47. I Love You...

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Zhan's eyes fluttered open and the first thing that came to his mind was that he was warm. He was laying on his side, his brain still muddled up, eyes heavy as if lead hung from them but Zhan forced them open and focusing on his surroundings, he realised he was in the medical room. The events of the nights came to him instantly and instinctively his hands made their way to his abdomen, his eyes widening when he felt his hand settle over someone else's. It was then that Zhan completely snapped out of his sleepy daze and tears blurred his vision just as arms tightened around him. "Morning, Zhan-Zhan. Missed me?" Heavy sobs broke through and Zhan pulled the arms around him even harder, afraid that this was just a dream. "Yibo...Yibo.. Yibo." The name of his mate was all he could say and soft lips pressed beneath Zhan's ear, Yibo pressing himself even closer to Zhan. "It's okay. I am here." The words made Zhan cry even harder and Yibo kept pressing soft kisses to his mate's face and neck, breathing him in and hiding his own tears. "You...you weren't waking up, Yibo...I kept telling you to but you just didn't. I-I..was so scared." Zhan turned around in Yibo's arms, clutching onto his mate. Tears ran down Zhan's face and a feather light touch wiped them away followed by a soft kiss to his hair. "You should have known I would wake up. Nothing can keep me from you, firecracker." Zhan fisted his hands in Yibo's shirt, burying his face in Yibo's neck and breathing him in, reassuring himself that his mate was really here. In his arms. "I asked you to...begged you to wake up-", he cried and Yibo placed a finger on Zhan's lips before he could say any further. "Which is why I did. I told you firecracker, all you have to do is ask me for what you want and I will give it to you. I am sorry that it took a while for me to fulfill my promise." Yibo brushed his lips over Zhan's temple, smoothing down a finger over the face he had missed seeing so much. It was magical how fulfilling just seeing Zhan was for Yibo. The beautiful sight seemed to feed Wang Yibo's soul. "I missed you, Wang Yibo", Zhan said the words and placed a kiss over Yibo's forehead, caressing Yibo's cheeks. All the signs of the wounds were gone but the image of Yibo hurt and bleeding was still fresh in Zhan's head. He gazed at Yibo for a few seconds and the relief that washed over him, Zhan felt it all the way to his marrow.

"These days were the longest of my life. Two weeks but they felt like years. You weren't moving, didn't stir even when I begged you to. Don't you ever dare to do that to me again." "I am sorry, Zhan-Zhan",Yibo said again seeing his firecracker's distress and Zhan hid his head in Yibo's chest, a few more tears leaving his eyes. "I have never been so scared in my life. Every passing day, it felt like you were slipping out of my hands. I couldn't hold onto you. Everyone told me that you will be fine, I knew they weren't lying but then I would see you lying on that bed, I felt like I would lose you...I would dream of you walking away from me. I kept screaming at you to come back but you just walked away, without a backward glance and it was killing me." "I am here. I came back. I am not going anywhere, Zhan. I can't." Yibo's eyes were locked onto Zhan's and seeing him, a small smile came onto Zhan's lips and he kissed Yibo's palms that framed his face. "Even if you did, I would have followed you." The words were soft but a chill ran down Yibo's spine because of the seriousness of Zhan's tone. "The pack tried to take care of me. Tried to cheer me up. They were worried about me because I couldn't seem to pull myself out of that phase. That dark fear...it overwhelmed me. Rong mentioned what you said to him before going to battle but, I don't have it in me, Yibo. If you leave me, I will follow you. I wouldn't survive a day without you let alone the entire life." Yibo shook his head ready to tell Zhan it was wrong of him to think that way but Zhan stopped him. "I know it's selfish. But, I really can't. I know people move on but I am not strong enough to live a life without you. I don't want to." Zhan hiccuped due to the force of his cries but his grip on Yibo didn't ease even for a second. "Yuan's face flashed before my eyes whenever I had these thoughts, I felt our daughter move in me as if offering me comfort but it wasn't enough. Nothing was ever enough, Wang Yibo. Nothing will ever be enough. I believe you are my true mate and I can't be without you. In life or in death, I will be right beside you. Because, I love you, Wang Yibo. More than myself." Pulling his mate close, Yibo kissed Zhan as tears burned his eyes. Zhan had professed his love for Yibo a million times before. Yibo had shamelessly asked for the words and his firecracker had never denied him but today, the words hit Yibo harder than they usually did. It could have been the tears in Zhan's eyes or the serene smile of acceptance on his face but the words held a power so strong, Yibo couldn't explain it. "I am right beside you, Zhan. This is where I belong and this is where I'll always be. I won't ever leave you behind. Tell me you know that." Zhan could only nod his head against Yibo and the Lan Alpha pulled his mate into his arms again, hoping to ease the anxiety that his firecracker felt.

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