36. What situation??

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Zhan was working on his laptop his eyes rising from the screen occasionally to see his friend eye-fuck Rong across the room. The woman tried to keep it away from everyone's eyes and pretended to be unaffected but Zhan could see it all clear as day. Hua liked Rong. A little too much than she would want to admit. Rong sat on a desk doing his enforcer business and Chun Hua who was supposed to be cutting fruits for Zhan had been peeling an apple since the last half an hour. "Thank God you don't live here. I would have been starved otherwise", said Zhan in a bland tone staring at his screen and Hua glared at him while Qing and Jiyang snickered. "Why don't you go and just talk to him?", Qing questioned appearing genuinely curious and Hua turned red right before them. Zhan wasn't sure if the woman was angry or embarrassed that she had been caught. "I don't want to", Hua denied almost instantly and a idea formed in Zhan's head. "It's best if you don't approach him now", Zhan said under his breath loud enough only for Hua to hear. "Why is that?" "Well, Rong...forget it." Zhan sighed out loud taking a mango slice from the bowl and from the corner of his eyes saw Hua fist her hands on her thigh, clearly dying to ask Zhan about what had happened. "Are you talking about that day?", said Jiyang joining in and Zhan nodded his head. "I also want to know", came Qing's voice but Zhan placed a finger on his lips shaking his head. "Don't think I don't know what you are doing, Xiao Zhan. This won't work on me", Hua hissed and Zhan bit his lips from laughing out loud. "It clearly has. You are dying to ask me what I am talking about. Since I care about you so much I will tell you. Yibo said that while walking out of the diner that day, Rong was stopped by a fox shifter." "Who?" "A woman in the diner kept sneaking glances at Rong and seemed impressed by him. She has been hounding Rong for a date ever since and she even showed up out of Lan territory yesterday! The woman is persistent, I'll say that." Hua's jaw locked at the words and Zhan could practically hear her mind racing with the possibilities. Her jaw eased a few moments later and with an indifferent tone she responded, "Good for him. Although, a fox hardly seems to be his type." The three people around her laughed again and Hua threw an apple slice at Zhan's head in frustration. "You are turning green with jealousy, Hua. Just talk to the guy. Hell, I say just fuck him", suggested Jiyang and being the inappropriate asshole he was, he bellowed in the hall, "Hey Rong! Are you free to have a quickie with Hua? She is too shy to ask you herself." "Fuck off, bastards", Hua fumed burying her face in her hands and her back stiffened when she heard the familiar footsteps coming her way.

"They were lying", Hua hissed glaring at her friends but Rong just crossed his arms across his chest smiling. "You got my hopes up, baby. Now I won't be able to focus on anything until I've had you. So, should we do this here or you wanna take it to my room?" Hua swallowed at the words, desire burning her from inside but she looked away from the dark eyes that pulled her in. "Not interested." The masculine woody scent assaulted her senses as Rong sat down before her and Hua sent a panic filled look to Zhan who was smiling like a fool. She was trying....trying so hard to keep the Alpha at bay but it was getting harder each and every passing day. "It's only a matter of time until you give in, baby. But, I am a patient man, I can wait a little longer." Her heart flipped at the words but she had to protect herself so she squared her shoulders glaring at the man who ruled her every thought. "Then you will be waiting for the rest of your life because I don't want you. You need to move the hell on. Maybe that fox shifter will help you with that." "Are you jealous, baby?" Hua's lips curled at the words and her tone was dead as she spoke. "I am not jealous and you need to back the fuck up. Don't you have work to do? From what I heard the Lans are in a difficult situation." "What situation?", came Zhan's voice following hers and Hua cursed herself for letting her tongue loose. This is why Wang Rong was dangerous. The guy made her extremely stupid!

"What situation, Hua?", Zhan repeated setting his laptop aside and his eyes narrowed when Hua hesitated. "Rong, what is she talking about?" "It's nothing. Just Xie Chong and his people", answered Rong instantly and Zhan knew the enforcer was lying. Yibo had told him that after the scene at the diner, Xie Chong had pulled away all of his men who were keeping watch on Lan territory. Zhan had heard from Yibo of what had happened to the cougar who was sneaking around the territory and wasn't surprised that Xie Chong had taken a step back. With the way Yibo had acted, Xie Chong knew now that Yibo wasn't just another Alpha he could scare. Which meant something else had happened and Yibo was keeping it from him. "I won't ask again, Rong. What is it?" A growl left Zhan's lips and Rong closed his eyes for a moment before looking at Zhan. It was no use lying to the man anymore. "After Han Shuo's death, many Alphas have expressed their concerns regarding our pack." "What concerns?" "The fact that Yibo made the rogues submit to him has always made the others wary of him. They had heard the talks but witnessing it has given them an opportunity to criticise Yibo of his ways. Now, there are rumors that Yibo wants to attack several packs and he is going to use the rogues for the job. Many Alphas have been showing up at the territory since the last few days asking Yibo for an explanation. Some have asked Yibo to cut off his ties with the rogues. They are even more vocal since no one allowed to set foot on Lan territory." Zhan heard the words and it was hard to tone down the anger he felt. He didn't want Yibo to sense he was angry which was why he took in a deep breath, getting himself in control. "Yibo's connection with the rogues has always been talked about. Before coming to the Lan pack, I had also heard of the rumours. Some said that Yibo used them to do his dirty work, others said that this was just a story aired to make everyone fear the Lan pack. I am sure I even heard one where they called Yibo a rogue wolf himself. They have always been there so what's different this time?", Zhan asked confused and a cold look came onto the Enforcer's face. "They are planning to attack Lan territory... that's what is different", spat Wang Rong and Zhan snarled as soon as he heard the words.

"Zhan, calm down", eased Jiyang patting Zhan's back but it was easier said than done. Zhan's nostrils flared, his form trembled with fury and seconds later, Yibo dashed into the room looking ready to kill. "What the fuck happened?", Yibo seethed pulling Zhan to his side, hating the anger that clung to his mate. Chun Hua stepped forward eyeing the Alpha pair and confessed looking at the ground. "I...I mentioned the rumours regarding the rogues and Zhan found out that the Lans are being threatened." "Wasn't I clear when I said I didn't want him to find out?", Yibo growled and Rong pulled Hua behind him immediately. "It's my fault. I told her." "It's not your fault, Rong. Neither is it Hua's. I should have known about this from the start." Zhan stood up from the sofa and turned to Yibo gesturing Yibo to follow him. "I need to talk to you. Alone." Saying the words, Zhan moved past Yibo to their room and Yibo walked behind Zhan giving a death glare to the people behind him. "Fuck, I thought he was going to kill me", spoke Hua and Jiyang let out the breath he was holding. "He did. In his head. I am sure he came up with at least ten ways to gut you. Seriously, Rong. Seal her lips with something before she gets someone around her killed." The Omega left supporting Qing's form and Hua turned to Rong with an apologetic look on her face but found the wolf's eyes focused on her intensely. "W-What?",she stammered and Rong took hold of her wrist pulling her with him. "Jiyang is right. I should seal your lips with something. Preferably my mouth."

Zhan sat on the bed and Yibo kneeled before him taking Zhan's hand in his. "I didn't want to hide it from you because I knew you would react this way", he spoke gently and Zhan pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "The next time you want to hide something from me remember that I am capable of withholding information too, Wang Yibo. And trust me, I can drive you crazy with it." "You already do", Yibo mumbled under his breath and Zhan raised the Alpha's face to his questioning him. "Be honest with me. How bad is it?" Those dark almond eyes made Yibo almost forget about all his problems. He pressed a kiss to Zhan's palm and spoke in a reassuring tone. "Nothing can I can't control. Though, I will admit that it has escalated more than I wanted it to." "I feel Xie Chong is behind this", said Zhan and Yibo nodded his head in agreement. "I think so too. All the people that are standing on our gates have had issues with me since long ago. Xie Chong approached them and probably convinced them that they could take over the Lan territory." "What are you planning to do?", Zhan asked and Yibo sighed turning to lay his head on Zhan's lap. "A part of me just wants to kill Xie Chong and be done with it. But, that would incur trouble from all the cougars. So, I can't do that. Another part of me just wants to send you and Yuan off to some place until the fight with the cougars gets over but...from the way you are glaring at me, that won't happen either." "Damn right, it won't. I am not going to run away. He won't chase me out of my own home." "So, I will wait for Xie Chong to make the first move. The wolves that are training in Lan territory and Xize's men will move here for the time being. From what I have heard and observed, cougars aren't known for their patience. Xie Chong will break soon." Zhan nodded his head and Yibo eased the frown off Zhan's face with a finger. "I will handle the issue regarding the rogues. Don't worry about that. Okay? Tell me you love me", he demanded and Zhan raked a hand through Yibo's hair saying the words his mate wanted to hear. "I love you. Even when you hide things from me and make me angry", said Zhan and Yibo laughed lightly pressing his face in Zhan's belly. "I love you too, firecracker. And trust me, I will keep you and our pack safe. I promised you no harm would come to us at the hands of those cougars, I mean to keep that promise."

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