23. You will pay....

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Zhan woke up feeling Yibo shifting behind him and felt Yibo press a kiss to his head. "Sleep more." "Why are you up so early?", Zhan asked waking up and Yibo crushed Zhan's body to him. "Everyone is downstairs. My brother, father and your uncle's family is here." "I'll get ready." Zhan took a shower in record time and pulled on some warm clothes entwining his hands with Yibo as they made their way downstairs. The entire pack was at the breakfast table along with the Jiangs and Yibo's family and Zhan found himself swarmed by his entire family, congratulating him. "Congratulations to both of you. We are all very happy with this news. The newest addition to our pack. I want to thank you, Zhan", said Wang Zi Teng patting Yibo's back and Zhan smiled. Haikuan pulled Zhan into a hug and handed over a small notebook to Yibo. "When An Yu was about to be born I recorded every little thing in here. It will help you understand things better. Congratulations, Yibo." Yibo opened the notebook, saw his brother's neat handwriting and thanked him. "Congratulations, A-Zhan", wished Jian Mian and Jing Tong also came forth with a genuine smile on her face. Taking out a box from her bag she handed it over to Zhan. "Congratulations, Zhan. I was going through some things in your grandfather's room and found this in a locked drawer. This belonged to your father and I think it was meant for you. Consider this your parents' blessings, Xiao Zhan." Zhan opened the box and found a chain with a small star on it. "It will ward off evil from our grandchild. Keep it safe." Zhan nodded his head feeling overwhelmed and Jing Tong pulled him into a hug. "If there is anything you need to talk about or ask, give me a call. Zi Yi will visit with Cheng regularly but do keep coming to Jiang territory." Yibo saw the woman's true smile and felt pleased at how far the woman had come. There was a time when Jing Tong couldn't stand the sight of his firecracker but now, the Alpha female was welcoming him with open arms. Zhan smiled at Yibo as he was given instructions over what to do and take care of his health and Zhuocheng patted Yibo's back. "Congrats, man. I am sure you will have a little boy." "When it comes to my pup's gender, you will be the last person I ask for an opinion, Zhuocheng." The Alpha rolled his eyes but didn't deny the words. Zhuocheng had been so sure he was going to have a little boy, the look on his face was comical when he was handed his little girl. The Alpha for lack of a better term looked like he had shit his pants. "That's because I had no idea what to do with a little girl. And did you see the way she looked? She was so beautiful. The second I looked at her I knew I would have to kill for her one day. I turned into a murderer overnight", grumbled Zhuocheng and the others laughed. "Mi-er knows that she has you wrapped around her fingers. It is exactly why she is becoming naughtier every passing day", supplied Zi Yi with a fond smile and Zhuocheng pulled her to his side dropping a kiss to her head. "She is learning from her beautiful mother." Zi Yi shook her head blushing from head to toe and turned her attention to Zhan and Yibo. "I would like to check you over once, Zhan." Yibo nodded his head and led Zhan and Zi Yi to his study where the woman used her healing powers to check Zhan.

"Is everything okay?", Yibo asked with a frown, his palms sweating and Zi Yi took her hand back from Zhan's abdomen. "It's too early to say anything accurately but the drugs haven't had any side effects to Zhan. He and the pup are fine", Zhan let out a relieved sigh and squeezed Yibo's hand in his. "There's a friend of mine who specializes in male Omega pregnancies, I will ask him to do monthly check ups on Zhan. But, there is something I should to tell you guys." Something in her tone had Yibo's hackles rising and Zhan held Yibo's hand feeling nervous. "What is it?" "I am giving you my opinion as a healer. Zhan's case is special, Yibo. His heat was induced by drugs which will might give us a little trouble. It is important that you take care of Zhan. There can't be any more mistakes." Yibo's features hardened at her words and Zhan stood up curling an arm around Yibo's waist. "I will take care , Zi Yi. I won't take my health for granted", Zhan reassured and Zi Yi congratulated them both again. "This is a blessing, Zhan. I am really happy for you both. Take care of yourself." The woman left the study and Zhan turned to Yibo who was still stiff as a board. "Nothing will happen to me or our pup, Yibo." "You won't leaving Lan territory from this day on. Everything you need...I will bring it to you. I will take care of you and you will listen to whatever I say." Zhan's brows rose at the words and he was about to speak when Yibo placed a finger over his lips. "Everytime I leave you alone something happens, Zhan-Zhan. I don't trust anyone but myself when it comes to protecting you. So, promise me you won't make this hard on me. Promise me you will listen to everything that is asked of you." "I promise", Zhan said pulling Yibo close and the Alpha rested his head on Zhan's shoulder letting out a sigh. "I am ecstatic and scared all the same. Only you can get me this messed up." Zhan smiled at the words and Yibo breathed Zhan in again, feeling his heart ease at the sweet scent. "I think it's going to be a girl", Yibo said softly and Zhan laughed. "You are saying that because Zhuocheng has claimed it is a boy." Yibo laughed lightly and turned Zhan around banding his arms around Zhan's and resting his head on Zhan's shoulder. "We will have to start thinking of names as well. There's a lot to do", Yibo mumbled over Zhan's shoulder and Zhan nodded. "We will figure it all out together. As of now, I am starving. Your little girl will turn me into a pig." Yibo pressed a kiss to Zhan's neck and the couple stood in each other's arms for a while before Yibo pulled away. "Let's get you something to eat." "Hey, Yibo there's something that's bothering me." Yibo's brows immediately narrowed and he smoothed his hands down Zhan's side asking what was wrong. "Your uncle didn't come today. I think he has finally realised that me and him aren't meant to be. You should give him a call." At Yibo's exasperated sigh Zhan broke into a laugh and Yibo had an urge to spank his mate's ass so he did. "Ouch!" "Don't joke like that again", he warned nipping Zhan's mouth and the man smirked. "But, it's so fun seeing you all flustered. Me and your little girl like it a lot."

"Yibo, if you want I can take care of that Alpha for you", Haikuan suggested and Yibo shook his head rolling the sleeves of his shirt up. "It's my fight, gege. I will deal with him myself. Rong, get him out of the cell." Yibo walked out of the study and found Bai Li and Wang Talu standing with his Zhan. Both men turned to him and with a respectable nod gave Yibo their wishes. "What are you both doing here?", Yibo asked and Talu smirked. "Rong told me you were going to deal with the Alpha. A chance to see you fight isn't something I want to miss." Yibo turned to Bai Li and the man shrugged a shoulder. "I was free. I tagged along with Talu." "You have weird friends, baby", Zhan said shaking his head and the Alphas smiled. "Yes we are. Let's go and watch the man suffer. I even got snacks." The Alphas left and Yibo walked to his mate with a last hope of convincing him to stay behind. "I know what is going on in your head and the answer is no. This is my fight too. I will come." "I don't want you to see what will happen." Yibo wasn't sure what was going on in his head. A part of him wanted Zhan to see him punish the man who had hurt his firecracker but somewhere in his heart Yibo feared Zhan would come to sympathize with the man who was his true mate. Yibo had covered the man's bite with his own, his Zhan-Zhan was bearing his pup but still Yibo was insecure. He couldn't handle Zhan feeling even an ounce of emotion for the Alpha and it was going to be impossible to get over it if Zhan started to feel something as Yifeng died. "I won't. He is nothing to me, Yibo. Which is why I want to be by your side when you end him. Hurt the man who dared to make me his. Make him bleed just like he did to our son and gut the bastard for thinking he could take me away from you. Do it." The words lit a fire in Yibo and the rage devoured Yibo completely. Grabbing Zhan's hand in his Yibo made his way out of the packhouse and found all the wolves waiting for him. The Yunmeng Jiang pack, the entire Lan pack, Talu's wolves and even the Huang pack was standing outside. "If you are here to beg me for your son's life you are barking up the wrong tree. I won't even leave you his bones, Huang Ji Han", Yibo growled and the Alpha hung his head in defeat knowing there was nothing that would save his son. "Bring him out!", Yibo roared and Hedi and Xuan dragged the Alpha out. Yifeng was screaming and cursing all the way and a dark smile came onto Yibo's lips taking in the Alpha's angered form. He was going to enjoy making this motherfucker bleed. The Alpha was thrown onto the ground and Rong undid his cuffs freeing the man. Yifeng rose from the ground eyeing everyone around him and like always his eyes focused just on Zhan. Yibo's eyes narrowed to slits and seconds later the scent of his pregnant Omega wafted in the air, surprising the Huangs and Yifeng. Yifeng looked like it was difficult for him to breathe as Zhan silently announced to everyone that he was Yibo's. "Even after drugging him you couldn't succeed", Yibo clicked his tongue and Yifeng growled. "I even covered your stupid mark with my own. So tell me, Yifeng. Any last wishes?", Yibo taunted and the Alpha's features morphed with cold fury. "I will end you, Wang Yibo. Kill you and your bastard child. I will remove all the signs of your existence and make him mine!" The Lan wolves snarled in fury but a cold laughter escaped their Alpha who just possessively curled an arm around his mate. "You are welcome to try." Yifeng smiled darkly getting himself ready for battle and Yibo gently placed Zhan in the protection of his family walking to the clearing. "You must be happy to finally get what you wanted. You wanted so bad to challenge me. Even tried to provoke me. I backed away that day but, today I will fight you. I will accept your challenge, Wang Yibo." "And what makes you think I will challenge you?" At Yibo's words everyone's brows furrowed in confusion but the Alpha just cracked his knuckles smiling. "What makes you think you are worthy enough to get challenged by Wang Yibo? A mutt like you will never be good enough to duel with me. Do you think I called you here to fight you? No, Huang Yifeng. I called you here to hunt you down. You don't get to die with respect. You will be torn apart and left on Lan territory to rot. You will pay for what you have done. In flesh and blood."

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