7. I love her...

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Zhan had just come back from a run when he saw Wang Rong entering the pack house. Knowing he will not find another chance like this, Zhan ran after the enforcer and cornered him in the kitchen. Rong was taking a bottle of water and when he felt eyes on him, he stared right at Xiao Zhan. "I need to talk to you. Now, Rong." Zhan motioned the man to follow him and Rong did, seating himself on a bench near the clearing in front of the pack house. He had a pretty good idea about what Zhan wanted to talk to him about. "I called Cheng and asked him about Hua. He said she was doing better. Is she really okay?" Zhan eyed the man before him carefully and sighed in relief when Rong nodded after a few moments. "Did she tell you anything else about the attack?" "She said he rammed her head on the road pretty hard and she was dizzy for a few minutes. She did say that the scent clinging to the man wasn't his. It was too much. Unnatural." "So that means Cheng was right. He was hiding his scent." Zhan's brows furrowed and he chewed on his lips before he turned to Rong again. "Why do you think he targeted Hua?" Zhan noticed how Rong clenched his fists at his words and the enforcer's eyes were narrowed into slits when his gaze met Zhan's. "He is a sick fuck, that's why." Zhan saw Rong shaking with fury and placed a hand on the enforcer's shoulder. "She is fine now, Rong. Hua is a fighter. That woman has more courage and fight in her than most of us. But, what I need to know is if whatever is going on between you two is serious." Rong turned his eyes away from Zhan and Zhan looked straight ahead. "She is important to me, Rong. If this is a fling, I am fine with it. But, if this is serious-" "If you are going to tell me to keep my distance from her or give me a "hurt her and I will kick your ass" speech then you are wasting your breath, Zhan. I am not going to stay away from her and I won't hurt her. This isn't just a serious relationship to me. I want her as my mate." Zhan's brows touched his hairline at the words and Rong met Zhan's gaze head on, showing the man that he meant the words. "She didn't say anything about it", Zhan prompted carefully and Rong snorted. "That woman is too stubborn for her own good. She wants me just as much as I want her but is being difficult for no reason." Zhan could see how frustrated Rong was about the matter. It was a strange seeing the ever cool and collected Wang Rong so frustrated. It made Zhan see hope for his friend. "I wasn't going to do any of the things you said, Rong", Zhan clarified and Rong stared at him with questioning eyes. "I will admit that the news took me by surprise. I will also admit that I wanted to talk to you about your relationship with her but it is not to keep you away from her or to give you a stupid speech. I am here because I can see that you care for her and she cares for you. I came here because I am worried for her and you. You are both my friends but I am not worried about you hurting her, I am worried about her hurting you, Rong." Zhan looked at his enforcer and knew that he had the man's complete attention. Zhan had known Chun Hua for a long time and he knew how many layers the woman had to her. Zhan didn't blame her though. She had gone through some tough times and everyone she cared about was taken away from her until she stopped letting people close. It had taken Zhan years to wear the woman down and he had barely scratched the surface. Now that he knew of Rong's intentions, Zhan was even more determined to help him.

"Hua belonged to an influential pack. Her father was the pack's beta and had three sons. Hua was his only daughter. You can guess how overprotective her family was and how much they doted on her. They tried to shield her away from everything but they couldn't keep her away from the eyes of their Alpha's son. Zhang Tong wanted Hua as his mate but Hua didn't like him one bit. The man was too dark inside and Hua had seen some of his girlfriends beaten black and blue. The pack chose to keep quiet and let the abuse continue because they were afraid of the Alpha who was even more of an asshole. Hua stood up against Tong and her family supported her. Her brothers and her father warned the Alpha's son to stay away from her and the rejection and warnings weren't taken lightly. Hua was only eighteen when one by one Zhang Tong tore her father and brother apart in life to death challenges. She was forced to watch as Zhang Tong killed her family and the little girl in her was lost forever." Zhan sighed out loud remembering how ugly Hua sobs were when she cried on his shoulder. It had taken her years to finally grieve the family she had lost. "She ran away from the pack and was taken in by a lone shifter who was an enforcer once. He taught her everything he knew and Hua loved that man just like she loved her father. Unfortunately, Zhang Tong found her again and this time, even though she could fight, she couldn't save the man who had taken her in." Zhan saw the simmering rage in Rong's eyes and he patted the enforcer's shoulder. "Rong, Hua has lost too much in life. She blames herself for what happened. She thinks she should've just surrendered to that animal so that her family and her saviour were left alone. Losing so many of her loved ones has hardened her. She had even thought of ending her life in a weak moment but realised that she would be a sinner for ending her life that so many had tried to protect. Hua keeps everyone at arm's length, Rong. She thinks it's the only way to protect those around her and herself. She has been alone for too long. I am telling you this because I want her to have someone. She will try to push you away but I hope you will hold onto her. I noticed how she held you when you were taking her back to her room. Hua has never needed anyone's support, Rong. She has never let anyone come too close. But, I am hoping you break those walls around her and not lose yourself in the process. You are both my friends, Rong. I would hate to see any one of you hurting and as your friend I would advise you to leave her alone if you are not ready to have all of her. She is capable of protecting her heart but she will shatter yours if you aren't prepared." "I love her, Zhan", Zhan's eyes were wide as saucers as he stared at his enforcer and Rong smiled seeing the animated face. "I realised it last night. Seeing her that way...I want her safe and happy by my side." Rong eyed the man before him and Zhan was smiling wide at him before a determined look came on his face. "Make her fall in love with you, Rong. Whatever you need you do, do it. I will support you."

Yibo stepped into his room and smiled. His mate was hunched over his desk, working while humming a happy song and Yibo walked to his mate, standing behind him. "Did something happen?", he asked leaning over and placing his head on Zhan's shoulder and Zhan replied with a, "Nope." "Were you thinking of me?", Yibo tried again and Zhan scoffed. "Cocky much, baby? No, I wasn't thinking about you." "Then why are so happy", Yibo grumbled and Zhan turned to him, smiling. "I was thinking about Rong." "Why?", Yibo countered sharply and Zhan rolled his eyes. "I found out that-", Zhan stopped suddenly and then shook his head. "It's nothing." "It's clearly something. Tell me", Yibo pressed turning Zhan's chair towards him with a frown and Zhan stared at the wall behind Yibo, thinking of tormenting his mate a little more. "You don't tell me things. Why should I tell you?", Zhan barely escaped the sharp teeth that were trying to dig into his lips. "Keep those teeth to yourself or things will get ugly, Wang Yibo", he threatened with a growl and Yibo gave him a smug smile. "They will get ugly if you don't tell me what's going on in your head. You said mates share stuff. Don't go back on your words, firecracker. Won't you tell me? Please?" Zhan saw the full grown ass before him pout like his six year old and a soft smile came on his face. He was so fucking whipped, it wasn't even funny anymore. He dropped a kiss to Yibo's puckered lips and told him about Rong and Hua. "I didn't know he was in love with her. That does explain a lot of things", Yibo mused and Zhan nodded. "I am glad Hua has someone looking out for her. Rong is a good guy and I am glad he will be there for her." "You are glad that Rong will be the reason she settles down in the Lan pack. You and Zi Yi were clearly upset that she was planning to go abroad", Yibo countered and Zhan made a face after getting caught. Yibo knew how much the girl meant to Zhan. She was a great friend and had defended Zhan countless times against Jing Tong and the others who spoke shit about his firecracker. When she had decided to stay in Jiang territory for a while, Zhan had been the one who was the happiest. Lately, Chun Hua had  starting talking about travelling and Yibo knew the news had upset Zhan. "She is just trying to avoid getting attached. Zi Yi already became like a sister to her and I guess Rong spooked her even more." "She won't go anywhere. Rong won't let her leave", Yibo assured Zhan and Zhan nodded.  "I hope so. Anyway, did you find anything about that shifter?", Zhan questioned and Yibo shook his head. "Talu had his men search the entire area where Hua was attacked. They found nothing." "I am getting worried now, Yibo. This is too much. We need to do something", Zhan worried his lips between his teeth and Yibo tugged at the plump flesh, brushing his thumb over it. "We will. I promise you we will find him." Zhan hummed and Yibo kissed his head hating thta his Omega felt unsafe. "Hey, I need to go and pick a gift for An Yu", Zhan spoke suddenly and Yibo remembered that his nephew's birthday was coming. "Take Guo Cheng and Xuan with you. Be with them at all times, Zhan-Zhan", cautioned Yibo and Zhan nodded raising three fingers in the air. "I swear, I will. Don't be a worrywart", Zhan said placing a chaste kiss to his mouth and Yibo brushed their noses together. "Hm. Don't take too long."

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