26. Hell, no!

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"You are perfectly healthy, Zhan. We can do the first ultrasound in two weeks time. You will experience a bit of morning sickness but make sure you keep yourself hydrated. As of rest, I have already given Mr. Wang a list. Congratulations."  "Thanks, doctor", Zhan said with a smile and Li Xiao nodded at him. "Can't you stay here for the duration? We will make sure your stay is comfortable and that way you can keep a better eye on my mate", said Yibo with furrowed brows and Zhan could see the pretty doctor sweat through his palms. Why wouldn't he? His Yibo did paint an intimidating picture as he sat beside Zhan frowning and his posture all "Alpha".  "Umm...I am sorry but I will have to decline your generous offer. My wife and my kids won't be comfortable here with strangers surrounding them." Zhan smiled at the doctor and slowly stood up. "It's fine, doctor. You have agreed for a weekly checkup, that's more than enough. If there is anything we will reach out to you. Zi Yi?" Zhan motioned at the woman to escort the doctor out and the healer did, patting Li Xiao on his back. The man looked relieved to be leaving and the Lan wolves smirked at that.  "You need to be on your best behavior or you will scare him away, Alpha", snickered Rong and Yibo threw him a glare coming to Zhan's side. "Do you feel uncomfortable? Are you tired? You should rest." Zhan just rolled his eyes and sat on the couch placing the fruit bowl beside him. The others laughed as Zhan ignored Yibo and Yibo didn't like that one bit. "You promised you won't be difficult", he frowned and Zhan turned to him with a smirk. "I promised that I would let you take care of me. Not that I will let you treat me like I am made of glass. I was in bed an hour ago, Yibo. How much rest do you think a pregnant Omega needs? We aren't supposed to sleep through the pregnancy."  "I just don't want you to exert yourself. Zi Yi and the doctor have told us to be careful. I don't want to take any chances", Yibo argued and Zhan turned his eyes away from him. "Can you please pout in that corner? I want to watch some TV and you are in the way."  Hedi laughed at the face Yibo made and was given a stare so chilling, his wolf went into protective mode. Yibo huffed and sat beside Zhan and because he couldn't stand not touching his mate, he pulled Zhan to him, his arm resting protectively around his firecracker. His Zhan-Zhan melted against him and pressed a kiss to his shoulder while the pack surrounded them. They watched the movie that was playing and pretty soon Zhan was deep asleep on Yibo's shoulder. It was a peaceful day in Lan territory and Yibo gathered his fiesty Alpha into his arms, taking him to bed. "So stubborn", he said affectionately and pressing a kiss to Zhan's lips and belly, Yibo curled around his mate.

"I need to know what you saw, Gao Fang", Yibo's tone was stern and the young Alpha flinched before him, clearly afraid. "It...It was the man in the picture. H-Han Shuo. He killed my gege." The boy was trembling and Yibo handed the boy a bottle of water asking him to tell them whatever he knew. "I was going to work on a project with my friend that night. I had left some important notes back home so I went back to take them. Gege was coming back from his shift at the restaurant, he was trying to open the door when.....when the man came out of nowhere." The young boy started to breathe heavily, tears rolled down his cheeks and Wang An walked to his side, placing a hand over his shoulder. "He-He jumped over my brother. B-Bit him. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Han Shuo had locked it from outside. I couldn't...couldn't get out. I called our Alpha and was told to stay put. I screamed...tried to break the windows, tried to open the door but nothing worked! And I watched as that monster hurt my brother and killed him. I stood behind the windows like a coward! A coward! I couldn't save him. My gege was crying for help but I couldn't do anything."   "If you had gotten out, Han Shuo would have killed you too, Gao Fang. Your gege would have wanted you to help us find his killer. Punish the man who hurt him."  Wang An's words made the boy cry even harder and the Lan wolves waited patiently for the boy to get himself together. Gao Fang was just a fourteen years old boy who had seen something so horrific, it had scarred him for life. Yibo could smell the fear and anger clinging to the boy and it was sad that the young man had gone through the traumatic experience. No one should have to lose their loved one in such a way. To witness it happen, that was even worse. "He-He looked at me and placed a finger over his lips as if...as if to warn me of what would happen if I told anyone. I tried to talk but I couldn't. I wanted to but c-couldn't."  "Why did Han Yi lock you up?", questioned Yibo and the boy wiped his tears, his gaze hardening. "I was still having nightmares of that night and the pack healer said that I was in shock. Some people from the Wang Pack came to ours. When their Alpha asked me questions, I wanted to tell him everything. I couldn't talk but Talu-ge gave me his number and told me to call him if I wanted to. I wanted to tell him that night and the Alpha stopped me. He..he threatened that Han Shuo would do the same to my mother if I didn't keep quiet. That they would kill me. He told me that I had to tell the others that it was a wolf shifter and that was the only thing I remembered. I still tried to reach out to the Wang Pack and tell him the truth but Alpha locked me up. I was already there for half a month when Talu-ge came to free me. Alpha and Han Shuo were already gone by then."  His words had put a frown on the faces of all the Lan wolves and Yibo's lips thinned. "Gao Fang, did you hear anything while you were there? Anything that could help us?" The boy was silent for a while at Xuan's question but nodded his head a while later. "I heard them arguing one night. Alpha wanted Han Shuo to leave and hide in some old house but Han Shuo didn't listen. They were screaming at each other and I heard a loud crash from outside. The next day when Alpha came to give me food, I saw a big cut on his head. I acted as if I didn't hear them. I...I didn't want to die." 

"I feel bad for the poor child. He trusted Han Yi as his Alpha to keep him safe and help him. The bastard ended up threatening and hurting him", seethed Zhan and Yibo rubbed his mate's back to calm him. Everyone was raging at the prospect of Han Yi just letting his own son get away with almost thirty killings. All the Alphas had been alerted of the new findings and everyone had been shocked by the reality. In their eyes, Han Yi was this easily rattled, weak Alpha but the man had proved himself to be an exceptional schemer. No one had ever suspected him and had let him in on most of the details about the hunt for the killer. Han Yi had used that information to keep his son safe and more and more Omegas had died because of that. A hit had been placed over the father-son duo and the shifters were searching for the culprits. If they were hiding, it was only a matter of time they were caught. Yibo did believe that Han Yi just wanted to help his son. Unfortunately, Han Shuo was too far gone for help. The man couldn't come back from what he had become and the only way to stop him was to kill him. "If Han Shuo turned to attacking his own father, I don't think Han Yi has a lot of hold on him. Han Shuo isn't sane. We have to do something fast before Han Yi convinces him to hide", commented Zhuocheng and Zhan nodded at the words turning to Yibo. "What of the old house Gao Fang mentioned?"  "It's an old house that belongs to Han Yi's mother. Bai Li and Chen Xu are looking into it. Once they find it we will check it out."  "It seems like everything is happening at once. First the killings, then that Huang Yifeng, now Han Shuo...my head is reeling. I need a break from all of this", Jiyang said on an exasperated sigh and Zhan held Yibo's hand when the Alpha's mouth hardened. "Let's not revisit the old incidents. Now that the curfews are in place, it will be a lot harder for Han Shuo to act. Once he makes a mistake, we will get him."  "I was thinking over what you said that day, Zhan-Zhan", Zhuocheng started and all eyes turned to him immediately. "Me and dad were discussing the matter and we do think that putting someone out there as bait will work in our favor", Zhuocheng started and several heads nodded. "But, the issue is finding an Omega who would be ready to stand against Han Shuo. No one will agree to that suicide mission", He Di commented and Zhan chewed on his lips while Yibo's gaze turned thoughtful. "About that, Chun Hua agreed to do it-"   "HELL NO!!", Rong burst out growling and Xuan had to pull the man back.  "She isn't going anywhere near that lunatic. You keep my Hua out of this, Zhuocheng", Rong raged and Zhuocheng muttered a, "Yep, thought so."  "This matter clearly needs a little thought. We will think of something", Yibo intervened and shot Rong a look that had him stepping back. "Alright, let us know whatever you decide." Saying the words Zhuocheng and Zi Yi got up and left the Lan territory followed by their protectors. "I feel funny", Zhan said suddenly and ran to his bedroom followed by a distressed Wang Yibo. Yibo heard Zhan throw up and rubbed his mate's back, his hands sweating. "Better?", Yibo asked wiping Zhan's mouth and Zhan's lips curved into a smile. "Yeah. I think it's going to be long nine months."

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