13. It's not him...

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A knock came on Zhan's door and then someone called out his name. "Zhan?" Zhan had just stepped out of the shower and he wore the first set of clothes he saw, opening the door wide. "Fan xing? Is Yibo okay?" The young man before him nodded but asked Zhan to follow him immediately. Zhan followed the man out all the way to the clearing and found the Lan wolves all standing in a group facing away from him. Zhan walked in long strides and shouldered past everyone only to stop at the sight of the young woman before him. Zhan could see it was another Omega who had been attacked by the shifter. Her arm was covered in scratches, she had a busted lip and there was no hiding the claiming mark on her neck. Zhan felt bile rise in his throat at the sight of her and hatred burned in him for the monster who had done something like this to her. The woman was shaking and her hand was clutching Yibo's in a death grip, a sight that made Zhan a little uneasy. The others were also a little miffed at seeing the woman so close to their Alpha but they chose to keep quiet. "Who was it?", Zhan asked and Yibo eyed the woman before taking the name. "Wen Lun."
Zhan was pacing in Yibo's study while his mate talked to Han Yi on the phone, discussing what was to be done with Wen Lun. Wang Rong and Haoxuan had gone with Talu's pack to catch Wen Lun and an hour ago Rong had confirmed that they had found him. Zhan worried his lips between his teeth his gut telling him they were making a mistake and he couldn't shake the feeling off. "My wolves will bring him in and I will question him, Han Yi. You will kill him before you get any answers. You are too angry." Yibo heard the Alpha roar at the other end demanding him to hand Wen Lun over and a frown made it's way on Yibo's face at the arrogant tone. "I don't like repeating myself, Han Yi. I won't hand over Wen Lun until I am sure he is responsible for what is happening." Yibo hung up the phone and stood up walking to his mate. He smoothed his firecracker's frown with a kiss and rubbed his back soothingly. "Is it just me or something about this entire thing is bugging you as well?" "I have the same feeling", Yibo acknowledged. "A week ago we had nothing and now in two days time the house came up, the girl was attacked in broad daylight and she recognised Wen Lun as well. It seems as if -" "As if someone is framing Wen Lun", Yibo finished for Zhan. It did seem fishy to Yibo as well. Everything about the matter just seemed staged and while some of the Alphas in their area were convinced, Yibo was not. Which was why he had taken charge and had decided to interrogate Wen Lun himself. If one of the Alphas whose Omegas were killed got their hands on Wen Lun, Yibo was sure the Wen wouldn't even get the benefit of doubt and would be torn apart right there and then.

Later that evening, Yibo sat with Wang Talu and Bai Li discussing Wen Lun while Zhan and Zhuocheng were talking in the corner, his firecracker explaining the matter to the Jiangs. "Do you want us to come as well?", Talu asked and Yibo nodded in confirmation. "I called you both here to take part in the questioning. I expect you to keep an open mind and no matter what the outcome is, you both should be impartial." Yibo's eyes again drifted to his mate who was now talking to Zi Yi and Yibo could guess that Zhan was telling her what the situation looked like. The female appeared distressed and Zhan and Zhuocheng were trying their best to calm her down. Yibo did not know much about Zi Yi's personal relationship with the Wens but his firecracker had told Yibo that Zi Yi was sure that Wen Lun didn't commit the crimes. "Zhan", Yibo called and his firecracker came to his side. "Let's go talk to him." The four men made their way down to the dungeon and like always, Yibo squeezed Zhan's hand as he led his firecracker inside. Yibo felt the chill in the air in the dim place, the scent of old blood and suffering heavy. Unlike the rumours about him, Yibo didn't enjoy inflicting pain. It was a messy, draining process and Yibo preferred it if his foes just talked of their own free will rather than him getting answers the hard way. The men made their way to the small cell and found Haoxuan and Rong standing guard outside. "Did he say anything?", Yibo questioned Rong and the man shook his head. With a nod from Yibo his enforcers dragged Wen Lun out of the cell and the Wen Alpha let them, not putting up a fight. Wen Lun was settled on a chair and he stared up at the men before him, a somber look on his face. "I haven't done anything", he said after a pause, eyeing Yibo warily and the Lan Alpha sat before the man, elbows on his knees. "What do you know about the attacks going on, Wen Lun?" "As much as any other wolf. Someone is after Omegas. Forceful claimings and killings." "A woman came onto my territory today and she was attacked in the same way. She says it was you who hurt her." "It wasn't me!" The Wen wolf burst out and the Alphas in the room eyed him disapprovingly. "Lying won't help you, Wen Lun. It will only make us angrier and more inclined to hurt you." "I swear it wasn't me." "Then why is she saying it was you?", Wang Talu intervened in a harsh voice and Wen Lun shook his head in resignation. "I have no idea." "Your word isn't good enough, Wen Lun. After what your family has done, I shouldn't be asking you anything. I should just throw you to those angry Alphas and let them do what they deem fit." "Why haven't you then?", the man asked on a small whisper and Yibo stood up crossing his arms across his chest. "Your adoptive sister believes in your innocence. She says that you aren't capable of something this heinous. While her word means jack shit to me, my mate apparently believes her and wants you to have a fair chance to defend yourself." It was fleeting but Wen Lun glanced at Zhan and Yibo saw gratitude in his eyes. "Tell us whatever you know Wen Lun and save us the trouble of breaking your bones and getting the answer from your corpse. I promised Zi Yi I would get you a chance. Don't make me regret it." Zhan's words were a warning and everyone in the room understood it. Yibo had trouble controlling the haze of lust that shot through his body at that snarky tone. God, he loved it when his firecracker took charge.

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