32. You chose me...

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"So do you believe now that your wolf chose mine as his true mate?", Yibo questioned out loud and ducked just in time to avoid the fat pillow flying at his head. A laugh left him at the little growl that escaped Zhan and it turned into a full belly laughter when he saw the surly look on Zhan's face.  "It's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything", grumbled his firecracker and Yibo had the sudden urge to cuddle his mate so that's what he did. Plucking Zhan out of the couch he was sitting on, Yibo moved across the room to the bed and settled Zhan onto his lap, his arms looping around his mate's lithe waist. Yibo couldn't help the hum of satisfaction that his wolf left out at the first tantalizing whiff of Zhan's scent. "Have I ever told you how much I love your scent?", Yibo said mouthing the skin under Zhan's ear and relished in the shiver that left Zhan. "Yeah. You say that only a couple hundred times a day", Zhan snorted and Yibo kissed Zhan's shoulder again saying, "Then I don't say it enough."  "Did you call Talu?", Zhan asked and Yibo nodded against his mate's neck although he was still as unwilling as yesterday about letting Han Shuo onto his territory. "He will station ten of his wolves around Lan territory. Bai Li will bring twelve. If Han Shuo comes, he won't escape."  Zhan turned to him and palming Yibo's cheek kissed Yibo on the nose. "Are you sure you are an Alpha? You are so good at following orders", Zhan teased and Yibo smirked at the comment. "To be precise, I follow only your orders. After all, you are my true mate."  Yibo loved.... absolutely loved the way those words rolled off his tongue which was why he hadn't stopped saying them since Zhan had mentioned it last evening. He had said the words so often that it was annoying Zhan now given the flying objects to his head. It wasn't just Yibo, his wolf was also extremely excited at the prospect of being the one Zhan had chosen. The animal felt smug about the entire thing and Yibo felt love for his mate down to his bones.

Yibo's initial response to his mate's words was disbelief. He had heard plenty about the legend but Yibo was a realist which meant he knew how slim the chances of him being Zhan's chosen were. Those things only existed in stories but he would admit that something in him was thrilled and wanting to believe it. It was unbelievable that out of everyone in this world it was him that not just Zhan but Zhan's wolf had picked as his true mate but Yibo also couldn't stop the fluttering his heart whenever he thought of it. Was Yibo a hundred percent sure that him and Zhan were chosen mates? No. Was Yibo considering that possibility and planning to hold onto it for the rest of his life? Hell Yeah. "God, I can still feel your smugness", Zhan said with a scrunched up nose and saw a big grin get pasted on Yibo's mouth. Zhan had thought that Yibo would hear the theory and laugh at it just as Zhan had. To his surprise, Yibo's eyes had turned thoughtful and Zhan had seen a glimpse of hope in the dark eyes he loved so much. "Are you saying that your wolf rejected even the possibility of Yifeng being your fated mate because he considers me his true mate?", Yibo had asked with a strange look on his face and for a moment Zhan had been speechless. "Yeah. I mean that's what Jiyang thinks.", Zhan had responded with a shrug of his shoulder and the next second he was kissed so deep, Zhan's lungs had started aching. "I am your true mate? You chose me?", Yibo had asked again and Zhan had smiled nodding his head. "I am not saying that it happened but if my wolf would choose anyone, it would be you, Yibo."  It was last night that he had said those words and since then Yibo hadn't shut up about the new discovery. "You chose me", Yibo said smiling and Zhan saw the same look on Yibo's face that he had seen the day Yibo claimed him. It was possessiveness, need and a dark hunger that Yibo's eyes couldn't hide. "Say that you love me", Yibo demanded and Zhan curled around Yibo murmuring the words over the Alpha's lips. "I love you, Yibo."  The words brought a smile on Yibo's lips and he joined his forehead to his firecracker's, closing his eyes. "I love you more, Xiao Zhan. More than anything else in the world."

"Everything looks great", Li Xiao commented going through Zhan's blood reports and tension left the Lan wolves at the words. "In two weeks time the morning sickness will go away and you will need to play more attention to your diet."  "He fainted a week ago", Yibo spoke looking at the diary he maintained and Zhan rolled his eyes at the Alpha. "I didn't faint, doctor. I lost my balance and staggered a little."  "He fainted", Yibo stressed and Li Xiao gave Yibo a small smile even though the man was glaring at him. "I can guarantee that Mr. Xiao and your child is perfectly healthy, Mr. Wang. I can see that he has been taking care of himself and I would suggest you keep up with the routine. The first three months are crucial for the child's development. I would also suggest that you don't shift into your animal form for the rest of your pregnancy. It isn't ideal for pregnant Omegas to transform."  "Got it", Yibo said with a curt nod and Zhan thanked the doctor. "Take care of yourself, Mr. Xiao. I will come by next week."  "Or you could just stay here and make this easier for everyone", Yibo suggested making Li Xiao freeze in his spot. "We have been through this same conversation almost a dozen times, Yibo. Xuan, could you show doctor Li the way out?" The Head Enforcer nodded gesturing Li Xiao to follow him and Zhan slumped onto the sofa laying his head over Yibo's lap. "I like this doctor, Yibo. You better stop scaring him", Zhan cautioned and Yibo tucked his little notebook behind him biting his lip. "I just asked because I thought he mind have changed his mind", said the Alpha innocently and He di and Wang An laughed out loud calling him out on his lie. "See no one believes that. We would be fools if we did."  Yibo curled his lips at the two and caressed Zhan's head with one hand placing the other over Zhan's abdomen. "I wonder when you will start showing", Yibo spoke softly and Zhan covered the Alpha's hand with his own nodding his head. "I am looking forward to it too. I can't wait."  Pressing a kiss to Zhan's head, Yibo tucked his firecracker close to him until Zhan's breath evened out and he dozed off. "The stress of Xie Chong and Han Shuo can't be good for him", Rong began softly and the others nodded their heads taking in the curled figure on Yibo's lap. "He is stronger than he appears", Yubin spoke and Yibo's mouth tightened thinking of the danger that was surrounding his family right now. "I don't need to tell you all how important it is that nothing goes wrong in the party. Take it as a warning because if Zhan gets even a scratch on him, I will kill the one responsible for it. I might consider you all my wolves but I won't take it lightly if my Zhan gets hurt."  "Done", the wolves responded and Yibo eased a little into his seat. "Has Xie Chong made any movements?"  "No. Not yet", responded Xuan through clenched teeth and Jiyang rubbed the man's back. "His daughter was pretty pissed but she is smart. She knows attacking our territory right now is a suicide mission. Xie Chong knows we have upped the security. They also know that Zhan is no easy target."  "We still can't let out guards down", Yibo stated making the other him their agreement. "Xize will come to the party as well. His men will guard the perimeter with some of you but we will leave the second gate less guarded. Pretend to exchange your shifts and give Han Shuo a window to sneak in. Once that happens and he steps into our place, he will be trapped. I need you all to fan the entire territory and cover all the exits carefully. Guo Cheng and Fan Xing will be on Zhan and Yuan the entire night. Rong will coordinate with you all and Xuan will stay with me. If anything slips up I need you all to leave everything and protect Zhan and Yuan. Yubin will stay with A-Qing with the Jiang wolves. Me,Tianyu, Talu and Bai Li will take over when Han Shuo comes to the clearing."  "If he comes", pointed out Jiyang as the Lan wolves considered the possibility. "Given Han Shuo's character his instinct is to hide. We are shooting an arrow in the dark. He might not show up at all", Jiyang elaborated with a curl of his lips and Xuan's brows were furrowed as he shook his head.  "I think he will come. Han Shuo thinks that Yibo killed his father. No matter how twisted the relationship was between the two, Han Yi was still the only one who supported Han Shuo. I don't think he will let go of this chance. He will want Yibo to pay for what he did and aim for Yuan or Zhan. A party is the perfect opportunity. He can easily mingle with the crowd and make a move."  The thought made Yibo's wolf snarl in fury and Yibo looked at his firecracker smoothing a hand over his face. Bringing Zhan closer to him, Yibo pinned his wolves with his golden eyes as he spoke. "When Han Shuo comes, I will make sure he knows the Lan pack is to be feared. He wants to kill me...let's see what he is made of."

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