50. Always you...

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"These little devils", the Lan Alpha hissed just as he woke up and realised his firecracker wasn't in his arms. Yibo pulled on a pair of shorts and made his way down his room, huffing and puffing as he went. His eyes fell on his firecracker who was making a sandwich and Yibo immediately went for his mate's throat. "Ahh!", Zhan hissed swatting Yibo over the head but the Lan Alpha didn't ease his hold. "You sneaked out of our bed again", he complained and his Omega had the audacity to roll his eyes. ROLL HIS EYES. "Don't be dramatic, Yibo. The kids were hungry." "They weren't hungry. They just wanted to take you away from me", Yibo grumbled and the sound made Zhan let out a deep sigh. "Seriously, baby? At seven in the morning? I would appreciate it if your My-kids-want-to-snatch-my-mate routine begins when I've had my coffee. It's way to early for this." "You still don't believe me", Yibo said in disbelief and Zhan turned to him arching a brow. "What? That our kids are taking me away from you? That they scheme to keep both of us apart and yeah one more...that they taunt you how they are succeeding in their little plan. Come on, Yibo. Don't be silly." "You seriously don't believe me", Yibo whispered and to Zhan his mate sounded genuinely hurt. A laugh left him at the words and Yibo didn't like it and retaliated with a sharp bite to his mate's plush mouth. "You might not believe it but I know what they are up to. I am their father. Those two little devils are always hogging you and if you pay me even a sliver of attention they glare at me. Their own freaking father. Can you imagine that?" "No, I can't which is why I don't believe you. They are six and twelve years old, Yibo. They can't tie their shoelaces right. You're just being a brat." Zhan flicked his Alpha's forehead and got backed to the kitchen counter with Yibo's hard length pressing onto him. "Yes, I am. You weren't in bed. You know I get cranky if I don't taste you first thing in the morning. So, be a good boy and give me that sweet mouth, firecracker." Zhan moaned when his mate's tongue stabbed his mouth, hard and demanding just like always. Zhan's hand fisted in Yibo's hair and Yibo pulled Zhan by his waist, plastering himself against every inch of his mate. The two Alphas were breathless when they pulled back and Yibo's mouth glided across Zhan's neck delivering small bites that drove his firecracker crazy. Zhan ground himself against Yibo just as hungry for his mate but he jumped when he heard a loud crash. Xiao Ai stood a few steps away, her lower lip wobbling and Zhan pushed Yibo away. "What happened, peanut?", Zhan checked her over and the little girl hugged him tight. "I just missed my firecracker."
Yibo stood with his arms across his chest staring at his "angelic" daughter steal his mate right under his nose. Her arms were locked around Zhan's neck and she gave Yibo a smirk. A six year old, smirked at the Lan Alpha. The entire scenario was unbelievable but it was happening! Whether his firecracker believed it or not. How could Yibo not recognize the look on her face? She was all him! From the tips of her dark hair to her little toes she was all Yibo and maybe that's why she was just as possessive of Zhan. "Firecracker, play with me and Yuan-gege. Dad can make us food." Zhan looked over his shoulder with that radiant smile of his and Yibo grew weak in the knees at the sight. "Come on, firecracker", their son said from the other corner of the living room glaring at Yibo and the Alpha sighed. He couldn't blame his pups for being selfish for Zhan. Yibo felt exactly the same as them. He was just as crazy for Zhan as he had been eight years ago. In fact, the love in him had only grown after spending so many years with his mate. The need had no sign of diminishing and Yibo knew it never would. He would be crazy in love with his mate even after fifty years. He was sure of that.

"Ah, A-Zhan you came", said Shen Yun smiling ear to ear and Zhan opened his arms as the elderly woman give him a tight hug. "Of course I did. I wouldn't miss Xiao Feng's mating now would I, Aunt Shen?" "Such a good boy", she praised and then turned her attention to Wang Yibo. "Welcome, Mr. Wang. Please make yourself comfortable." "Aiyo! Aunt Shen. I have told you not to be this formal with my mate. When will you stop this?" "It's not me being formal, A-Zhan. It's me being respectful. Everything that he has done for me and this shelter will never be forgotten. Let me give your mate the credit he deserves." Yibo gave her a bow and his eyes didn't miss the pride Zhan held in his eyes as everyone thanked and praised Yibo. They were led to the shelter's backyard where Shen Xiao Feng and his true mate Zhang Xun stood. Yibo held his mate's hand during the entire ceremony and later he observed his mate from afar as talked and laughed with the members of the shelter.
As soon as Zhan and Xiao Ai were healthy enough, Yibo had reached out to Shen Yun and had requested the woman to visit the Lan pack. The day she had seen Xiao Zhan, the woman had broken down. She had knelt before a crying Zhan and had begged for him to forgive her. It had turned out that Shen Yun had known about Xiao Zhan all along but she had been afraid of Zhan's reaction to her. Xiao Liu had been her best friend and both Zhan's father and mother had died to protect her. Something Shen Yun could never forgive herself for. Shen Yun had expected Yibo's firecracker to hate her for what she had put him through but his amazing mate had not only reassured her that nothing was her fault but had treated her like family. Yibo had realised how important Shen Yun had grown to be for Xiao Zhan. She told Zhan stories of his parents, telling her things that Zhan's uncle never could and Yibo could also guess why the Xiao family had protected the woman. She was a good person who had been on the verge of death when Xiao Liu found her. But, she was also a strong woman. She had raised her son alone and Shen Xiao Feng was a good man as well. Yibo had wanted to do something for them so he had provided the shelter with better protection and utilities. Something they still thanked Yibo for. They stayed for a little longer with Zhan talking to Zhang Xun and Xiao Feng while Yibo discussed the shelter's security with the other members. The party was still in full swing when Yibo excused him and Zhan honestly tired of everyone staring at Zhan longer that he liked. They finally made their way back home but before Zhan could go inside the packhouse, Yibo took a detour.

"I don't know why we are being so sneaky",Zhan said the words laughing and Yibo pulled his mate along taking him to the stone slab. He finally let out a long sigh and grabbed Zhan, pulling him flush against him. Hands caressed Yibo's head and Yibo just breathed his mate in, his eyes closed. They stayed that way for what felt like seconds to Yibo when Zhan finally spoke. "Did you like the party?", Zhan asked making Yibo nod. "Are you upset about something?" Yibo pulled back with a frown and found Zhan looking at him intently. "Why would I be upset, firecracker?" "You didn't talk much tonight. You were quiet back at the party, then the ride home as well. I thought something was on your mind." "There's something on my mind, actually." "What?", Zhan asked and Yibo pulled in for a deep, searing kiss. "I am looking for a way to kidnap you. Take you away so that I can have a day with you all to myself." Zhan let out a laugh and when he stopped, he was staring deep into Yibo's eyes. "We have been quite busy. I wouldn't mind if you kidnapped me." "Great. I'll start planning it. I am so tired of sharing you with everybody. I want my firecracker to only to belong to me." Yibo took Zhan with him and Zhan lay down with his head on Yibo's lap while Yibo played with his mate's hair. "I liked how they treated you back at the shelter. I know I don't have to say it but thanks Yibo. What you did for the shelter means the world to them." "What we did is what you mean. If not for you, I wouldn't have done anything for them." Zhan smiled at the words and laced their fingers together getting closer to Yibo. "One of these days you are going to realise how much kindness and warmth is in your heart." "It's only for you", Yibo responded softly, kissing Zhan's nose. "All these years passed in a blink. The kids are growing up so fast. I am so glad things are peaceful now", Zhan began softly and Yibo grunted. "I can't for them to grow up even faster. I can finally kick them to the second floor. I'll have you all to myself then. No late nights knocks at our door. No requests for sleeping between us. No more of you sneaking out of bed. Wow! Can't wait", Yibo grunted the words and Zhan bit one of his fingers. "You do realize they are your own kids, right? There was a time when you couldn't leave Yuan and Ai out of your sight." "That's when I didn't know what they were planning. Now that I know. I want them to grow really fast so I can be alone with you. These past five years, I have shared you plenty. No more" "And you are sure you will still want me?", Zhan asked and this time it was Yibo's turn to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" "The fact that you are asking me that question is laughable, firecracker. As long I am breathing, I'll always want you." "And I will always need you, Yibo."

"Aunt Shen mentioned something to me today", Zhan spoke after a while and Yibo lifted Zhan up arranging Zhan so that he straddled Yibo's lap. Yibo's arms rested on Zhan's ass while Zhan rounded his arms around Yibo's neck, pulling Yibo closer. "She said that when my parents had realised that I was part-Omega, they were really worried about me. Mom told her once that she hoped that my mate would love me for who I was. Aunt Shen said that my mom would have loved you. And I wish she had met you, Yibo. I wish I had a way of telling my parents just how lucky their son is." Zhan's eyes were soft as he said the words and Yibo pulled his firecracker even closer, cupping his face. "I am the lucky one, Zhan-Zhan. I wouldn't say that I wasn't loved growing up. Dad, Kuan-ge and uncle gave me everything they had to give but no one has loved me the way you have. I know how selfless and unconditional your love is. Never say that you are the one who's lucky. I promise you, it's me. I can never love anyone or anything as much as I love you. And I always will." Zhan hugged Yibo close and resting his chin on the Alpha's shoulder his eyes fell close. "So will you say that l am awweeeeessommme now?" A laugh left Yibo at the words but he still shook his head. "No. But I will say that I love you, Xiao Zhan. If I have realised anything in these five years, it's that I want this for as long I live and beyond. Waking up in your arms and seeing your face before I sleep is all I want for the rest of my life." "Me too", Zhan whispered softly and pulling back Zhan kissed his mate deep. "Then it's settled, this deranged, ice block will always be yours, Xiao Zhan." " And, we will have this forever, Wang Yibo." "Say that you love me", Yibo demanded and Zhan melted against him joining their foreheads. "I love you, Yibo. My love, my life, my everything will always be you. Always you."

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