18. Drag him to me...

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'Burns...hurts.' These two words on a loop in Zhan's head as he squirmed onto the bed, looking for an escape from the blinding pain and intolerable heat. His entire body was burning as if he had a fever and the chains around his arms and legs were causing him pain. The heat increased every passing second until it reached a point where Zhan couldn't contain his sobs. His back was arched, his body drenched in sweat and Zhan could smell the growing wetness in his groin. It felt as if his entire body from the tips of his hair to his toes was on fire and his body was trembling with a hunger so strong, Zhan was losing his mind.  Zhan's control on his body was slipping fast and a whimper left him as he curled himself into a fetal position to find some relief. The drug had started to show its effects within minutes making Zhan crazy with need. All Zhan wanted was Yibo's touch on his body. He wanted Yibo's hands on him. He wanted to be fucked. Hard. "Damn!", Zhan heard the sound coming from somewhere around him but he was too far gone to form any coherent thought. He needed Yibo. His Yibo. He didn't want anyone else. The chains rattled against the frame of the bed when Zhan pulled on them crying Yibo's name. "Yi.....bo", Zhan choked on a harsh whisper as his body began to burn hotter. He was in agony. Absolute agony. Even the clothes on his body were making him uncomfortable. The fabric chafed his supersensitive skin and there was nothing Zhan could do. "It worked", he heard the astounded voice and saw a blurry figure before him, caressing his head, tracing the shape of his mouth and Zhan's wolf clawed at Zhan's insides to break through. "Get..g-get off me", Zhan hissed, his eyes turning dark when a hand collared his throat. The other hand came between his legs and parted them, the movement impatient and rough. "You look like a full Omega in heat. Incredible." A growl left Zhan's lips at the unfamiliar touch and Zhan wanted to move away but his body was no longer listening to him, leaning into the touch instead. Zhan's wolf whined lowly, the effect of the drug fully consuming him and Zhan weakly struggled against the chains, wanting to free himself. The room filled with an intense scent of vanilla, cinnamon and chocolate and Zhan heard a deep growl coming from the man before him. "Yibo. Will. K-Kill. You." Zhan enunciated each word between heavy breaths and Yifeng laughed. Hands roamed over his chest and Zhan mewled when the hands spanned his waist, raking over his skin. "He isn't here. Nothing can stop me from being with you now. I have never seen anything more perfect than you", Yifeng rasped against Zhan's skin and tears pricked Zhan's eyes when a mouth descended to his chest. His shirt was ripped from his body, his pants were undone and a weak growl escaped Zhan thinking everything was about to be over. He was going to get violated and he would lose everything. Zhan had never hated his Omega self before. But today he did. He hated that his body was so weak and still reacting to Yifeng's touch while everything in his being was repulsed by it.

"Yi...bo...Yi..bo...bo", Zhan kept chanting the same name again and again hoping his mate would save him and whined in pain when the touch on his body got bruising. "Cry out as much as you want but he won't come. It will always be me from now on. Once the drug fully consumes you, you will feel a hunger for touch so intense you won't care who is giving it to you. Even if Yibo finds us it will be too late." A wet tongue licked up from the hollow of Zhan's throat to his ear and Zhan shuddered. "Let me go", Zhan whispered but hands still groped him bruising his skin. "God! I can smell your slick. So ready for me. I will take care of you, Zhan. I will make you mine." Zhan snarled again when Yifeng nipped the skin on his throat and he screamed when teeth sank into his throat right above Yibo's mark. "Yi...Yibo!", Zhan cried, his shoulders shaking with the force of his cries and Yifeng licked the tears away, kissing Zhan softly. "My sweet Omega. So good for his Alpha." Yifeng stepped away from the bed and undid the buttons of his shirt, licking his lips in anticipation. Zhan tried to get up from the bed but the chains felt too heavy and he slumped on the bed again whimpering. Yifeng had imagined this moment so many times but his imagination had never come close to reality. Yifeng watched Zhan writhing on the bed and his mouth dried up at the sight. Zhan's back was arched sinfully, his throat bared and sweet moans and whimpers were escaping his full mouth. Yifeng hadn't known the drug would be this strong. Zhan was a part-Alpha and Yifeng knew it would take a while for the drug to fully overpower Zhan. But once it did, Zhan would become his Omega. Completely. Yifeng had carefully studied all the effects and he knew what to expect but seeing Zhan slowly succumb to desire was a dream. A carnal, satisfying dream. Yifeng wanted to tear his clothes off and ram into that puffy, red, slick hole until Zhan was weak in the knees and he was going to. After today, Yibo would want nothing from Zhan and when Yifeng's seed took root, Zhan would be pregnant and all of his ties with Yibo would be severed. Yifeng smiled taking his shirt off but his movements halted when his phone rang. Yifeng eyed his phone and saw "Dad" flashing on the screen and ignored the call. He took a deep breath relishing in the amazing scent that surrounded him, thinking that it was a good idea to choose his cabin for the event. It was secluded and Yifeng's personal property so no one dared to come here. Yifeng groaned at the hard on he was sporting, his length twitching and leaking in anticipation and he walked to the bed only to stop when his phone rang again. Cursing under his breath Yifeng stepped away from the room and answered the call. "Dad, I told you I was busy with work", he spat as soon as the call connected and heard an angry growl from the other end. "Leave that cabin, Yifeng. Wang Yibo is coming for you." Yifeng's eyes widened at the words but his father continued to talk. "I might have failed as an Alpha to educate you but as your father, I can't see you get ripped apart. I suggest you leave and never look back. No one from this pack will help you, you are banished from Huang territory. Don't come back. Ever." The call ended  before Yifeng could say a word and Yifeng's hands shook in fury. "WANG YIBO!!!", he yelled and threw the phone against the wall, his eyes flashing hazel. "That fucking bastard." He had to leave. Yifeng couldn't continue here. He had to take Zhan away. Yifeng stepped into the room again, seeing Zhan sobbing and struggling and he knew he had to move fast. If Yibo had found him it wouldn't be long until Yibo was here. Yifeng freed Zhan's limbs and bent down to pick Zhan but howled when sharp teeth closed over his ear, drawing blood. Yifeng screamed in pain and pushed Zhan away who weakly moved to the edge of the bed, growling. "Even now you reject me", Yifeng hissed venomously and Zhan stuck his back to the wall, moving away from him. "I will fight you until I die", Zhan rasped and Yifeng's features hardened. Zhan was trembling badly, his core convulsing and he could feel slick was running down his thighs but he kept his half lidded eyes trained on Yifeng, snarling when the man moved towards him. Yifeng grabbed Zhan but jumped away when Zhan slashed his claws in the air, hot tears running down his face and pained moans leaving his mouth. An animalistic roar sounded somewhere and sweat beaded on Yifeng's head thinking about Yibo. Yifeng cursed out loud fear taking root in his heart but no matter what Yifeng couldn't leave Zhan here. He couldn't let Yibo find Zhan. Everything Yifeng had worked for it was right in his palms and he couldn't be a coward now. Zhan was in no condition to be moved, hissing at the faintest of touches and Yifeng cursed harshly before grabbing Zhan by the waist. "G-get off", Zhan growled at him and elbowed him in the ribs before pushing Yifeng away. Yifeng crashed into the wall  and heard a loud growl came from downstairs that froze the blood in Yifeng's veins.

"They are inside. We have surrounded the place.", confirmed Wang Rong suppressing a growl and Yibo's human side pushed for supremacy, overpowering his animal. A few seconds later, Yibo was standing in front of the cabin, his eyes flashing a bright golden filled with fury and his form coiled to attack. He looked to his wolves fanning the area and snarled. "If he escapes I will skin all of you alive. If he tries to run, drag him back to me." The order had been given and the Lan wolves nodded silently unable to get a word out. The manic look on their Alpha's face was unnerving and the others knew better than upsetting Yibo further. "No one touches him. That bastard will die at my hands." Yibo's wolf wanted to tear Huang Yifeng apart himself. Break his bones with the force of his teeth and rip his insides out with his claws. Death couldn't be easy for Huang Yifeng. Yibo was going to mutilate the motherfucker. The feel of Zhan's beating heart against his was the only thing that had kept Yibo from tipping over the dark edge. His form was still trembling partly due to the vicious wrath he felt and partly because of fear for his firecracker. Yibo had received Zhan's message and he had left Han Yi's territory the next second, his wolf urging him to go see his son and mate. He was shutting his car engine off when Jiyang had come to him screaming the place down. Jiyang had sensed that something was wrong with Haoxuan and he had told Yibo about Zhan leaving their house to go to Xuan. Yibo had driven off the Lan territory to find his family without waiting another second. The panic hadn't settled in then and Yibo had genuinely thought things weren't bad but when he called Yuan's school and found that there had been nothing wrong with his son, an ugly feeling had settled in. The school authorities told Yibo that Haoxuan had taken Yuan away in perfect health and even had footage to prove It. Yibo had realised something had gone wrong while his son and Head Enforcer were coming back and each scenario made him angrier than the other. It hadn't been long when Yibo saw Zhan's car coming his way and shit had hit the roof when Yibo saw his passed out enforcer and injured son. Yuan could barely talk with the force of his cries and broken whispers calling for his father and Guo Cheng was too fucking angry to make sense. Haoxuan had been hit repeatedly on the back of his head with a blunt object and was need of medical attention. Yibo had a hard time keeping calm while listening and all Yibo had heard was Huang Yifeng's name and blood had rushed to his head along with an intense need to kill. Yibo had turned his car around and was in front of Huang Ji Han's territory in the next hour, kicking and clawing apart everything and everyone who stood in his way. His only concern was to find his Zhan. His man had been taken away and it was clear what Huang Yifeng's intentions were. Too angry and out of control Yibo's wolf had taken over and minutes later Yibo found himself in front of the secluded cabin, ready to rip Huang Yifeng apart. And he would. Yibo couldn't stand someone even eyeing his firecracker the wrong way and here was a bastard who had dared to lay his hands on Yibo's Zhan. Yibo was going to gut Huang Yifeng and make a fucking spectacle out of him. Huang Yifeng was going to be an example for everyone in the shifter world. If anyone ever dared to take what was Wang Yibo's, they would remember what he had done to Huang Yifeng and change their mind. Or they would die. Just like Huang Yifeng.

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