11. You have hurt me...

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Yibo entered the pack house and saw Wang An and He Di guarding it with a serious look on their faces. The house was eerily silent and Yibo looked at his packmates who had looks of concern in their faces. That concern wasn't for him though, it was for Xiao Zhan, Yibo knew. He wasn't surprised that his firecracker had found out where he was going and what he was planning to do. His Zhan-Zhan was a smart man and he as an Alpha knew firsthand that Yibo would never let the matter go this easily. Xuan had told Yibo that this was a matter Yibo should have discussed with Zhan first. Unfortunately, Yibo had been too angry, lashing out and hunting his enemy down was what came into his mind first. The only thing Yibo regretted right now was that he wasn't covered in Huang YiFeng's blood. It would have been a good surprise for his firecracker to know that his true mate was dead. The dark thought had come out of nowhere and Yibo heard Xuan tell the other wolves to leave the packhouse. Yibo knew he had made the right decision by not killing Huang YiFeng today. He was an Alpha and it was his responsibility to look out for his pack but he couldn't help but be angry that YiFeng had escaped his clutches today. 'Zhan would have mourned him', came a voice from inside him and the thought was so enraging, Yibo jaw ached when he clenched his teeth too tight. He stomped into the house and found Zhan sitting on the sofa in his study, twirling his phone in his hand. His enforcers understood the silent message and left the room, leaving it to their Alphas to settle the issue. "I called you", Zhan began in a rough voice and Yibo caught the underlying anger in them. His firecracker was livid with him. "I was busy", Yibo supplied in a cold voice and a dark brow arched. Zhan kept his phone beside him and leaned forward on his elbows, pinning Yibo with a hard gaze.

"So busy that you declined fourteen of my calls and didn't respond to any of the texts I sent? What were you doing, Wang Yibo?" Yibo took in his mate's pursed lips, clenched hands and narrowed eyes before he answered the question. "You know what I was doing. Yubin or HeDi must have told you." "Did you kill him?", Zhan asked in a flat voice and Yibo's eyes flashed wolf at the change in his firecracker's tone. "Why? Are you sad?", he countered and saw Zhan's eyes darken in fury. "You went out there with the intention of getting that man to challenge you so that you could kill him. You didn't say a word to me and decided all on your own to go there and have a battle to death. What if he had won? Huh? What if he actually won? I, like a good little Omega should have bared my throat to him so that he could replace your mark with his own. Is that right?", Zhan questioned and everything in Yibo raged at the thought. "If you won the Huangs would have a battle with the Lan pack and if you lost, I would have been the trophy Huang YiFeng got. Is that right?" "Don't take his name!", Yibo warned and Zhan glared at him with so much anger in his eyes, Yibo knew Zhan wanted to punch him across the face. "Does your arrogance know no bounds, Wang Yibo? You were so confident in your skills that you bet on your own fucking mate? What if they had dragged you dead, torn body up to me? What if Huang YiFeng had come knocking on the door claiming that I was his now? Was I supposed to do what you wanted and offer myself to him? Is that what you wanted?" "I didn't kill him", Yibo defended but if anything, the words made Zhan even angrier. "YOU HAD EVERY INTENTION TO!!! You went there with thoughts of killing him and don't you dare deny that fact, Wang Yibo." "I did. I wanted to kill him and I would have. Nothing would have stopped me from snapping his neck but your true mate is a fucking coward, Xiao Zhan. He didn't even fight for you. Made all those stupid claims that he was the one made for you but when it came to fight me, he refused",  Yibo mocked and saw Zhan's eyes widening in disbelief. Seeing his mate's face a thought suddenly came into his head and Yibo let a menacing smile embrace his lips. "Maybe you are upset that he didn't challenge me. You would have liked it if he won and killed me. Is that what you wanted, Xiao Zhan? Should I have let that fucker kill me so you both could have a happy life? I wouldn't be there anymore to stop you. You could finally have that happily ever after you wanted so much since day one", Yibo seethed and Zhan walked to him and fisted the collars of his shirt, growling. "Who do you think you are, Wang Yibo? Who the fuck do you think you are to make decisions for me? Do you even know how I feel? You went there without saying a word to me and you have the gall to look me in the eye and say all of this crap?", Zhan spat venomously and Yibo glared at his mate right back, feeling rage consume his mind.

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