7. We need to share information, baby...

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"Zhan!! Zhan!!", Zhan hurriedly made his way down from the stairs hearing He Di screaming his name. "It's Yibo", were the only words Hedi said and Zhan followed him to Yibo's office, finding Xuan lying on the ground and his mate snarling and growling in front of him. Rong, Guo Cheng and Wang An were standing out of the office, still as statues and Zhan motioned them to get away from the door and let him through. They moved away, their eyes worried and peeking inside Yibo's office Zhan finally saw why everyone was freaking out. The dominant vibes in the air were so intense they were suffocating and Zhan had never...never seen anger like this in Yibo's form before. Yibo's claws had marked the table he worked on and the shattered chair in the corner gave Zhan the impression that Yibo was terribly pissed off. Zhan unmasked his scent and slowly stepped into the room, his face not showing any of his confusion and anxiety. "Wang Haoxuan, step outside", he commanded and the enforcer slowly sat up to follow the orders of his Alpha's mate. In authority, Zhan was next to Yibo as he was Yibo's bonded mate and every wolf in the Lan territory had to follow his orders just as they followed Yibo's. The enforcer eyed his Alpha and then Zhan, moving to stand slowly and carefully. Zhan made his way to Yibo and bared his throat as his Alpha growled dangerously. "Yibo, calm down. It's okay", he spoke gently and Yibo's growls stopped as the golden orbs focused on Zhan. For a moment nothing happened but suddenly Zhan was pinned against the wall, Yibo's mouth was on his and a hiss left Zhan when Yibo's teeth dug into his lower lip. He moved his head away as lips travelled to his neck and his hands made their way around Yibo's neck as Zhan caressed Yibo's head, murmuring soft words to the Alpha. "Come back to me, Alpha", he spoke gently and gasped when Yibo's hard length dug into him. Yibo's hand dove under his shirt and the palm spread over his lower back, the heat building in Zhan as Yibo ground himself harder against him. The buttons on his shirt were undone and Yibo's mouth latched onto his neck, sucking hard. Zhan saw the pack members staring at both of them and he pulled Yibo up, hugging him again. Yibo got annoyed at the move and claws pricked the base of Zhan's spine but Zhan held Yibo tight. "Your pack members are worried for you. They are all standing outside." Zhan said the words breathing heavily and the words penetrated Yibo's haze.

Yibo turned around and saw his pack members standing outside the door, all eyeing him and Zhan with fear and worry. A growl left him again and he covered Zhan's chest, blocking him from everyone's view. Wolves were known to be open and nakedness wasn't something that the wolves were ashamed of. Yibo had himself seen half of his pack naked when they went on pack runs but he couldn't stand of thought of someone seeing Zhan like that. Zhan was only his. It was a primal thought, one that Yibo wasn't proud of but Zhan didn't give him shit over it. His firecracker had realised it pretty soon that Yibo didn't like others watching him so he never shifted in front of the pack. Even now when Yibo was going half crazy from anger, his first thought was that he had to hide Zhan. People could call him shallow but Yibo knew that someone like his firecracker could never go unnoticed. His perfect body could make any man a sinner and Yibo had to protect what was his. "Sit down", Zhan told him pulling a chair and Yibo took Zhan with him, sitting down with Zhan in his lap, his face buried in Zhan's chest. "I have never seen you so angry before. What happened?", Zhan asked softly and for a moment, Yibo thought of lying. He didn't want Zhan to worry about that stupid stalker but it was essential for Zhan to know for his own safety. "Remember that guy in the Hall today?" "Which one?", his mate asked with a frown and Yibo's jaw clenched as he took the man's name. "Are you still angry over that? I told you-" Zhan stopped speaking when he saw the weird look on Yibo's face. "Xuan!" The enforcer entered the room at the call and Yibo took a deep breath. "Show him the photos." Yibo saw the enforcer set up another laptop and a few seconds later Zhan was frowning as he stared at the screen. "How did we not notice?" "Everyone was pretty drunk that night. He was careful, he was always out of focus but that doesn't change the fact that he is still there", Xuan answered Zhan and Yibo growled thinking he had made a mistake by not paying attention. A big fucking mistake. He looked at Zhan who was staring at the screen and tried to feel what Zhan was feeling through their mating bond and found confusion amidst all the emotions. "I have never seen him before. I don't why he would do this", Zhan turned to Yibo and the lack of fear in Zhan's eyes eased Yibo a little. He wouldn't have been able to handle it if Zhan was scared. His wolf was already clawing at his insides, telling Yibo to hunt down the man who wanted his mate and Yibo tried real hard to control himself. Zhan caressed his head softly, scrolling through the pictures and Yibo realised he needed words from his Zhan-Zhan. "Tell me you are okay", he said smoothing a finger over his mate's forehead and Zhan leaned into the touch. "I am. Just a little weirded out though. Should we go ask him what he wants?", Zhan asked and Yibo scowled. Yibo knew exactly what the sick Alpha wanted. He wanted something that would never be his. "You are not getting anywhere near this fucker." Yibo turned to his pack members and pinned each one with a cold look. "If any of you see him anywhere near my mate, rip his fucking throat out. I don't want him anywhere near my Zhan. Am I clear?"  A chorus of,  "Yes, Alpha" rang in the room and Zhan kissed Yibo's head, calming him down. "Zhan? Yibo?", Yubin called their names suddenly and Yibo saw the Alpha come in his office with a worried face. "What's wrong?", Zhan asked immediately and Yibo stood up as well. "It's Chun Hua. She was attacked."

The Lan wolves entered the Jiang Alpha's house and Yibo saw his firecracker dash to where the Jiang Alpha pair, the former Alpha and Chun Hua were sitting. "Hua! Are you okay?", Zhan asked checking her over and the girl nodded. "Zi Yi healed me", she confessed but there was no hiding the ugly mark she had on her neck. It must have been a hell of a bite because even after Zi Yi's efforts the scar was prominent. "That bastard", Zhan cursed seething and a low dangerous growl emerged from behind Yibo. "What the fuck happened?", Xuan asked and Hua wiped a tear from her face sniffling softly. "I was coming home when a guy came in front of my car. It was so sudden, I got scared and I thought he was injured so I got out. He jumped on me instantly. He shoved my face onto the ground hard and things went crazy from there-" "Did he touch you?", Yibo's enforcer growled harshly and the deadly air around him had a lot of brows rising. "No. He t-tried but I..I fought him off", Chun Hua whispered and Yibo smirked inwardly when Wang Rong shouldered past everyone and lifted Chun Hua in her arms. "Where is her room?", he questioned. "I can walk on my own", Hua tried and Rong scowled at her. "This isn't a discussion, Chun Hua", he growled and turned to Zi Yi. "Her room", he spat the two words and Zi Yi gave him the directions frowning at the intimate way Rong was holding her best friend. The man stomped away in the given direction and Zhan turned to the Lan wolves with an open mouth. "When did this happen?", Zhan asked no one in particular and Yibo answered his mate, "Our mating ceremony." Yibo had seen their party planner and his enforcer get well acquainted against a wall. "You mean to say it has been going on for two years?", Zhan asked with a deep frown on his face and Yibo shrugged. "Forget it. What about who attacked her. Did you guys find him?", Zhan turned to Zhuocheng who shook his head, his jaw clenched. "She somehow fought the guy off and got into her car. She didn't see his face and told us that he smelled "wrong" somehow. Maybe he was wearing that scent and hiding his own." The Lan wolves cursed lowly and Yibo grabbed his mate's hand, sensing how angry he was. "I will ask around. Find out what happened or if someone saw anything. We will catch him", Yibo assured and Zhan turned to him with fire burning in his eyes. "I will kill him when I find him." "Will your enforcer stay here overnight?", Zi Yi asked and Yibo shrugged a shoulder. "He might. Don't worry, he won't create any scene." Wang Rong was not into making a mess. The man was extremely composed and not much made him lose his shit. Although, seeing the way he behaved around the girl, Yibo was sure Rong won't be the same ever again.

"What? Rong? Why didn't I know?", Jiyang turned to his mate with an angry look on his face, the juice in his hand sloshing around and Xuan shook his head. "I didn't know either, kitten. Only Yibo knew and he didn't tell anyone." "Seriously, Yibo. We have been together for years. When will you understand?", Zhan asked Yibo on an exasperated sigh and Yibo frowned. "What am I not understanding?" "That we need to share information, baby. You never tell me these things", Zhan grumbled and Yibo stared at his mate. "I always tell you things", he defended himself after a minute and Zhan scoffed. "Oh really? Then what about that time when you knew about Haoxuan and Jiyang's history, what about that guy you beat up for cheating on An and what about Hedi crying over the toilet? You knew he liked that girl from Yuan's school. Also that manager of yours that wanted to get into Kuan-ge's pants.." "What about Xize's girlfriend? You didn't tell us that either", came Haoxuan's voice and Yibo's eyes narrowed at the way he was being accused. "It's not my business", Yibo glared at the three and Zhan slumped over the chair. "How will I spend my life with this man?", he whined and Yibo was very offended. "This man? I am your mate!", he growled and Zhan shot him an angry look. "Mates share information, Wang Yibo. Xuan tells Jiyang everything." "Xuan tells everyone everything!", Yibo retorted and Xuan shot him a smug smile. "It's not my fault people confide in me." "You torture info out of people, you bastard", Yibo snarled at his enforcer. Zhan huffed at his mate and Yibo hated seeing Zhan mad at him. "Can we just skip this conversation and go to our room? I need to talk to you, Zhan." "You don't want to talk to me. You want to sex me up and then make me forgive you by giving me like a million orgasms." "There's nothing wrong in giving my mate orgasms. Let's go, firecracker." "What's an orgasm?", came a small voice from behind them and Jiyang spat his juice out, coughing violently as Xuan patted his mate's back scowling at Wang Yibo. "Can't you keep your voice down? Now who will explain that word to your little devil?", Xuan hissed at his Alpha. "Are you okay, kitten?" "Yeah...just. That was unexpected." "What's an orgasm, dad?", Yuan asked again and Yibo saw his mate shooting him a weird look before he walked to their son. "Your daddy knows that word best, little pumpkin. Ask him." Yibo turned his eyes to Zhan in panic and found him smiling devilishly. The sudden urge to spank his mate's ass rose in Yibo and he turned to his son who was pouting with everything in him. "It's a fruit, pumpkin. A fruit." A snicker left the others in the room and Yibo closed his eyes for a moment. "Uncle Xuan will tell you more about it, buddy. I need to talk to your father." Yibo didn't hear another word and dragged a laughing Zhan with him.

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