43. A half-Omega against me?

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The black wolf sank his teeth into the flank of a wolf and bones crushed under the force of his teeth, a long howl of pain leaving the animal. The creamy wolf, Wu An whimpered in Yibo's grip and Yibo threw him hard against a tree trunk, the wolf's lifeless body landing hard on the ground with a loud sound. Blood soaked into the ground, howls of pain and yelps were loud in his surroundings and the sight of his men tearing into his enemies fed Yibo's rage, giving him a sick satisfaction that hummed in his bones. A group of cougars and wolves came in his path and when they lunged at Yibo a flash of silver and grey buzzed past Yibo pouncing on Yibo's foes. The black wolf growled at seeing his mate tear into a brown wolf's belly and when a cougar jumped onto Zhan's back, Yibo's wolf lunged forward slamming into the cougar. The Alpha pair of the Lan pack fought as one, biting into the ones that wished them harm and they were ruthless as they finished off their enemies one by one. The silver-grey wolf tackled a cougar to the ground, biting into its throat and seeing the blood coating his mate's face had the black wolf growling with pleasure. Yibo loved how vicious his mate was. Despite of his half-Alpha nature, the grey wolf had no fear as he charged towards the wolves that posed a threat to Yibo. Alpha or Beta, be it a wolf or a cougar, his firecracker was ruthless as he attacked. Zhan was fast on his legs, each move sure to cause maximum damage and the wolves and cougars alike realized soon that the part-Alpha was no easy target. No one singled Zhan out, moving to form a group so they could subdue the Lan Alpha's mate. A group of cougars moved to crowd Zhan and Yibo trotted forward, growling as he went and their gazes flickered with fear seeing the unhinged look on the black beast's face. A low, chilling growl left Yibo and the cougars changed their minds, backing away in fear. They ran away but there was really nothing that could save them anymore. The rogues stood in their path and with no warning they jumped onto the cougars causing their pained yelps to echo through the Lan forest. Zhan stood in front of Yibo, his Alpha instincts riding him to protect his mate and the same emotions were hounding Yibo as he stood tall behind his firecracker, eyeing everyone who would be a threat.

The idea to ambush the Lan pack has been a foolish one, there was no forfeiting that fact. The Lan wolves had been fighting tooth and nail before but now that they knew of their enemies' intentions, after tasting betrayal from their own kind, the wolves were beyond pissed. A dark grey Haikuan had lunged over the Alphas that had been standing before him and had ripped their bellies off with a single swipe. Bai Li had taken over five wolves while Wen Lun and Si Ming flanked his sides. Tianyu had seen Talu's dark brown wolf and the cowardly white wolf had run for his life, only for the dark brown wolf to overpower him and rip his throat out. The Lan wolves tried to ensure that no one got close enough to their Alpha pair but it was easier said than done. Initially, the wolves had thought they were only there to fight the cougars so it was easier to single enemies out and attack but now that their own kind had sided with Xie Chong, it was harder to differentiate among friends and foes. One top of it all, there were too many fucking cougars! Every wolf and vamp alike stood against half a dozen enemies and it was harder to defend themselves as well as keep attacking their challengers. But, none of that deterred them. They were still viciously fighting and still brutally killing the ones that had dared to stand against them. Xie Chong and Ming Fan still stood in their human forms behind the wall of wolf and cougar shifters that protected them but with the way the vampires and wolves on Yibo's side were handling them, it was only a matter of time they reached their throats and it was something that the two shifters realised soon enough. There was only one way of bringing the Lan Alpha to his knees and that was through Xiao Zhan. Ming Fan nodded at his beta and the beta wolf instructed the ones under him to proceed towards the half-Omega. A group of around twenty wolves and even more cougars banded together and zeroed in Zhan's direction. The Alpha pair saw the animals heading their way and both wolves growled louder, dashing towards their enemies. It was a move that Ming Fan had anticipated being a wolf himself and on his second command, the wolves got to work in separating the Alpha pair. The animals attacked Zhan and Yibo from both sides. They were swiping their claws against Zhan's belly, forcing the sliver-grey animal to be defensive and the Lan Alpha's focus was divided at killing his challengers as well as trying to protect his mate. A wolf took advantage as Yibo's wolf fought with the cougars and bit on the black wolf's hide hard, drawing a high pitched bark from the Alpha's mouth. The sound made Zhan turn in his mate's direction and a hard body slammed into him, forcing him feets away from Yibo. Zhan righted himself immediately snarling aggressively but the scheme of the cougars and Alphas had worked. The Alpha pair was separated and Zhan let out a chilling growl as the group of cougars and wolves parted, bringing Ming Fan to the front. The man cast a glance in Yibo's direction who charged towards Zhan only for a group of wolves to tackle him to the ground. The Alpha snarled and growled as he fought, wanting to go to his mate.

"Your mate shouldn't have crossed us", began Ming Fan and the wolf before him growled, his lips pulled over his blood-stained teeth and gums. "Only if he had agreed to be a part of us, none of this would have happened, Xiao Zhan. But, Wang Yibo wants to rule over us. I can't let that happen." Zhan's wolf couldn't understand the words but he knew one thing, this man had betrayed his Yibo, had conspired against Zhan's pack and was possibly out to harm the life inside him. The reasons were enough to kill the bastard. Zhan's hackles rose and Ming Fan clicked his tongue knowing the half-Omega was going to attack him. "A half-Omega standing against me. The mere idea is laughable", said the man with a smirk and Zhan snarled again. "This will end with your death. And, I promise you, Xiao Zhan. Yibo will follow you soon to the afterlife. He will be right behind you." The man shifted with the speed of an experienced shifter and a heartbeat later there was a sandy wolf standing before Zhan, a wolf inches taller and clearly packing more muscle than the half-Alpha before him. The sandy wolf snapped his teeth together, a move clearly to intimidate Zhan but the one before him was not scared easy and Zhan's wolf dashed forward aggressively, slamming itself against the sandy wolf. Ming Fan had not expected the blatant attack and he growled, crashing into Zhan again with the intention of pinning him to the ground. The sandy wolf had thought that due to his half-Alpha nature the wolf will be easy to subdue but he had underestimated Xiao Zhan. Zhan had always known his strengths and weaknesses as a part-Alpha. He had trained since he was fucking five years old with Luo Jian Min and Zhuocheng and his uncle had never gone easy on him. So, if the wolf thought that Zhan was going to die at his hands, Ming Fan was sorely mistaken. Zhan had taken down six full blooded Alpha shifters out once, he had no problem adding this old log to his list. Ming Fan tried to pin Zhan under him, throwing his weight onto the grey wolf but Zhan was extremely fast, dashing out of the wolf's range in seconds. Taking advantage of the difference in their sizes, Zhan used the sandy wolf's strength against him. Growling, the silver-grey wolf circled around snarling and taunting the Alpha. Snarling, the sandy wolf made a mad dash towards Zhan and when the wolf was a breath away, Zhan's wolf crouched low and jumped out of the way, making the sandy wolf's body crash hard against a tree's trunk. The wolf yelped and Zhan bit hard on the wolf's hind leg, making the other yelp louder. Zhan slashed with his claws and bit the other wolf's flank with his teeth, unforgiving in his attacks. The wolves and cougars saw the sandy wolf struggling and came forth to pin Zhan but Wang Zi Teng and Wang Qiren stood before the group in their animal forms making the group wary. Zhan stepped away snarling at his opponent to get up and fight again and as he looked over his shoulder, he saw two black wolves similar to his mate fight the cougars. A vamp, Wu Xize, Zhan recognised tore into the animal's throats with his sharp fangs and Zhan's eyes turned back to his enemy, his teeth snapping together.

Yibo's wolf was covered in wounds courtesy of the animals that had banded against him but the Lan Alpha had emerged victorious in yet another battle, killing each and every shifter that had stood against him. He turned back and saw his mate battling a sandy wolf and rage slammed into Yibo hard at the thought of his firecracker getting so much as a scratch on him. He ran towards his mate but came to a halt as Xie Chong blocked his path. The cougar had a smug look on his face and Yibo saw a picture in his head, blood pouring out the cougar's mouth, his body mangled beyond recognition and the image made Yibo growl lowly. A wolf came barrelling towards Yibo on Xie Chong's instruction and Yibo clamped his mouth on the dark wolf's neck hard, teeth piercing through the thick fur. The wolf's whimper turned into a howl of pain when Yibo dug his muzzle harder into the flesh, refusing to let go and pinned the wolf underneath him. Keeping his eye on the cougar before him, Yibo placed both his forepaws on the wolf's belly and yanked hard with his powerful jaw until the flesh and muscle in his grip gave away. The detached head hung from Yibo's mouth and he walked forward relishing in the way the animals moved away from him. The scent of their fear clogged the air and Yibo dropped the wolf's head on the ground with a loud thump, letting out another ferocious growl. His enemies backed away, the people that had taunted and challenged him minutes before were seconds away from pissing in fear and the knowledge that he had struck that bone deep fear in them, seeing the apprehension in Xie Chong's eyes made a satisfied growl leave Yibo's throat.

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