37. I will like it...

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Wang Yibo strode out of the packhouse followed by Xuan, Rong and Hedi, his eyes cold as ice. This morning, he had been buried deep inside his firecracker when Xuan came knocking on his door telling him about the asshole who had tried to breach the Lan territory. The bastard had attacked Guo Cheng and had made a run for the packhouse only to get his ass kicked by Wang An. Yibo had heard the news and had growled out loud, angry beyond words. "Let's check it out." Even when every cell in his body was against the idea, Yibo had still left his firecracker's warm arms to deal with the asshole at seven am. Seven fucking am. Yibo's nostrils flared as growls and snarls erupted from his mouth with every step he took. His wolves didn't dare to say a word just following behind him, angry scowls on everyone's face. As Yibo moved towards the gates of his territory, he found a man tied to a tree glaring at Wang An who was chewing on a gum, snorting at the futile attempts of the man at escaping. "Morning, Alpha", said the woman cheerily but no one else shared her enthusiasm grumbling in annoyance. "It's a beautiful morning, do you really need to look so sour?" "Wang Yibo!", came a loud voice and Yibo's eyes shot to the gates, finding a group of people standing outside. "Who are they?", he hissed and FanXing came forth scratching the back of his neck. "Some of them are from the Zhao pack and the rest from the Shu clan. This man here is the Shu Alpha's son-in-law, Zhao Yi. He jumped over the fence and attacked Guo Cheng who was guarding the gates. He dashed to the packhouse but An-jie stopped him. He kept screaming and struggling so we didn't have a choice but to tie him up. His pack didn't like that." "It's not like we didn't have a choice. I could have broken his nose just like he did Guo Cheng's and could have hung him upside down from the tree but I was feeling lazy so I didn't", said Wang An glaring at the man who sneered at her. "What the fuck were you thinking?", Xuan asked Zhao Yi in an incredulous voice and the young man's eyes hardened. "You all are just bullies! Trying to scare the others. But, I am not scared of you all. The Lan pack can't do whatever the hell they feel like. Call those beasts if you want and kill me right here. I am not afraid of a spineless Alpha like you, Wang Yibo", spat the man and grumbled curses flew in the air seeing the bone chilling smile on Yibo's face.

"Did you sneak into my territory just to say that?", Yibo asked crossing his arms across his chest and the young man's eyes flickered with something that appeared to be fear. "Don't look afraid now. We just heard the, 'I am not scared at all' speech you gave. Don't be a disappointment by going back on your words. I'll ask again, did you come onto my territory just to say this?", Yibo questioned again in a glacial, detached tone making the man struggle harder against the binds. "Leave him alone! Wang Yibo!", someone screamed from the other side of the gates but Yibo's eyes didn't move from the man before him. "I am not scared of you!", he hissed again and before Yibo could question the man further, Zhan's voice came through. "Another minute of Yibo glaring at you and you will piss your pants."
The Lan wolves turned to see their Alpha come towards them dressed in Yibo's oversized blue sweater and pants, looking adorable with that glow on his face and some of them smiled seeing the curl of Zhan's lips. Yibo saw his mate make his way near him and as soon as Zhan reached his side Yibo pulled him close. "We had to wake up at this hour for this douchebag?", Zhan complained and Xuan shook his head going, "My thoughts exactly." Zhan's eyes turned to the crowd and seeing the bunch of people sending them killer glares, a frown came onto his face. "Why are you really here?", Zhan questioned the man and Zhao Yi's eyes focused on the half-Omega in a way that Yibo didn't like. His eyes moved from Zhan to Yibo and his eyes widened a fraction at the rage on Yibo's face. Gathering every ounce of courage he could, Zhao Yi glared at the Lan Alpha. "You can't terrorize us this way. Those rogues are not sane creatures. What if you decide to attack the pack territories one day? The Lan Alpha has to reassure us! We won't be living in fear because of him. You owe us an explanation, Wang Yibo!" "Yibo doesn't owe you shit!", glowered Zhan and the man gulped at the sight. He had heard a lot about the half-Omega on Wang Yibo's side. While the Lan Alpha was a ruthless man, his mate wasn't any better. He was lethal as he was beautiful and Zhao Yi could see that. "Who sent you here?", Yibo asked and Zhao Yi sealed his lips. He knew if he took the name his end wouldn't be pretty. "Was it our little cougar friend?", Rong questioned and Yibo's eyes narrowed taking Zhao Yi's form in. "He breached the Lan territory in hopes of causing trouble. But, why did you come towards the packhouse? Why walk into a house full of people who could tear you apart?", wondered FanXing aloud and things suddenly became a lot clearer to Yibo.

"You came along with your pack. Even if my wolves caught you, you have over thirty people watching me. I don't think they will let me torture you and kill you on grounds of sneaking into Lan territory. Moreover, even if I killed you...your people will run to all the packs claiming that me and the rogues are planning to invade all the other pack territories. In that case, everyone who has been hesitating to attack the Lan pack will surely join in. Isn't it, Zhao Yi?" The wolf masked his emotions immediately after that sentence, his face carefully blank but Yibo knew how to read people. He had guessed it right. This was a well thought conspiracy against him and his pack. But, like always his enemies had underestimated Yibo. "Untie him, An", came the order in an arctic tone and Yibo turned around to the people of the Zhao pack who were all staring at him, almost hoping that he would kill the one before him. An undid the man's binds but before he could run, Yibo was right in front of him. The man jumped back hard, his back colliding painfully with the trunk of the tree and the sight made Yibo smirk. "You made a mistake coming here, Zhao Yi but I have to admit this is your lucky day. I won't kill you today." Yibo leaned closer to the Alpha and the scent of fear clinging to him made him growl deep. "You all think the rogues are what you should worry about but I am far worse than any of them, Zhao Yi. You see, when the rogues kill someone, they feel nothing. We are all just prey to them and all they think of is satisfying their need to kill but do you know why I am different from them?" Yibo's claws dug into the tree behind the young Alpha and Yibo gave him a smile that had the young man visibly quivering with fear. "The difference is that I feel something when I kill, Zhao Yi. I enjoy it. The rush that comes when I see life drain out of my prey's eyes...it's incredible. So, the day I kill you will be because I will like it. I will love seeing you bloody and broken all over the my territory and I promise you, that day will come soon." The man had gone pale before Yibo's eyes do the Lan Alpha backed away, looping an arm around his mate's shoulder.

"Pass on a message for me to the person who sent you here, little Yi. Tell them that it will take a lot more than these cheap tricks to rattle me. Wang Yibo isn't scared of anyone and like my Zhan said, I don't owe you shit so you won't get the explanation you were hoping for." Yibo's eyes turned to the crowd and then to his wolves with a playful smirk on his lips. "Let's play a little game, shall we? Run as fast as you can and if you reach the gates before one of my wolves catches up to you, you are free to go but if one of them gets you...I pray they give you a swift death. We don't know if your intention was to just breach the Lan territory, hurt me or even worse hurt my mate. So, I will give you one chance. Prove to me that this wasn't a suicide attempt by running as far as your weak legs will take you. Let me warn you though, The Lan wolves aren't morning people and they don't trust you so they are pissed off already enough. Best of luck, Zhao Yi." Sounds of fabric ripping echoed into the glade as Lan wolves shifted into their wolf forms aggressively barking and growling. Zhao Yi shifted as well and the small black wolf ran for his life literally while the Lan wolves snarled behind him. Xuan and Rong spooked the man twice by catching the wolf's tail in their mouths making the wolf howl in pain but knowingly let him go. Standing at the gates, the Lan wolves growled and snarled at the crowd at their gates and pretty soon, the shifters before their pack gates were gone. "It has been an interesting morning", said Zhan yawning and pressed a kiss to his mate's neck, nuzzling into him. "Yibo." "Hm?" "Take me to bed", said the half-Omega and the Lan wolves heard a laugh behind them, turning to see their Alpha carrying his laughing firecracker back into the packhouse.

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