39. Tell him, I love him

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"Okay, so how are we doing this?",queried Wu An shoving a cookie in his mouth and Yibo stood up from his chair,placing his palms on his desk. "From what I have managed to gather, Xie Chong has the support of nine other packs with him. The Zhengs sided with him along with the Li's but the rest have backed off. All of you have agreed to help me and I am grateful for it." "There was no way we wouldn't help you, Wang Yibo. All of us here have had the support of the Lan pack for years. Consider this our way of repaying it", said Ming Fan, his eyes filled with respect. The other Alphas also agreed with the fact and looked at Yibo with determination glinting in their gaze. Yibo had asked all of his allies to give him a hand against the cougars and thirty of those Alphas were now before him, all ready to give their support to the Lan pack. Yibo nodded respectfully at the elder and the other Alphas who responded with a nod of their own just as Yibo motioned Xuan and Rong to lay out the details. "We will form three defense lines in the territory. The first one in the woods, second at the clearing and the third one right in front of the packhouse", began Haoxuan his voice serious and eyes cold. "Xize, Dong Han, Tianyu,Wu An, Liang Bo, Chang Shang and Chen Xu will be in the woods with their men. They will let the cougars pass through the Lan territory and reach the clearing before attacking from behind them. Yibo, Bai Li, Talu, YiZhou-ge and Ming-ge will be at the clearing. We will surround the cougars from both sides and attack. We want the cougars caged onto the territory so the rest of you will fan around the pack territory taking them out discreetly. The Jiangs will be in front of the packhouse along with the remaining Lan wolves forming the third group." All the Alphas eyed the area displayed on the map and murmured their agreement. "The cougars aren't sane creatures so make sure the ones that you knock on the ground are dead. Rip the fuckers heads off if needed. I don't want any one of them alive", growled Yibo and the wolves nodded their heads. The Alphas stayed back for another hour going through the plan again and soon Rong escorted them all out so that they could get familiar with the territory.

"Here, eat more", Yibo offered Zhan another piece of broccoli and smiled softly when Zhan shook his head. "Can't. It's too much", said Zhan rubbing his belly and Yibo dropped his head to place his lips over Zhan's. "Is Yuan asleep?" "Hm. He fell asleep with Xuan listening to a story in the living room." Zhan nodded his head and stood up from the chair cleaning up before getting into bed. Yibo followed soon, pulling Zhan closer to him and sighed deeply once his firecracker's scent filled his lungs. "He is coming soon, isn't he?", Zhan asked softly and a look at Yibo told him everything he needed to know. Yibo had received a call that very evening that everything had gone quiet in the cougar's territory today. No more meetings, no more people coming and going from the area and it meant only one thing. Xie Chong had gathered his forces and was waiting to attack soon. Yibo's gut told him that the battle was near. "Do not be afraid",were the words he responded with and Zhan moved their faces closer looking Yibo in the eye. "Promise me you will be safe. I know you hold my safety above everyone else's but I need you to be focused when Xie Chong comes. Nothing can happen to you, Yibo." Arms tightened around Yibo's waist and Yibo felt desperation clinging to his firecracker as he was embraced. He hated that the cougar had struck such deep fear in his firecracker. Everything Yibo had learned in these past few weeks warned him that Xie Chong was going to use every ounce of strength he had to get to his Zhan-Zhan. But, before getting to Zhan, Xie Chong would have to kill Yibo and Yibo had no desire to go down easily. He was going to make the cougar regret even wishing his mate and pack harm. But, for now all he wanted was to ease his firecracker. "Nothing will happen to me. I promise once I am done with him I will come to you. If only you agreed to staying in the panic room-" "I can't do that, Yibo and you can't convince me otherwise", Zhan interrupted his mate in a grave tone, a frown coming onto his face. "Xie Chong wants me dead. I will be the one he comes looking for as soon as he steps into the Lan territory. You know he isn't interested in a fight at all. He must be betting on killing me and then offering you to mate with his daughter again. Everyone around me will be in danger and I can't put my son in danger knowingly. I can't do that to our Yuan." Yibo didn't like what he was hearing but his fatherly instincts were riding him hard, screaming at him to keep his child safe. He assumed that Zhan was going through the same ordeal so he didn't force Zhan. "Yubin, ZiYi and Jiyang will stay with A-Qing and the pups in the panic room. If need be, they know they will have to take Yuan out of Lan territory using the tunnel. It hurts me to leave Yuan alone while we deal something like this but I won't put him in danger by being selfish. Even if something happens to me-", the rest of Zhan's words were muffled by a hand and as Zhan's gaze met Yibo's cold one he swallowed the rest of his words seeing the glare on his mate's face.

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