, satisfied growl left Yibo. Golden eyes were locked onto Zhan's face and the wolf rubbed his face onto Zhan's abdomen the motion making Zhan chuckle.
They had all come to the woods after Han Shuo's death bidding all the others good night. The remains of Han Shuo's body were still on Lan territory, the scene everyone had witnessed still fresh in their minds. Some of the Alphas were shaken after what they had seen but they opted to stay mum just leaving the Lan territory not ready to offend Yibo. As the others were escorted out, Yibo's wolf had stared at Zhan from the edge of the clearing and Zhan had caught the message his Alpha was sending to him. Zhan followed Yibo to the stone slab and had settled down as Yibo rested his head on Zhan's lap closing his eyes. Yibo had told Zhan once that he needed to surround himself with Zhan's scent when something like this happened. Had said that Zhan's presence calmed the anger in him and Zhan was more than happy to be near his Yibo.

He stroked his mate's fur, hands gliding through the dark, silky coat while the wolf in his arms let out satisfied puffs of air. Yuan's voice echoed in the forest and Zhan found him in Jiyang's arms laughing while the Omega tried to place him on Wang An's back. His son giggled sinking his little hands into An's fur and held onto An's ears as she walked around. Zhan's eyes shifted to Rong and Xuan who had decided to pounce on Hedi together slowly approaching the brown wolf. Hedi noticed the wolves too late and when the wolf landed hard on the ground he growled at his packmates standing up in a posture that said, "Bring it on." Guo Cheng, a muddy brown wolf joined in the fun too playfully barking and fighting with the others. Zhan was enjoying the scene when he felt a cold, wet nose nudge his hand followed by a low whine. A white wolf with blue eyes stood next to him and Zhan's lips quirked at the expectant look on the wolf's face. "FanXing, I have said it before but you are hands down the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen." The wolf's fur was white as snow and the first time Zhan had seen FanXing in his wolf form he had been amazed by it. Zhan had to say it suited the younger wolf. FanXing was calm, quiet, gentle and his coat reflected just that. Zhan raised his hand to scratch behind the white wolf's ears and just like that found his other hand being gripped by Yibo's teeth. The dark wolf snarled at the white one and with a playful wag of his tail FanXing nudged Zhan's hand again. "Sharing is caring, Yibo", Zhan muttered running his hands through FanXing's fur who licked his hand in gratitude. Zhan turned to Yibo and found the wolf glaring at him with eyes that called Zhan a 'traitor'. "You are so silly at times." FanXing left after getting a few strokes and Zhan resumed petting Yibo with both hands only to find all the Lan wolves before him a few moments later, standing before him with their heads low asking Zhan to pet them. Zhan let out a low laugh seeing the sour look on Yibo's face and took his time to give all of his wolves the attention they wanted. The black wolf behind him continued to growl and snarl at his pack members but none paid him attention which annoyed Yibo even more. Zhan laughed when Yibo resorted to pushing the others away with his body. Satisfied when everyone was away from his mate, Yibo buried his nose in Zhan's belly closing his eyes once again. Zhan leaned his head against the tree trunk and felt a sense of peace wash over him at the sight. His family was before him, his mate was in his arms and there was nothing else that Zhan wanted in that moment.

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