17. Shall we find out???

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Zhan eyed the man before him and something ugly settled in his gut. Yifeng was smiling at him as if he had done nothing wrong. As if he hadn't chained Zhan to his bed and the mere thought of what was to come was sickening. Zhan had struggled and fought with everything in him when Yifeng had thrown him into the back of his car and the only thing that had him cease the struggle was a warning. "If you don't want me to hunt your kid down, cooperate." Zhan had stopped struggling after that. Only when the news of Guo Cheng reaching the Lan territory had reached his ears, Zhan had gone all out and had clawed and kicked everyone and everything in sight. Huang Yifeng's men had let Zhan beat them to a pulp without raising a finger on him and the lack of fight had only enraged Zhan more. "If he gets even a scratch on him, I will skin you all alive." The Alpha's warning was for his own packmates and they had rage coursing through Zhan's body. He had charged towards Huang Yifeng, kicking him in the gut and the man had doubled over only to still stand up with a smile on his face. "My Omega is fiesty." Zhan had felt revulsion rise in him at the lust shining in Yifeng's eyes.  Three men had dragged a screaming and kicking Zhan to Huang Yifeng's room and Zhan had been chained to the king sized bed like a fucking sacrifice. Tears prickled Zhan's eyes but they didn't roll down his cheeks. Zhan's heart was heavy with resentment and he wanted his Yibo with him badly but he refused to be weak. "How long do you plan to keep me like this?", Zhan asked on a growl and Yifeng propped his chin on his hand, gazing lovingly at Xiao Zhan. "Until you agree to be mine." "I will never be yours, Huang Yifeng." The corners of Yifeng's mouth dropped at the words and he caressed Zhan's head gently. "You will. I know you think you are in love with Wang Yibo. That bastard twisted your mind. But, I will make everything right, Zhan. You are mine. Once you bear my pups and I cover that Alpha's bite with my own, you will see the truth." Zhan's eyes widened but not because of the man's words. It was the sincerity in those words was what had Zhan rattled. Huang Yifeng genuinely believed that Zhan would accept this. "You need a fucking doctor, Huang Yifeng. YOU ARE INSANE!!", Zhan struggled against his binds harder than ever before until the metal dug into his skin drawing blood.  "Don't hurt yourself", admonished Yifeng and Zhan glared at the man. "Get me out of these binds and fight me like a man, asshole." Zhan struggled on the bed and Yifeng leaned over him collaring Zhan's throat. Amber eyes clashed with hazel ones and Huang Yifeng sighed. "I didn't want to hurt you, Zhan. Ever. I thought that I could be your friend and then slowly make my way into your heart. You would have come to me and that Wang Yibo knew he would lose. That is why he refused to let me see you." Yifeng stroked Zhan's cheek softly and the touch had Zhan growling loud. "The day I saw you was the most beautiful day of my life. You were so perfect. I couldn't take my eyes off of you but, that Wang Yibo was always by your side. Kissing you, touching you, acting as if he was your mate-" "He is my mate", Zhan hissed cutting Yifeng off and Yifeng's eyes narrowed into slits. "No, he isn't! What you feel for Yibo is nothing in comparison to what I feel for you. You are my true mate, Zhan. The person predestined to be mine. How do you expect me to just let go of you."

Zhan gaze met Yifeng's and Zhan's voice was cold and detached when he finally spoke. "I was never yours to begin with,Yifeng. All this time you have been saying lies to everyone but I know you aren't my true mate. I don't feel the mating pull..my wolf doesn't recognise you. You are nothing but a stranger to me and even if your little theory is real, it doesn't mean jack shit to me. I. AM. WANG. YIBO'S. I bear his mark and he is the father of my son. I would rather kill myself than let you touch me!!" Yifeng stood up from the bed, the calmness in his eyes alarming. Zhan kept his eyes trained on the man as he fiddled with the drawer on the night stand and Zhan's blood turned to ice when he saw a syringe in Yifeng's hand. "You could kill yourself but wouldn't that kill your dear Yibo as well, Zhan-Zhan?", mocked Yifeng and Zhan's heart thumped loud in his chest. "Everything he does is because he knows he doesn't deserve you. That is why he is always looking for ways to chain you to him. The forced mating, bringing Yuan into your life, tying himself to you. Don't you get it, Zhan? He is just trying to tie you to him.  With me, there will be no need for such things. As long as you are by my side I will be content. I won't ever turn to these wicked ways to bind you to me." "You plan to keep me here without my consent and you will forcibly mark me. You think you have the talk shit about my Yibo? Even if you take a thousand lifetimes you will never be half the man my Yibo is. Let me go and see how I rip your fucking throat out with my teeth!" Zhan yanked the chains hard and hissed when his shoulder burned with pain. That didn't stop him though, Zhan yanked even harder feeling adrenaline rush into his blood. He didn't care if he broke his fucking bones trying to escape this lunatic. He pulled hard on the chains and his wolf growled within him looking for a way to surface but shifting now could put Zhan in a worse situation. His wolf form was not a match for a full Alpha and being chained was a major disadvantage. Zhan needed to break these chains and fight the Alpha before him. Zhan tugged hard but the binds didn't budge and his movements stilled when he smelled something bitter in the air. The bitter scent was familiar to Zhan and Zhan's heart stopped when he finally realised what Huang Yifeng was planning to do to him. Yifeng noticed the Omega's sudden dread and fear which made him smile.

"I guess you remember this." Zhan wasn't afraid of the Alpha until this very moment as the man filled the syringe with the liquid. He struggled violently against the chains, the chains clanging against the iron frame of the bed and he scurried away as far as he could from Huang Yifeng. "Peng Chuyue might have been a bastard but I will have to thank him someday. Maybe offer some incense when you are carrying our pups. Hopefully this time your Omega nature will fully come to surface. Should we find out?" "No! Stop, Yifeng. Don't do this!", yelled Zhan and Yifeng saw bone deep fear in his mate's eyes. While it made him unhappy to see his mate afraid, Yifeng knew he was doing this for their future, his Omega would forgive him once he was bred and taken care of. Yifeng kneeled over the bed and caressed Zhan's head softly. "Don't be afraid, Zhan. Once I mark you and get you pregnant, your ties with Yibo will be broken. You will be able to sense our bond then. I will take care of you, love you, I will even kill that Wang Yibo for you. If you want Yuan back, I will get him as well. Anything you want, Xiao Zhan. I will go to the ends of the earth to give you all the happiness you deserve. All of your joy, your love, your care is mine. It was always supposed to be mine. I will take care of you." "Get off me!!! Motherfucker, get off me!! LET ME GO!!!" Zhan wrestled under Yifeng fiercely, screaming until his lungs ached and Yifeng stuffed a gag into Zhan's mouth. "Shush...it's fine. It will be fine, Zhan." Tears leaked out of Zhan's ears as the syringe was plunged into his hand. The drug immediately made Zhan dizzy and Zhan began to lose consciousness.

Huang Ji Han was dialling his beta's number when  he heard the loud shouts and yells coming from outside. Ji Han stepped out of the house and air punched out if his lungs when a powerful kick landed on his chest. He barely had any time to stand up when his vision blinded due to a hard punch. "WHERE. IS. HE?", came the animalistic growl from above him and when his vision came back, Ji Han saw Wang Yibo's fearsome face glaring down at him. The cold hands clutched Ji Han's throat and fear settled into Ji Han's gut seeing the manic anger on The Phoenix's face. "I...I don't know...what..you are talking a-about", he choked out the words and the grip on his throat strengthened until Ji Han couldn't breathe. "Your son took my mate. Where is he?", Yibo snarled and Ji Han legs lost their strength. He dangled in Yibo's grip and his back collided with the wall when Yibo slammed him hard against it. Fingers dug into Ji Han's jaw and his wolf reached to surface only to whine out in submission when the Alpha before him growled again. "He..couldn't have taken your mate. Yifeng has gone out of town. Your are mistaken, Yibo." The Alpha before him threw him onto the ground and on a vicious snarl sent his desk flying across the wall. Omegas screamed in fear and the Alpha's dominant aura permeated the air forcing every wolf in vicinity to surrender. "You have five seconds, Huang Ji Han. You tell me where Huang Yifeng is or I will kill each and every one here. My wolf won't care if it's a man, woman or a child. I am barely holding him back from ripping from your spine out. Don't test me now. Your son should have known what will happen once he took my mate from me. I am giving you a last chance. Tell me where your son is or watch everyone around you die." The glacial tone and red rimmed eyes of the Lan Alpha were frightening enough for the others to believe his words. No one in the shifter world was foolish enough to think of Yibo as merciful. He was a beast. He was cold hearted and he was cruel. Ji Han wanted to save his son. He really did but the Alpha in him knew what his son had done. Huang Yifeng had committed the worst sin he could have and he was going to be killed for it. Huang Ji Han could only wish for a painless death for his son now. "He...he." No matter how much he tried the words wouldn't escape his mouth. He was an Alpha but he was a father too. He couldn't hand over his son to Wang Yibo. He couldn't. A shout was heard and Ji Han raised his eyes to see Yibo gripping his beta male in his hands while the man tried to free his throat from the iron clad grip. Huang Ji Han stared as something dark glinted in Wang Yibo's eyes and with a loud crack, he broke Ren Yu's neck. The body landed on the ground with a loud thud and everyone scurried away in fear. "Did I stutter, Huang Ji Han? TELL ME WHERE IS HE!!!!!" "Yifeng has a cabin on the edge of our territory. He will be there", spoke an Omega and Yibo's wolf surfaced, the black beast roaring loud.

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