19. He needs you....

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Yibo kicked the door open and the first thing that hit him was the smell permeating the entire house. It was Zhan's scent but it was hundred times more enticing than the sweet scent Yibo was used to. His mouth watered instantly and Yibo's body reacted to the heady scent, a hungry growl full of need leaving him. A hiss came from behind him followed by a sharp intake of breath and Yibo's form stiffened. He turned around and saw need etched on the faces of his wolves and it pissed him off. It wasn't just him but the other Lan wolves as well who couldn't help but react to the tantalising scent. Yibo snarled dangerously and the wolves instantly took a step back making it clear that they didn't dare to act upon their desires. Good. Because if someone had even dared to take a step closer, Yibo would have torn the asshole apart, no questions asked. "Mine", Yibo growled harshly and the men bared their throats acknowledging the fact. Yibo's nose picked up the foreign scent belonging to Huang Yifeng and he dashed up the stairs where the scent was the most powerful and when the doors opened Yibo's mouth parted on a vicious snarl. His firecracker was standing against the wall, his clothes in shreds, snarling and there stood Huang Yifeng, a few feets away from Zhan hunger glinting in the fucker's eyes. Yibo didn't think and lunged over the Alpha, slamming him hard against the night stand. His claws swiped out at Yifeng digging into his side and Yibo pinned the man to the wall growling. Claws dug into Yifeng's jaw until they drew blood and the stench only increased Yibo's bloodlust. "I will kill you, Huang Yifeng. Painfully", Yibo promised and the Alpha in his hold scowled, kicking Yibo in the stomach. The grip on Yifeng's jaw went slack just for a second and the next moment Yibo's hands had slashed the bastard's chest lightning fast, his claws digging deep into the flesh. Yifeng screamed then and the sound was music to Yibo's ears as he twisted his hands. "You wanted death so fucking bad. Congratulations, you knocked on the right door. I will end you in ways that people will talk about you for generations." Yibo yanked on the Alpha's hair and swiftly brought his head down to his knee, breaking the fucker's nose. "Yi... Yibo",came Zhan's voice from behind and Yibo turned his eyes to his firecracker. Yibo's mouth watered smelling the wetness between Zhan's thighs and like an Alpha in rut, all Yibo could think of was nailing Zhan right there on the ground. He wasn't the only one, every Alpha in the room had started to salivate at the sight and Yibo growled harshly seeing other wolves staring at his Omega. Rage gripped his features and Yibo kicked Yifeng hard in the groin, dragging him out of the room ordering his wolves to follow. Yifeng was still holding onto his crotch, his breathing short and Yibo pushed the man off the stairs not even blinking as the Alpha fell to the ground unconscious. "Tie him up. Take him back." The wolves immediately got to work taking Yifeng out of the house and Yibo went back to the room, his nostrils flaring with need as he took in Zhan's form.

Zhan was on his knees, one of his hands digging onto the ground while the other was between his legs as Zhan moaned. Yibo's feet moved on their own accord until he was kneeling beside Zhan knees and the erotic moans that were echoing in the room were making Yibo crazy. It didn't help that Zhan was calling his name repeatedly  while his fingers touched himself. Yibo's brows furrowed when he smelled blood in the air and the haze of lust cleared when Zhan whimpered in pain. Yibo could finally see how much his firecracker was suffering. Zhan's body was trembling, glistening with sweat and his length was so hard and it had to be painful. Zhan was biting hard on his lower lip and the sight was so erotic, Yibo's throat ran dry. Meanwhile, Yibo's wolf roared in fury that the other males had witnessed Zhan touching himself but he reined his anger in. There was blood on the floor and upon taking a closer look Yibo realised Zhan's nails had broken when he dragged them across the floor. Zhan curled upon himself as he whimpered and his rich delectable scent, the occasional frustrated grunts and mewls were hard to ignore. Gritting his teeth and ignoring his hard cock that was threatening to burst the seams of his pants, Yibo went to pick Zhan  up and was momentarily shocked when his hand was harshly slapped away. "D..Don't. T-Touch. Can't hold...back for long." Yibo could only make out the soft words among other incoherent ones and Zhan's hands weakly tried to pull his body away from Yibo. It was the sob that left Zhan at his futile attempts that broke Yibo's heart. Had Zhan tried to get away from Yifeng too? There was blood on Zhan's mouth, not his Yibo found and Yibo wondered if Zhan had he hurt himself trying to protect himself from Yifeng. Yibo's eyes burned with tears of rage and he covered Zhan with his jacket properly, his hands shaking. Zhan took a deep breath taking in Yibo's scent and groaned again. Hands still tried to knock him away but Yibo gathered Zhan into his arms and tucked Zhan's face in his neck, letting his mate smell him. "I am here, firecracker. Your Yibo is here." "Yi...bo. H-hurts. Need...you." Yibo picked Zhan up in his arms and it was when Zhan was extremely close to him that Yibo smelled something bitter and strange on Zhan. Zhan still weakly struggled in Yibo's arms wanting to get closer but Yibo's presence was making it harder for him to control himself and pain was reflecting on Zhan's face. Yibo dropped a kiss over Zhan's burning forehead and walked out of the room fury stamped onto his face. He stepped out of the house and noted how every wolf in vicinity sniffed the air and their eyes darkened with lust. A few men's gaze lingered upon the figure in Yibo's arms, their eyes filled with need and hunger and Yibo snarled, his eyes burning golden. "If any one of you gazes at him a second longer, I will gouge your fucking eyes out! Eyes on the ground!" The wolves followed his orders at once and Yibo settled Zhan into his car, calling Yubin. "Let's go." Yubin nodded and Yibo sat with Zhan on his lap while Yubin drove them away.

"Zhan? Zhan?", Yibo called his mate's name and the only response he got was "H-hurts....too h-hot" apart from the choked sounds and moans that were leaving Zhan. The scent of Zhan's arousal was heavy in the air and Yibo's eyes flashed wolf as he nosed Zhan's neck to get more of that scent.  His wolf was responding to Zhan's and it was becoming difficult for Yibo to keep himself in check. His cock had hardened to point of pain in his pants and Zhan rubbing himself against his body was no help either. Yibo had a hard time keeping his hands off Zhan on daily basis and now, Zhan was dripping with slick, completely plaint and his scent was an aphrodisiac to Yibo. "What the fuck did that bastard do to him?", growled Yubin, feeling the car fill up with Zhan's scent and Yibo ground his teeth before answering. "I smell drugs on him. Yifeng gave him something." "I told Zi Yi to reach Lan territory. She will help Zhan. Whatever Yifeng gave him could be dangerous." A vicious snarl left Yibo at the name but he groaned when another wave of Zhan's heavy scent hit him. "It's getting worse", Yubin said in a rough voice and Yibo felt Zhan's body burning up even more. "Hurry up, Yubin", Yibo said feeling his claws breaking through his skin and his urgency was well communicated because Yubin drove the car like a man possessed. "Want y-you, Yi...bo", Zhan said mouthing the skin below Yibo's jaw and Yibo let out a gruff growl. Yibo felt Zhan grab his hand shakily and place it at his crotch, pushing his length against Yibo's hand, arching his back at the contact. A deep moan left Zhan and Yibo clutched Zhan closer to him, his hands moving over Zhan's body. He nosed Zhan's neck, too drunk over Zhan's scent but his wolf let out a pained howled when Yibo saw Yifeng's mark on Zhan's neck. Zhan let out a pained groan when Yibo's claws dug into his back, Yibo's eyes flashing a bright golden. "MINE!!", Yibo hissed, his wolf too close to surface and Zhan let out a pained whimper when Yibo harshly pulled him close. Yibo shook his head trying to clear his head, his wolf too strong at the moment. He couldn't let his wolf take control, Zhan was under the effect of whatever Yifeng had given him and Yibo's wolf was fuming seeing his Omega marked by another. Yibo's wolf could hurt Zhan if he lost control now. "Don't you dare fucking lose it, Wang Yibo", Yubin cautioned as the car came to a screeching halt.

Yibo opened the door and clenching his teeth took Zhan out, dashing towards the pack house. Everyone moved out of Yibo's way but their brows rose when they got a whiff of Zhan's scent. The group followed the Alpha pair to the packhouse and involuntarily wanton growls left a few of them. "Fuck, he smells good", Hedi growled thickly but froze when Yibo gave him a death stare. "What the fuck did he do to my brother?", Zhuocheng demanded taking in Zhan's trembling body. "He was drugged", Yubin supplied his eyes trained on the ground and Zhuocheng let out a harsh curse, standing in front of Zhan and Yibo his arms wide. "All of you get out", he hissed eyeing the Lan wolves and the others swallowed hard. "Yibo is going to kill you all if you don't give them space now. Yibo's wolf is too close to edge and unmated males around Zhan will make Yibo's wolf angrier. Leave", Yubin warned and Wang An led everyone out. "I think he was drugged", Yibo said huskily, his voice deep and Zi Yi took hold of Zhan's hand making Zhan hiss. "You are right. Zhan is under the effect of heat inducing drugs", Zi Yi explained and Zhuocheng cursed out loud. "Son of a bitch." "He was planning to rape Zhan. Zhan would have been defenseless against him", Yubin said darkly and everyone around him stiffened as Yibo let out a loud growl. "I will kill him!", Yibo's teeth sharpened, his claws broke through his skin and his voice went rough which made everyone around him take a step away in fear. "Zhan needs you right now, Yibo. Don't lose control. As his Alpha it's your responsibility to look after Zhan. Please", Zi Yi pleaded and Zhuocheng pulled her close to himself when Yibo gave her a threatening growl. "Mine", the Alpha growled and Zi Yi took another step back. "Yibo, help him. This has to be hurting him badly. You don't have much time", Yubin reasoned and Yibo bent down to Zhan's form picking him up. "Leave", Yibo spoke, his voice more animal than man and the three people left them left alone albeit unwillingly. They weren't sure if Yibo could see sense right now. His own desires would overpower him soon and it was sheer stupidity to try to keep Yibo away from Zhan right now but they were afraid Yibo would hurt Zhan. Zhan curved his body to Yibo's, his eyes heavy with need and Yibo stalked towards their room, shutting the door behind him with a loud thud. "Need...you, Yibo", Zhan brushed his lips against Yibo's and Yibo's eyes darkened with hunger. "You got me, firecracker."

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