24. Goodbye, Yifeng...

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The clearing was a vast open ground and in the centre stood Huang Yifeng and Wang Yibo facing each other. Yibo looked utterly calm, his face devoid of any emotion but Zhan could sense the rage that surrounded Yibo through their bond. He could see the dark aura that clung to Yibo like second skin but Huang Yifeng remained unaffected by it, the smug glint in his eyes showing that he thought he could win this. Confidence oozed off him and the Lan wolves smirked knowing the man wouldn't remain standing for long. The Huangs came to stand near the clearing and upon their movement Zhan found himself being surrounded by his entire pack. The Lan wolves sat on the stairs fanning Zhan from all sides and Zhan shook off the urge to roll his eyes at their behavior. Rong and Xuan sat a level down from him, their forms rigid while Hedi, Guo Cheng and Fan Xing stood behind him standing on guard. The Jiangs, Haikuan and Wang Zi Teng were a few feet away, directly between Zhan and the Huang pack with their eyes trained on each Huang wolf looking ready for battle. Their position screamed out their intentions loud and clear. If anyone made the mistake to hurt Xiao Zhan, there would be hell to pay. Usually when two Alphas challenged each other their packs couldn't interfere. It was against the rules and if someone else intervened to help, his Alpha was reflected as weak and no Alpha could bear that. As Yibo had decided not to challenge Yifeng, all the other rules were null as well and the Lan wolves and Jiangs were on their toes because they didn't trust the Huang pack. The air was thick with tension and aggression but the Lan pack looked like a bunch of teenagers going to see a blockbuster, sci-fi movie and while Zhan couldn't relate to their excitement he knew why they were this way. Zhan had seen Yibo's wolf fight before. Alphas often came forth with an intention of duelling with Yibo, some just to have a good spar while some foolishly hoping to defeat Yibo. Zhan had had the privilege of having the front seat of seeing Wang Yibo in action many times. His mate's animal was so beautifully vicious, it was a treat to watch him fight. "It's like the good old days, isn't it Bai Li?", asked Wang Talu munching on snacks and the Alpha beside him nodded, his eyes flickering with anticipation. "Why didn't Yibo-ge challenge Yifeng?", Guo Cheng asked with a frown and Zi Teng turned in his direction to answer him. "If Yibo had challenged Huang Yifeng and Yifeng submitted to him, Yibo would have to let him go. An Alpha can't kill a wolf if he surrenders. Yibo doesn't want to leave the Alpha alive, that's why he didn't issue a challenge." 

Zhan felt eyes on him and he turned to his side to see a woman watching him with hatred burning in her eyes. Zhan couldn't care less. The Huangs could blame him for whatever was happening but the truth was that Huang Yifeng had brought this upon himself. He should have listened to the warnings he was given. If he did, there might have been hope of him staying alive. Zhan turned his eyes away from the woman and heard the growl directed his way. "You aren't even a little bothered?", the woman spat angrily and the Lans growled at her disrespectful tone. The woman was Huang Xiyin, Huang Ji Han's sister and Yifeng's aunt. The woman had raised her brother's son like her own and it was obvious that she was having a hard time dealing with her nephew's deeds. "That is your true mate Wang Yibo is going to kill!! YOUR TRUE MATE!!! All A-Feng wanted was what was his. You are predestined to be his. It is you who betrayed him, you are responsible for what he is going through. If something happens to him today-" "Your nephew refused to listen to my mate's warnings", Zhan cut her off with a growl and her face twisted. "He was warned time and time again of what would happen if he didn't let go of his stupid obsession. Instead, he hurt my son...my enforcer and drugged me with an intention to force himself on me. And it's not a matter of 'if', he will die today. I know this and so do you. It's exactly what he deserves." The woman snarled at Zhan and would have lunged at him if not for the iron grip on her upper arm. She turned to her brother, her eyes blazing and Ji Han motioned at one of his wolves to take her away. The woman dug her heels to the ground, refusing to leave but was forcefully taken away. Ji Han gazed at Zhan and there was nothing but pain and defeat in the older man's eyes. That was when Xiao Zhan realised that Huangs wouldn't retaliate when Yifeng died. The Alpha had already accepted his son's end and Zhan wondered if all the man wanted was to give his son a proper funeral. If he was, it was a pity that his wish wouldn't come true because Yibo had been serious when he said there would be nothing left of Huang Yifeng. Nothing.

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