40. Open the gates...

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The skies were darkened by grey clouds and they were a clear reflection of what was in Yibo's heart. There was a darkness taking root in his core, threatening to overpower him any second but unlike other times, this time Yibo welcomed his dark thoughts. He walked further away from the packhouse taking in Jiang wolves that stood guard along with the Lans. "He stays safe, Wang An. No matter what", warned Yibo dangerously and the woman nodded her head, her eyes turning from dark to hazel. "Watch your back. They won't fight fair. They are a bunch of twisted fuckers who will stop at nothing." Yibo knew that his friend's words held no lies. His enemy wasn't a sane man but the good thing was...neither was Yibo. "You come back in one piece or I will break your legs, Wang Yibo", said the Jiang Alpha and a smile graced Yibo's lips at the words. He eyed everyone from his firecracker's former pack and the determined glint in their eyes assured Yibo that no harm would come to his firecracker. They would protect Zhan with their lives. "I know you will take care of my Zhan if something happens." The Alpha's lips parted to refute the words but his eyes glinted with something different and he smirked. "Of course I will. Zhan deserves someone to take care of him. He will need someone if something goes wrong. If you don't come back, I will find him someone-" A menacing growl left Yibo as he stepped forward with an intention to draw blood and Zhuocheng backed away with a smug smile. "That's what I thought. Listen well, Wang Yibo. You don't have another option. You have promised Zhan you will always be there for him. Don't tell others to take care of what's yours." The anger dimmed with Zhuocheng's words and Yibo gave the man a stiff nod, walking away. "Did you really have to say that?",asked FanXing with a frown and the Jiang Alpha looked towards the receding back of the Lan Alpha, his jaw clenched. "I can somewhat guess what he's feeling. The need to eliminate the threat over Zhan is what is driving him and he won't stop until Zhan is safe. The problem is that Yibo won't care what happens to him in the process. The ice block won't regret dying for Zhan but I know what it will do to my brother, FanXing. Zhan will lose himself, he will hunt the men who hurt Yibo and after that, my brother will kill himself. I know for a fact that my brother won't live in a world without Yibo. Yibo doesn't think the same. He thinks Zhan will pull himself together if he died but I know Zhan. He won't survive without Yibo."

Yibo set foot in the clearing and the sea of wolves parted all growling lowly. There were around two hundred wolves, their lips pulled back over their fangs, eyes dripping with menace and forms aggressive. All they needed was a sign from Yibo and Yibo knew the wolves would rip his enemies apart. Yibo gave a nod of acknowledgement to all of his allies and stood in front of them, eyeing the bastard on the other side of his gates. "You are finally here. I almost thought you were hiding in your mate's arms in some corner", began the cougar and his men snickered behind him. Two dark brown wolves come by Yibo's side and growled at the men loudly wiping the smirks off their faces. With a finger, Yibo motioned at his Enforcers to calm down and the order was immediately followed, the growls ceasing. "Come on, Yibo. You seriously can't be considering this. A battle between us is not going to end in your favor. Look at us." Xie Chong raised his arms towards his men as if the number would intimidate the Lan Alpha. "Each cougar here is five times stronger than you wolves. They have been trained to rip my rivals apart. You won't live another day if we fight. I am giving you a chance now. Hand over the mutt to me and join me. Yield to me and you and your allies will have a chance to live." Yibo couldn't stop himself. A sinister smile twitched at his lips hearing the over the top words and the sight of him irked the cougar. "My Zhan-Zhan was right. You do have a death wish." The cougar's smirk morphed into fury at the cold tone and Yibo smirked at how easily the man was riled up. "You really think you have a chance against me? Your entire pack will suffer because of your stupid pride, boy. Everything you have worked for, all these men behind you will be wiped off and you will have yourself to blame." "If the arrangement bothers you this much, how about we settle this the old way. A battle to death, Xie Chong. Just you and me. What do you think?" The look in the cougar's eyes was too fleeting for Yibo to comprehend but it looked awfully similar to suspicion and doubt. The asshole didn't agree to a one-on-one battle just as expected. Coward. "Guess you aren't up for that. So how about you quit yapping, cougar?" "You don't know what you are asking for, Wang Yibo. Since, you've decided your fate, I won't force you. On second thought, it will be better to see you grovel at my feet. I will drag your sweet Omega right before your eyes but his hair and rip him apart by my hands. Your unborn pup will come into this world a little earlier than you expected." Deep, loud growls left everyone behind Yibo at the words and Yibo's golden eyes became cold as ice. A heavy darkness settled onto Yibo like a cloak and his fingers worked the shirt off his body, the muscles flexing. "Guo Cheng, open the gates", snarled the Lan Alpha before shifting into his magnificent form and letting out a deep, chilling growl that promised death.

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