30. Are you satisfied?

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"Yibo....Yiiiiiiboooo! WANG YIBO!"  Yibo ignored the incessant calls behind him making his way down the stairs and he seated himself at the breakfast table along with the others. He could feel eyes on him, saw a few scowls directed his way but he ignored it all. "Yibo", came the whine again but Yibo concentrated on his plate not sparing his mate a glance.  "How long will you sulk, baby? I said sorry, didn't I?", Zhan said the words seating himself beside Yibo, his chin propped up on the heel of his hand and an unhappy look on his face. Yibo knew he was overreacting. Well, not completely overreacting but being an ass. Zhan had apologized again and again for everything that went down yesterday morning but the image of Zhan confronting Yili was not leaving Yibo's head. Only the images in his head were a lot worse than what had happened in reality. In his head, he noted what could have gone wrong, how easy it had been for his firecracker to get hurt and those scenarios didn't sit well with him. Which was why he had not said to word to Zhan since yesterday. Zhan had given him space initially but once he had realised that Yibo wasn't going to talk to him on his own, Zhan had taken the matter in his hands following Yibo everywhere. Yibo was trying to hold onto his anger knowing he couldn't let Zhan get away with yet another impulsive deed. One that could have brought his firecracker harm. Yibo picked up a doughstick munching on it but his jaw clenched when the doughstick was snatched away.  "Yibo, I am sorry. I won't do it again. I promise. Please, talk to me. Please, baby?"  Yibo refused to respond picking up a slice of apple instead. Everyone was staring at their Alpha pair and their discomfort was clear for Yibo to see but he refused to acknowledge the pouting baby beside him. He was well aware that his pack was staring at him hoping he would just let this go and give Zhan what he wanted. It wasn't just Wang Yibo, the entire Lan pack hated seeing Zhan upset.  A sigh sounded beside him and Yibo's hands fisted under the table to refrain from reaching over to his mate. He could sense Zhan's guilt, annoyance and sadness through their mating bond. Yibo wanted to reach over and pull Zhan to him but he was still angry and couldn't pretend he was okay with Zhan putting himself in danger like that. The calls of his name stopped, Yibo was almost through with his meal his eyes were trained on the table when he heard the sniffle and Yibo's entire form froze. "Zhan!", The Lan wolves called and moved to Zhan's side at once alarming Yibo. Yibo turned over and tried to shift Zhan towards him but the half-Omega resisted. Yibo looked over to find his mate's eyes wet and tears rolling down those perfect cheeks. "What happened? Are you okay?", Yibo asked pressing his hand to Zhan's abdomen and the cries intensified while his hand was slapped away. "I said I am sorry. I...I did apologize. Why are you still not talking to me?", Zhan cried and before Yibo had a chance to respond, his entire pack came to his firecracker's side openly glaring at their Alpha. "Are you satisfied now?", Yubin hissed at him and Yibo's eyes widened. "You have finally made him cry. Seriously,Yibo. How can you be such a jerk to Zhan right now?", Xuan argued and soon all the Lan wolves turned onto him. Yibo saw his mate sniffle and wipe his tears with a sleeve and Yibo's heart melted on spot seeing Zhan's pink nose and teary eyes.

Yibo made a move to take Zhan in his arms and a chilling growl left him when his packmates stood in his way. Yibo's eyes flashed a bright golden in annoyance but the Lan wolves stood their ground not moving. "You guys want to die? Is that it?", he snarled at his wolves and Rong mustered up the courage to speak up. "No, we don't. But, we won't let you hurt him. If you want to sulk or brood go to your office. Don't upset Zhan."  "How is this any of your business?", Yibo scowled and Hedi scoffed at his Alpha before he spoke. "Zhan is our Alpha too. He is pregnant and it is our responsibility to make sure he is taken care of and nothing upsets him. If Zhan is unhappy, it is definitely our business."   If this was any other situation Yibo would have smiled seeing the overprotective ways of his pack. They stood surrounding Zhan, their eyes flickering with unease yet determination shining in them and Yibo realised that his pack would fight him with everything in them to protect Xiao Zhan. The thought filled Yibo with so much pride he had the urge to pat them all on the back but he held it in moving to touch Zhan glaring at his wolves as he went. "Firecracker?", he said softly taking Zhan's hand in his and when Zhan tugged at his hand Yibo's grip tightened. Turning to his pack Yibo communicated his need to be with his mate alone but his features hardened when no one moved. "Do you want me to spell it out for you? Scram!"  As if their asses were on fire all of them scurried off walking into one another and Yibo turned Zhan's chair around to face him, kneeling before Zhan's legs. Zhan was looking everywhere but at his mate and Yibo let Zhan avoid his eyes until Zhan had no choice but to turn to him. "Why are you staring?", Zhan asked his eyes welling up again and Yibo kissed his firecracker's fingers, smiling. "I have called you perfect before, beautiful before but the word that comes to mind today is adorable."  Zhan's nose scrunched up at the word and in Yibo's eyes it made Zhan even more endearing. "I didn't want to make you cry. I should have known better. I'm sorry", Yibo apologised and Zhan wiped his eyes shaking his head. "I don't even know why I am crying. My emotions are all over the place. Ignore me."  Yibo smiled again knowing it was the pregnancy that was making his firecracker emotional.  Zhan quieted down after a while and Yibo poured his mate a glass of juice, his eyes filled to the brim with adoration.

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