12. Wen Lun...

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"This isn't going to work, Yibo", Zhan groaned but his Alpha ignored him. Yibo was busy skimming through his files and Zhan wiggled his butt over Yibo's lap to get his attention but all he got was a reprimanding twitch and the grip on his waist got even stronger. "Yibo, I can't work like this", came another complain and Yibo's eyes locked with Zhan's, his brows furrowing. "If rather than squirming and moving about you focused on your work you wouldn't be complaining. If a person is focused they can work anywhere, irrespective of their surroundings." "Yeah, Grandpa. I am neither hardworking nor focused like you but I didn't ask for your lecture. And for your information, I am a designer. Which means that I need my hands to work and it's impossible to do so if you are holding onto them." Zhan made a show of trying to move his hands which were entwined with Yibo's and Yibo stared down at their hands considering his mate's words. Zhan thought Yibo would let him go but at the last moment the Alpha changed his mind and shook his head. "How about you hold my left hand? I will work with the other one and stop whining", Zhan suggested gently and after a while Yibo took hold of his left hand, setting the right one free. Zhan worked for a while and then moved about on Yibo's lap, once again letting out a groan. "Aren't your legs numb? I have been sitting on your lap for a while now." Zhan had said the words with a soft smile but Yibo turned to him with accusing eyes. "You want to leave my lap now? You just need a reason to get away from me. They are my legs and they are perfectly fine. You keep your ass here until I tell you otherwise, Clear?" "Okay. Okay. Don't be a grump", Zhan teased and smiled at the annoyed huff that left Yibo. After the fiasco two days ago, Yibo had glued himself to Zhan's side. Glued. Yibo had been clingy before but now he had crossed all levels and he was as Xuan mentioned, "downright desperate". Yibo refused to leave Zhan even for a second and when Zhan called him out on it, "I am not being clingy. You just don't give me enough attention", was his only response. Zhan let Yibo do it. He let Yibo cuddle and coddle him as much as the Alpha wanted. He knew Yibo was in his own way trying to apologize to him. According to Yibo, he wasn't a man of sweet words which honestly was a big lie but he made up for it with his actions.
Zhan had been angry with Yibo. So fucking angry that he had wanted to give his mate a mean punch to the face but when Yibo had broken down like that before him, it had frightened Xiao Zhan. He had no idea Yibo was in so much pain. He knew that them not being true mates bothered Yibo but he had never thought that the issues ran so deep. His sweet, complex man had been going through so much alone and Zhan felt guilty for not seeing it before. He should have paid more attention when Yibo told him that he didn't like that they weren't fated. He should have known that Huang YiFeng's presence would fuck Yibo up. Zhan hadn't seen it coming and Yibo had taken an irrational step. Zhan knew he couldn't make up for the pain Yibo was feeling but he let Yibo do whatever the wanted. He let Yibo stick to him all day, he let Yibo feed him, he sat on Yibo's lap while the man was working and when at night Yibo looked at him, Zhan went into his Alpha's arms, no questions asked. He was ready to do anything if only his mate stopped hurting.

The two men worked diligently for almost a half an hour before Yibo's phone rang. Zhan saw it was Wang Talu and passed Yibo the phone. "Hm....Fine....I will send Rong....Okay." The call ended and a smile came on Zhan's lips. "What?", Yibo asked and Zhan shook his head. "I was just thinking that your phone calls don't last really long. My grumpy grandpa doesn't really like to talk", Yibo kissed the corner of his mouth and a playful smirk was on Yibo's lips as he spoke, "I talk to you. That's all that matters and you need to stop calling me grandpa or else I will slam you on my desk and show you just how much of a hot blooded man I am." "Promises, promises", Zhan teased before asking Yibo about the phone call. "What was Talu saying? I heard something about an abandoned house." "He found an abandoned house near Hua was attacked. It is well hidden but it looks like someone has been there. He asked me to look into it." Zhan gave a slow nod and Yibo shot Rong a text to find out who the house belonged to. "Tired?", Zhan asked and Yibo let out a deep sigh. Zhan closed his laptop and turned to Yibo with open arms. "Come here." The Alpha buried himself in his mate's arms and smiled when Zhan raked a hand through his head. "Xiao Zhan" "Hm?" "Xiao Zhan" "Hm?" "Xiaoooo Zhannn" Zhan let out a laugh at the call and Yibo kissed his mate's neck softly. "Tell me you love me", Yibo demanded and like always Zhan responded with, "I love you" almost immediately. "You won't leave me, right?" Yibo had asked the same question so many times in the last two days, Zhan had lost count. He raised his Alpha's head and gazed into his mate's eyes before kissing Yibo deep. "I will never leave you. This lifetime and the next ones, remember?" Yibo nodded after his words and Zhan poked Yibo's cheeks until his Alpha smiled. Zhan was smiling too but his smile dropped when his thoughts went to a certain Alpha and his face turned serious. "Don't let his words play with your head. I will never leave your side. I love you and that is never going to change. If anything bothers you, let's talk about it, okay?" Yibo nodded and it looked like Yibo wanted to say something. "Tell me", Zhan prompted and Yibo gave him a sheepish smile. "My leg is numb. Can we move to the bed? You are getting kinds heavy." Zhan swatted his mate's chest and stood up from his lap massaging his sore back. The last few days had been bad for his waist. "I shouldn't have let you do me against the wall. My back is aching", Zhan grumbled, stretching his body and Yibo gave him a smug smile. "You love it when I take you against the wall. Your screams are louder." The Alpha imitated the erotic sound and Zhan slapped his hand on Yibo's mouth. "Shut up." Yibo laughed and kissed Zhan and was in the process of taking his shirt off when his cell buzzed. "Argghh", Yibo growled, angry at the interruption  and Zhan chuckled before telling him to check it. Yibo's face changed when he saw the text and Zhan asked him what had happened. "The house belongs to Wen Xiu's elder son. Wen Lun."

"I know you guys are skeptical but it can't be Wen Lun. In all the years I was in the Wen territory, Lun was the only person I found who held any sort of compassion for the Omegas. He tried to convince my adoptive father and He Peng to change their ways. He went as far as setting some of the Omegas free and was banished from the pack because of it. Just because he was born a Wen doesn't mean he is like his father and brother." Zhuocheng placed a hand over his mate's and Zi Yi let out a deep breath. "Maybe we should keep an eye on him for now. If he is innocent...fine but if anything's fishy we will catch him", Zhan suggested and Yibo nodded in total agreement. "If there is anything personal you know about Wen Lun you need to tell us, Zi Yi. His mate, his job, any hideouts or any incident that might point us in the right direction. Think over it in detail and let us now", Zhan instructed and the woman nodded her head. "I'll go check on Chun Hua", Zhan announced and both him and Zi Yi left the room to find the Omega. Yibo asked JiLi to find out everything he could on Wen Lun and his assistant informed him that he would do it by the end of the day. "Where is Haoxuan?", Yibo questioned Rong and the enforcer said that he didn't know. "He's acting a little weird. So is Jiyang. I saw him crying last night and asked Xuan about it but he just glared and told me to mind my own business. He has been a little off then usual." Yibo had sensed it too. Today morning Xuan had come to Yibo saying that Xize wanted to meet him. Yibo had discussed some things with his head enforcer and he could see Xuan was distracted. But, Yibo knew Xuan wouldn't come to him even if things were really bad. His cousin was hard headed and didn't like others meddling in his business. "If it's related to Jiyang, you stay out of it", Yibo advised his enforcer and Rong nodded. "Zhan told me about your intentions with the girl. Are you sure about it, Rong?" Rong looked at him and Yibo could see that his enforcer was surprised. Yibo didn't go out of his ways to be there for everyone and have emotional talks with his packmates but he cared about his wolves. "I am sure about her, Yibo", the enforcer responded and Yibo fully turned towards the man.

"Talu told me you haven't been visiting your old pack", Yibo prompted and a look of guilt came on Rong's face. "I just don't want to make anything awkward. Last time I was there, she was trying to get too close and Xincheng didn't like it. They got into a fight and it got messy. You know I don't like making a mess." Yibo knew Rong didn't and he admired the man for his self control. Rong had a bright future once. He was going to lead the Wang pack someday and would have been a great Alpha to his Omega as well. Unfortunately, Rong had found the girl too late and she had chosen someone else before Rong. Yun Ming was mated to Xincheng, a wolf in the Wang pack and to see his mate happy and smiling with someone else was torture for Rong. The mating pull he felt had started to cause him pain and when things got truly out of control, Rong had left his pack and his future to start afresh. Yibo had found Rong at Aura, hammered and angry. He had beaten two of Yibo's wolves to a pulp. Yibo hadn't asked Rong many questions. He had challenged Wang Rong to a duel and on winning he had offered Wang Rong a position in the Lan pack. The man had agreed and hadn't looked back. It was years later that Wang Rong had given Yibo the full story and Yibo respected his enforcer even more since then. If Yibo was in his place and Zhan had decided to be with someone else, Yibo would have killed the man and he wouldn't have lost a wink of sleep over it. Rong was a righteous man, had been selfless for his mate's happiness and if Chun Hua accepted him, she was going to be one lucky woman. "Chun Hua is a good woman and you both will be good together. I hope things work out for you and her." Yibo said the words in his usual, flat tone and it made his enforcer laugh. "Zhan is a good influence on you, Alpha. Your words still sound scary but thank you." Yibo mouth twitched in a smile and he turned his eyes to find his mate. Zhan was sitting with Yuan on his lap, pulling Mi-er's cheeks and the sight melted Yibo's cold heart. "Thank you, Yibo", Rong smiled saying the words and Yibo saw Rong's eyes stuck onto Chun Hua. "You did save me back then. Gave me a purpose to move on in life. I also thought that true mates were everything and I wouldn't ever find my happiness without Yun Ming. Seeing you and Zhan together, it gave me hope. When I see you both together, it isn't any different from seeing Xuan and Jiyang with each other. You have a strong bond with Zhan and that is what I want for myself and Hua. You and Zhan fit each other, Alpha. So what if Huang YiFeng is who fate thought would suit Zhan more. Everyone knows no one can love Xiao Zhan the way you do. Your pack knows it, Zhan knows it...I guess you need to remember that too."

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