21. You are my world...

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Yibo pulled Zhan over into his arms as tears rolled down his firecracker's cheeks. Yibo himself was having a hard time holding his tears back. The moment he had smelled Zhan's scent this morning, he had been stunned. There was no mistaking the scent of a pregnant Omega but Yibo had thought his nose was misleading him when he first got a whiff of the sweet scent. His wolf had growled from deep within him and the satisfaction his animal felt was more profound than anything Yibo had ever felt before. The Alpha in him was sated at breeding its mate, finally appeased by making Zhan his in the most elemental sense. An image of Zhan swollen with their child had popped into his head and the joy that image brought Yibo couldn't be described in words. Yibo hadn't even realised when the tears had gathered into his eyes. His hands were trembling when he placed a hand over Zhan's abdomen and the smile had not left his face since then. Yibo knew how much Zhan had wanted to bear his pups. His firecracker was disappointed that his half Omega nature was incapable of conceiving but today, the happiness etched on Zhan's face was better than anything else Yibo had ever seen. Both of them filled their lungs with Zhan's new scent again and again until their lungs hurt because it was so hard to believe they could be so lucky. "Where is A-Yuan? I want to tell him. He will be so happy. He will be an older brother and you...you are going to be a father again, Yibo. We are-", the words broke off on a cry and Yibo pressed his lips to Zhan's head. "Yuan is is with Jiyang and Xuan. We will tell him later."  Yibo's voice was rough with emotion and he wiped a tear away with his thumb, hugging Zhan to him.  If three years ago someone had told Yibo that in the near future he would be happily mated and a father of two children, Yibo would have smacked the man hard on the head. He couldn't even dare to dream of something like this happening to him. He was a realist. He knew the horrible things he had done over the course of his life and Yibo knew he didn't deserve a happy ending. But, miraculously he had gotten one. All because of his firecracker. "It could be a little boy or a girl in you", Yibo whispered and Zhan gave him a broad smile.

All these years, Yibo hadn't realized until this very moment how much he had wanted to create a life with his Zhan. "Our child will be an exact copy of you. A little Zhan-Zhan. With your bright smile and your goodness...Our pup will be all you", Yibo spoke over Zhan's head and Zhan cried louder against his chest. "I...I want a little Yibo.  I've w-wanted this for so long, Yibo. So long", Zhan looked up and met Yibo's eyes that were shining with tears just like his own. "I love you", Zhan said softly, incapable of saying anything more and Yibo joined their foreheads together feeling love overwhelm his heart. "I love you too, firecracker. Always." Yibo repeated and wiped his firecracker's tears softly. "I want to hug you tighter but I can't move", Zhan said on a sniffle making Yibo smile. "I am here", Yibo responded, gently arranging Zhan on his lap. Zhan winced slightly but there was still a bright smile on his face as he took a deep breath.
Seeing his firecracker smile Yibo buried his face in Zhan's neck wounding his arms tight around his mate. "I am a little scared", Yibo confessed a moment later and felt Zhan rake a hand through his hair softly. "You already are an amazing father", Zhan reassured but Yibo shook his head at the words. "It's not that". Yibo was feeling so many things at the moment he wasn't sure if he could voice all of them out but there was one thing Yibo felt above everything else. Something that had come immediately after happiness when Yibo smelled Zhan. "Promise me you will be careful. Nothing can happen to you, baby."  It sounded like a demand but honestly,Yibo was begging in front of his firecracker. As he sat clutching Zhan to him, the fear of losing Zhan was more alarming than ever before and Yibo had no idea how to deal with it. "I know how much we wanted this. But, please promise me that you will be okay", Yibo pleaded and Zhan tightened his arms around Yibo feeling Yibo's fear as if it were his own. While Alphas could conceive children, it did create complications towards the end of pregnancy. Zhan was a half Alpha too and Yibo wasn't sure how that was going to affect Zhan and their unborn pup. "Nothing will happen to me. I will be fine. I have you, don't I?", Zhan asked palming his cheeks and Yibo nodded in determination. Zhan had him.There was nothing that could take Zhan away from Yibo's side now. If Zhan had felt Yibo was clingy before, he was in for an entirely new experience. Yibo would make sure his mate had everything he wanted and more. Just like Yuan, his pup would be spoiled and Yibo would make sure his family was healthy and happy everyday for the rest of their lives. Yibo could do this. He could take care of his firecracker and his pups. "What are you thinking? I can hear your mind racing." Zhan said with a smile and Yibo looked at the reason for the bliss he was in, just sitting there with a smile on his face and his heart fluttered.

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