38. Dangerous on his good days...

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Wang Yibo stared right ahead at the group of men sparring and his eyes gleamed with satisfaction at how fast, lethal and ruthless they were. Yibo had hoped his men would be merciless...he needed them to be. They had to be strong enough to finish off Xie Chong and Yibo had to make sure his family was protected from the danger that lurked around them. He knew the fight between him and the cougars was inevitable and that it was near. Xie Chong had started to gather his forces and while he was trying to be subtle about it, not much escaped the Lan Alpha. Yibo's clenched into fists at the rage burning within him and he focused harder on the men and wolves sparring before him. He watched on as a vampire took hold off a dark wolf with white undercoat in his grip crushing the wolf's bones and like a whip the wolf broke through pinning the vamp underneath him in a fancy move. Many around them had stopped to watch the two fight and the wolf shifted lightning fast, wiping the sweat off his bare chest barely batting an eyelid. "How did you do that?", Su Nian asked appearing intrigued and Wen Lun shrugged a shoulder as if he had not just managed to pin a hundred year old vampire under him within a second. "I have roamed around for quite a few years and have tagged along with different kinds of people. I have picked on some stuff." His explanation was simple but there was a gleam in Wen Lun's eyes that screamed that it wasn't as easy as he let on. Yibo himself was impressed by the man's strength and intelligence. Su Nian gave the man a respectable nod before taking his position again. "One more time", he said and with a smirk Wen Lun lunged at him shifting mid air. "He is proving himself to be an asset", said a voice from behind and Yibo let out a content sigh as arms rounded his waist and his firecracker rested his chin on his shoulder. "I heard from Xuan and Rong that he had a few pointers to give them when you guys were training. FanXing has also been singing praises ever since they started sparring together", Zhan continued and Yibo hummed as he enveloped Zhan's hands with his own. Zhan smiled against Yibo's neck amused at Yibo's lack of words. "Don't have anything to say?", Zhan asked with a laugh and nipped Yibo's neck when the Alpha just grunted. "All I do is talk about this with you these days. I don't want to spoil our time together anymore", said the Lan Alpha and Zhan kissed Yibo's shoulder sinking into his mate's body. "You aren't spoiling our time together. This is my fight too. I want to help anyway I can." "This has already taken up too much of our lives, firecracker. I barely see you and Yuan these days. I just need to...take a breath." The words ended on a whisper and Zhan dropped another kiss to Yibo's neck breathing him in.

Zhan understood Yibo's need to get away because his words were true. All he and Yibo did these days was discussing strategies, holding meetings and making sure they were prepared. It had been this way for the past six weeks. Yibo and Zhan had talked with a lot of Alphas and almost all of them had agreed to give the Lan pack a hand. Yibo and his Enforcers rounded the Lan territory several times a day making sure nothing was amiss. Yibo had his men watching Xie Chong well aware of the fact that the cougar was smart, unpredictable and could strike any moment. Yibo couldn't afford any mistakes so, he had invested most of his time and energy into strengthening his pack. Wolves and vamps were training left and right, setting traps in the woods and Yibo only got to spend time with Zhan at night where all he did was sink into his mate's body and have Zhan hold him. It gutted Yibo that he wasn't spending every minute of his long days with Zhan. His firecracker needed him now more than ever but as much as it angered Yibo, a part of him knew that all of this was to keep his family safe. Willing the dark thoughts in his head away, Yibo closed his eyes as Zhan pressed his lips in a soft kiss under his ear and Yibo sagged into the warm touch. It felt like he hadn't felt his mate's warmth in ages and Yibo pulled Zhan to him tighter, until Zhan's front was snug to his back. "I am here" , Zhan whispered into his ear but it was not enough and Yibo turned around pressing a deep kiss to Zhan's mouth. His tongue delved deep tangling with Zhan's and his teeth dug into the plush lips marking them again. Pulling back Yibo's hands went up Zhan's ass to rest at the bump of Zhan's abdomen and like always the sensation of feeling his child growing in his firecracker had Yibo's heart pumping hard. "You did it again." Yibo's head shot up at Zhan's words and he found a soft smile on Zhan's lips. "What?" "I have been noticing this since the last few days. Everytime you touch my belly you smile like a goof. It's just for a moment and you look so cute." Zhan pinched Yibo's cheeks smiling while his mate's eyes narrowed. "I don't smile like a goof", Yibo retorted only for his mate to laugh again. "I will snap a picture for you the next time. Then we will have this discussion. Wanna tell me what's going on in your head?", Zhan asked with a raise of his eyebrows and a low laugh left him when Yibo groaned burying his head into Zhan's neck. "Okay. Okay. I won't ask you anything about this." "I have heard that pregnant omegas get mean but I never thought you'll do the same to me, Zhan-Zhan", complained Yibo caressing Zhan's belly and a chuckle left Zhan at the dramatic tone. "I was trying to be a good person hoping you would feel good if you talked about it. How am I being mean?" "All I need is to see your face to feel better. It's more than enough but kisses do help if you're taking notes." The words were said in a serious tone and like always the sweet words melted Zhan to a puddle. "You are too good to me, Yibo", Zhan mumbled against the solid chest and felt a kiss drop to his head. "No, firecracker. You are too good to me. So good and all mine." "Yours? You sure?", Zhan said in a teasing tone and gasped when Yibo palmed his ass roughly. The golden orbs of his Alpha bored holes into him and a moan left Zhan involuntarily at the aggression. "All mine, Xiao Zhan." A hot kiss landed on Zhan's lips that made him weak in the knees and Yibo growled when Zhan dug his hands into his hair. "Want you", Zhan whispered against Yibo's lips and let out a soft grunt when he was pinned against the wall. Warm lips travelled down his neck and his hands were pinned to his sides by Yibo's strong ones while the Alpha growled with overwhelming pleasure. "And this is how babies are made, ladies and gentlemen", came a snicker from nearby and both Alphas turned their heads to the door snarling at their head enforcer.

Yibo fixed Zhan's shirt, his eyes cold and form filled with annoyance but like always his cousin pretended as if Yibo wasn't about to blow a fuse. "Shouldn't you be training?", Zhan hissed from behind Yibo and Haoxuan crossed his arms across his chest rolling his eyes. "Rein in those little pregnant snarls, Zhan. I just came here to give Yibo a message." "What is it?", Yibo questioned his enforcer leading Zhan to the chair where his firecracker sat down, clearly miffed by the interruption. "Huang Ji Han called. He has offered to fight alongside you. Said that he will fulfill his duties as our ally. What should I tell him?" Yibo couldn't help the way his muscles tensed under the mention of Huang Yifeng's father and Zhan rubbed his hands over Yibo's back in a gesture of comfort. "He doesn't need to get involved. I'll tell him I appreciate the offer, though." "You still don't trust him", Zhan supplied and Yibo's lips thinned. "No matter what, Huang Yifeng died at my hands. Ji Han gave us no inclination that he will fight us but there are a lot of people in his pack who might feel differently-" "Huang Xiyin tops that list", Xuan intervened and Yibo nodded his head in a stiff motion turning to his mate. "I don't trust the men in his pack and they won't step onto my territory where they can hurt you. I'll deal with Huang Ji Han." "Alright." Dropping a kiss to Zhan's head, Yibo walked out of the room leaving Xuan and Zhan behind. "Have you had anything to eat? Want me to fix you something?", Xuan asked and the question made Zhan smile. "And get food poisoning? You are capable of many things but a kitchen is not where we should leave you alone, Xuan. Don't worry, I have already eaten. Yibo,An and FanXing are constantly monitoring my meals and supplements. They make sure I don't miss anything." Saying the words, Zhan rubbed a hand over his belly and saw a warm look descend onto his Enforcer's face. "Imagining what Jiyang will look like when you have successfully knocked him up?", Zhan said with a laugh and while Haoxuan's lips quirked at the words, he shook his head in a no. "Not that. It's about Yibo." A questioning look marked Zhan's features and Xuan rubbed his palms on his thighs a small smile on his face. "I haven't seen Yibo this way in a very long time. Ever since you came into his life, you became his anchor. It's hard to explain but Yibo became more grounded, sort of... softened." Haoxuan took a seat his tone somber as he spoke. "I have known Yibo since I was a kid, Zhan. He was always meant to lead this pack and we knew he would be a good Alpha. When Shuang-jie betrayed Kuan-ge, the Lan pack was on the verge of crumbling and Yibo single handedly turned the tables. He realized that this pack was his responsibility and he has been a great Alpha to us. Everything he did was for this pack but when you came we finally saw the change in him. He smiles more, isn't as hot headed as he used to be and it's all because of you. But now-" "Now?" "I am seeing more of that same past Yibo in him these days. The aggression, the coldness...its back. Xie Chong has fucked him up. He needs you now more than ever, Zhan. When Yibo succumbs to the darkness in his head, it's hard to bring him back from it. If anything happens to you, Yuan or the child in you...to say that Yibo will go insane is an understatement. A man like Yibo is dangerous on his good days. I don't even want to know what he'll do if he loses it." "Nothing like that will happen", Zhan said reassuringly, refusing to believe any other alternative. "For everyone's sake I hope that's the case, Zhan. Because if there's one thing that I have learned in this life it's that Yibo is a mean motherfucker. You touch "The Phoenix", you prepare to go up in flames. Xie Chong won't survive him."

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