42. We wanted more!!

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The silvery grey wolf rushed towards the cougar jumping over the animal, his teeth snapping as he went. The female avoided the strike at the last moment twisting away and aimed for the wolf's ear, biting onto it hard enough to draw blood. The wolf let out a loud bark and his paws slashed out towards the cougar's belly making her jump away. Blood coated the wolf's claws and he snarled at the cougar who was growling at him. The two animals circled each other and giving her no chance to put herself together, the wolf barreled into the cougar pinning her under him. The cougar squirmed and twisted about in the firm grip but couldn't escape and Zhan's wolf laid a heavy paw over the animal's throat ceasing all of her movements. He was a breath away from crushing the bones underneath his paws when three cougars crashed into him, knocking him across the floor with a yelp. They descended upon him with their claws and teeth and Zhan raised his muzzle and claws, digging his teeth into one and claws into the other, ripping the two animals apart simultaneously. The cougars whimpered as they landed on the ground and Zhan's wolf stood up again, his amber eyes focusing of the cougar before him once again. Licking the blood off its muzzle, the grey wolf rushed towards his opponent knocking her to the side. The cougar hissed and giving her no time to get her bearings, Zhan pounced over her, pinning her under him. Snarling, he bit hard on the cougar's shoulder and her neck, drawing blood. The scent of her blood permeated the air and a bark came from behind Zhan and his head turned. He saw an off grey Wang An, wrestle five of the cougars to the ground and when she yelped in pain, FanXing and Haikuan came to her aid. The sight of the dead cougars satiated Zhan but it couldn't give him the satisfaction the female cougar's death would. He turned his attention back to the squirming cougar who tried to bite off his muzzle and just as Zhan evaded the fangs a harsh swipe of claws came towards Zhan's vulnerable belly again. The grey wolf dodged the move, clamping his teeth onto the cougar's ear, tearing it off. The cougar yelped out loud, blood flowing from the torn flesh and Zhan's wolf dropped the detached ear from his mouth, the fear clinging to the cougar satisfying him. Blood was trickling down the wounds she had made on the silvery grey wolf and despite the fact that they weren't deep and the cougar had far worse injuries, Zhan felt his patience snap. Letting out an enraged growl, the grey wolf stepped harshly onto the cougar's throat and the sound of cracking bones echoed into the forest. The cougar whined and the motion exposed her throat to the wolf who without any hesitation dove his muzzle into it and clamping his teeth hard around the fur and flesh pulled with all his might. Blood overflowed the wolf's mouth but the wolf only tasted victory. This female had asked Zhan's Yibo to forsake him, had tried to hurt his pup. Only her rotting flesh could calm the rage inside Zhan. Nothing else would do.

The black wolf threw off yet another cougar off him galloping through the forest, his only goal to reach his mate. The scent of blood settled heavily into the air as Yibo ran and as soon as he broke through the trees, he skidded to a halt. His beautiful, silvery grey wolf stood over a dead cougar, one Yibo's wolf recognised to be Xie Yili and raising his head up, the grey wolf pinned his amber eyes onto Yibo, letting out a deep growl. Wolves stood beside his mate, licking at the few wounds their Alpha's mate had but Zhan's eyes were latched onto his mate, the gaze unblinking and fierce. The black wolf threw his head back and howled, gathering the attention of every wolf that was fighting on his side. His wolves would come heeding to his call. Yibo saw the dead cougars on the forest floor and the beast roared with fury knowing this wasn't how things were supposed to turn out. Something had gone wrong and his firecracker had had to resort to protecting himself, something Yibo had never wanted for his Zhan-Zhan. It was his responsibility dammit! Yibo's human side pushed at the animal to give up control, wanting to see on his own that his mate was alright and talk to him but the protective instincts were riding the beast hard and he refused to back down. Slowly, the Alpha crossed the distance between him and his Omega his nostrils flaring at the faint scent of blood on his mate. His Omega kept his ears down and fur flat as Yibo approached letting the wolf know that he trusted him. As the two wolves faced each other, the grey wolf licked at the black wolf's muzzle in greeting which the black wolf returned by rubbing their cheeks together. Burying his nose into Yibo's neck, Zhan breathed him in, letting the rich scent of cedar wood and spice ground him and chase all of his worry away. Yibo's human side pushed at him again and this time the wolf relented, giving up the control.

Yibo panted as he shifted back, his chest heaving with the force of his breathing and sweat beading on his body. His eyes took in the beautiful wolf before him and he scratched his mate's ears, dropping his head to the wolf's. Pulling back he took note of every injury that was inflicted upon his mate, his eyes narrowing and filling with rage at the blood matting his mate's fur and he swore he would make the men responsible pay. "I need you to shift back, Zhan", said Yibo and amber eyes looked at him but Zhan didn't shift. The wolf whined instead, licking away the injuries on Yibo's shoulder growling at the gashes on his side. "I need you to tell me what happened here, firecracker. Come back to me. We will-" The words died on Yibo's tongue as Zhan snarled at something behind him, coming in front of Yibo, his nostrils flared and his stance protective.Yibo looked behind him and saw a few Alphas he had allied with come towards him with their packs. His brows furrowed when he saw the men walking towards him, something just seemed off to him and the frown morphed into a full blown scowl when he saw cougars standing with them. The sound of bones cracking echoed in the territory and the Lans were found glaring at group before them, their eyes breathing fire. "What's the meaning of this, Ming Fan?", growled Haikuan but the Alpha's before him remained mum. "What do you think?", came the question and Xie Chong stepped forward his eyes misting over his daughter's carcass before they turned hard as diamonds. "I will make sure you pay for that, mutt", the man said hoarsely and the wolf beside Yibo growled even louder. "I told you before, Yibo. When cougars decide to battle they don't even leave a dog behind. I am sure you must have heard that we aren't the most righteous of shifters. We can stoop to any level to get what we want." The Lan wolves snarled at the realisation that they have been betrayed. They had been set up by them men whom they had trusted and that knowledge resonated deep within all of them. "Why?", was all Yibo said to the group of men before him, men he had trusted and Wu An stepped forth with a frown on his face. "Because we are tired living in fear, Wang Yibo. We are tired of the Lan pack scaring us. We thought that with our alliance we would gain favours from your pack. That we would have your rogues at our disposal when need be. But, you? You refuse to give it to us. We wanted more!!" "The Lan pack has always used violent means to deal with matters. Everytime one of us wanted to challenge you or have a battle for your territory, the stories about those abominations were retold to scare us. We can't live like this anymore. If your death gives us peace, it isn't a big price to pay", finished Ming Fan and Yibo's wolves growled at the man.

"This has nothing to do with rogues", came Zi Teng's voice who pinned each Alpha with a hard gaze as he came to stand beside his son. The other Lan wolves and Xize's men also reached onto site followed by Talu and Bai Li. "You all have sided with that cougar because you are cowards. You knew you couldn't defeat my son in a battle so you backstabbed him. But this doesn't make you powerful, it makes you a bunch of fools who don't know what's good for them", spat Wang Zi Teng and some of the Alphas did look guilty. Although, their emotions didn't mean jack shit to Yibo now. All of these men were going to die no matter what happened. They would die painfully, slowly because nothing else was acceptable. "What do you possibly mean to achieve by going against Yibo? You all have proved that you aren't men who can be trusted", said Bai Li glaring at Tianyu who was hiding behind the other Alphas. Talu growled dangerously eyeing the Alpha and Tianyu looked a breath away from shitting his pants. "Loyalty is the principle a wolf holds above everything else. How will you assholes ever trust one another after the stunt you have pulled today?", continued Zhuocheng and a snarl from Yibo cut him off. "There won't be any need for them to trust each other", said the Lan Alpha in a glacial tone, the Lan wolves dropping their heads low as their Alpha's rage buzzed in the air. "None of you shall live past today. No fucking one. You said you are doing this because the Lan pack deals with things in a violent way. I'll show you what I am when I am violent. You all are tired of living in fear, aren't you? But, today you will live through your worst nightmares." Yibo turned to his wolves and his voice bellowed into the Lan forest, "None of these men shall escape the Lan territory alive. Hunt them. Kill them." The words rang through the air and lightning fast the Lan Alpha shifted into his wolf form, his hackles raised and fangs snapping together. With his head thrown back the Lan Alpha let out a loud, guttural howl and eyes shot to the edge of the forest when the dark beasts came out. These wolves were going to experience their worse fears today. The rogues were going to finish them off..if they managed to get to these men before Yibo.

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