49. They are angels...

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Zhan turned on his side in his sleep but woke up feeling the cold bed beside him. Opening his eyes, he realised Yibo wasn't on his side of the bed and Zhan turned over with a smile finding Yibo the way he had thought he would. Sitting on the floor the Lan Alpha was playing with their one year old daughter, blowing raspberries on her tummy, making her giggle. Beside him sat their seven year old who was scowling at his father likely because he wanted to play with his sister too. Propping his head on his hand, Zhan just enjoyed the sight for a few moments. The father and son were busy cooing at the little girl and the smiles on their faces were so wide that Zhan's eyes became teary. To say that Wang Ai was spoiled would have to be the biggest understatement of the century. She had everyone eating out of her palms and her tears could bring the toughest Lan pack members to their knees. Her father and brother were ready to do anything to bring a smile on her face and it was absolutely endearing. The little girl adored them right back. It was clear in the way she smiled at them, her eyes all bright as she stared at her father and brother. Zhan had found her smiling more and more when she was around Yibo and her elder brother. It was even more adorable that had first word had been "baba" and she had said the words looking at Yuan. That could have been the reason for Yuan was behaving more and more like her dad these days.

It had been overwhelming at the start. Zhan had known nothing about being a parent and he had wondered if he would fall short of what was expected of him but things had gone smoothly. Yibo and Yuan had been with him every step of the way along with the Wang family. Ever since Ai's birth, Yibo and Yuan had done everything themselves. Changing Xiao Ai's diapers ,playing with her, cleaning her up feeding her, almost everything was done by them. The only thing the little angel couldn't manage was sleeping without Zhan. Zhan had initially tried to help with the other things too but Yibo had looked him in the eye shaking his head. "You've done enough, firecracker. Now it's my turn." It wasn't just Yibo, though. Everyone in the Lan pack was ecstatic to be around the little girl and often fights broke out because of who would get to hold her the longest. Xiao Ai was bounced from lap to lap, all her uncles and aunts spoiling her with new dresses, snacks and toys and Zhan knew it was an attempt by the pack members to bribe his daughter. Although, according to Zhan it was a lost cause to fight for her affection because Yibo and Yuan didn't let anyone spend too much time with her. Yibo kept their Xiao Ai close to him at all times and Yuan was usually just a feet away frowning and growling at the others who dared to "steal" his little sister. The future Lan Alpha had truly shown his claws one time when Hedi had taken Xiao Ai from Zhan's arms despite that Yuan had been waiting for his turn since a while as she was feeding. He had growled so loud it had actually taken Zhan off guard and Hedi had handed over Xiao Ai back to Zhan at once. Yuan had come upto Zhan then, smiling and telling some more dinosaur stories to his little sister. The seven year old had grown up real fast after the arrival of his sister. He was trying to be responsible and a better big brother. He finished his meals saying that he had to become stronger for his sister, made sure to drop a good night kiss to Ai's head every night and it was absolutely adorable in Zhan's opinion.

Zhan watched his mate and son kiss Xiao Ai's head when she fell back asleep and Yibo gently put her back in the crib turning around. The two froze immediately seeing Zhan awake and Zhan arched a brow, a mock scowl on his face. "Who was it this time? Who woke her up?",he asked and instantly both Yuan and Yibo pointed at each other. Zhan shook his head letting out an exasperated sigh and Yuan came scurrying on his little feet to Zhan's side, hugging Zhan close. "Yuan isn't lying, firecracker. It was dad who woke her up." The boy pouted, making the best puppy face he could and just as expected Zhan's features softened. "I know my pumpkin is a good boy. He knows how important it is for Xiao Ai to sleep. He wouldn't wake her up." "He was the one who suggested we wake her up!", said Yibo in his defense and Zhan rolled his eyes. "And obviously you listened to him. A seven year old is the voice of reason in this house", Zhan said in a flat tone and Yibo gave him a sheepish smile. Even when he tried not to, a smile came on Zhan's lips and seeing that smile lit up Yibo's face. Zhan slid back under the covers with Yuan and Yibo sat beside him, placing a soft kiss on Yuan's head. "Good night, pumpkin." "Good night, dad. Night-Night firecracker." Giving Zhan a small kiss on his cheek the young boy closed his eyes and a minute later his breaths evened out. "He was glaring at me", Yibo complained in a hushed whisper and Zhan turned his head to Yibo smiling. "I wonder where he picked those mean glares from. Maybe the same place he picked his pouts." "I don't pout", Yibo retorted with a growl and Zhan laughed. "Yes, you do. Even more so these days when the others are holding Xiao Ai." "I just worry about her. She might you know, want to..umm be on her pack's Alpha's lap", was what Yibo responded with and then the Alpha buried his face in Zhan's shoulder realising how dumb he sounded making Zhan chuckle. "She has you all wrapped around her fingers. She will surely be a handful in the future." "As if you don't spoil her", Yibo scoffed. "Whether you agree or not, your nose does that cute little scrunching thing whenever the others ask you to hold her." Zhan bit his lips and the sight made Yibo smile. "Is it that obvious?", Zhan asked softly and Yibo kissed his lips shaking his head. "Only to me. Others don't watch you the way I do." "As if you will let them", Zhan snorted on a laugh and Yibo kissed him again. "Of course not. You are only for my eyes. Anyone who looks at you more than five seconds will have to deal with the very grumpy version of me." "You are always grumpy, grandpa", Zhan said fondly and placed a kiss to the corner of Yibo's mouth. "She's just so beautiful", Zhan said after a while looking at Xiao Ai and Yibo nodded against him. "She's perfect. Just like you." Zhan gave Yibo one of his bright smiles and then raised a brow at him. "So do you admit that I am awweeeeessommme?" Yibo stared at Zhan for a few moments and then shook his head. "I am not saying that." "You will say it one day, Wang Yibo", Zhan challenged making Yibo laugh. "I already say it, my Zhan-Zhan is awesome." "Say it the way I did." Yibo placed a hand over Zhan's eyes so that he could hide the big grin on his face and it made Zhan laugh again. "I can feel you smiling like a goof, Wang Yibo." "Go to sleep", came the grunted words and Zhan fell asleep in his mate's arms.

"Congratulations, Rong", Zhan said the words giving the Enforcer a hug and then he turned to Chun Hua who was looking absolutely breathtaking. "Congratulations, Hua", said Yibo and Chun Hua gave the Lan Alpha a small smile. "She's still scared shitless after the wishes your family gave her",Zhan said smiling and Chun Hua glared at her friend. Hua was still just as much intimidated by the Wang family which was absolutely hilarious in Zhan's eyes. Yibo turned to his Enforcer and the Lan Alpha pulled the man into a hug, patting his back. "Happy for you, Rong." "Thanks, Yibo." "Where is Xiao Ai, Zhan? I want to see the little wings Hua got her", Jiyang said walking towards them while Haoxuan supported his heavily pregnant, hormonal mate. "She's with Kuan-ge." Zhan said the words pointed towards his daughter who was a few feets away in her uncle's arms. "She goes into everyone's arms except for me", Jiyang mumbled and everyone immediately burst out a loud, "NO!!". The Omega stared at everyone around him finding all of them looking at him pleadingly, silently wishing the Omega wouldn't cry. Zhan had thought he had been an emotional mess when he was pregnant but Song Jiyang was on another level altogether. Anything from too much salt in his eggs to an innocent dying in a crime series would make the Omega burst into tears so loud, it had honestly made some of them worried at first. On the strange side, Haoxuan had been dealing with the pregnancy pretty well. He spoiled Jiyang as much as he could, the Omega never had to lift a finger and when he was crying, Haoxuan would just sit beside him silently handing over tissues. Zhan had thought the psychopath would panic every now and then given his nature but the man was calm as a cucumber at all times. Even now, Haoxuan carefully wrapped his arms around Jiyang and tucked him close to his chest and Yibo leaned closer to Zhan. "I seriously don't know how he does it. I was terrified every step of the way and here he is taking it all like a champ." "That's because his mate isn't Xiao Zhan, Yibo. With the way your mate acted during his pregnancy, Jiyang had done practically nothing in comparison." Zhan's eyes narrowed at Wu Xize's words and the vampire smiled at him. "Don't you have a coffin to go back into, leech?", Zhan hissed and Yibo pulled Zhan back before his mate actually did something to the vamp. "Actually, no. I am here to see my favorite girl in the world and I am so glad she looks nothing like you, Omega."

"Okay, someone really needs to tell me what's happening", grumbled Zhuocheng and all eyes turned to the Jiang Alpha. "What happened?", Zhan asked taking in his brother's face and Zi Yi patted her mate's back. "I need to know why your son is teaching my daughter his weird ass glares. She has been glaring at me all the time..and I mean all the time", Zhuocheng complained and a second later heard a gasp come from A-Qing. "Oh god! I kept thinking it was just A-Feng. Mi-er is doing it too?" "Yeah. Cheng teased her by pulling one of her pigtails and she glared at him. There was even a little bit of growling involved." "He is upset", she mouthed at the end and Zhan wasn't sure if he was seeing things or everyone's eyes actually had turned his way. "Well what do you expect. You shouldn't pull on her hair. Don't look at me. I did nothing", he clarified but others kept looking at him. "It might not be you but it's possible that it was your son. He has been teaching all of them." "Come on Cheng. Yuan is just seven! He doesn't even know how to glare." Yibo coughed behind Zhan and the half-Omega turned to his mate daring him to say anything else. No one..not even Yibo got to say a word against Zhan's pumpkin. The Alpha kept quiet and soon the other Lan pack members joined them. "What are you guys talking about?", Hedi asked and Cheng grunted. "The fact that Yuan doesn't glare." "Oh puhleaze! That little devil pouts and glares at me all the time!" "Firecracker!",saying the words Yuan hugged Zhan's legs and Zhan sat before his son caressing his head. How could they say a word against his little baby was beyond Zhan. "Is my pumpkin having fun?" Yuan nodded his head once kissing Zhan's cheek and then turned to his Kuan uncle. "Can I hold her now?", he asked in a soft voice and to his own misfortune the elder Wang brother hesitated. Just like that the cute pout on Yuan's face transformed into a full Alpha glare and Zhuocheng instantly went, "AHA!!! See it's him!" Yibo shook his head and beckoned his brother to let Yuan have a hold. The almost eight year old carefully held his little sister in his arms, letting her pull his hair and ear and Wang An smiled. "Aww. Just look at that." "My pups are angels. Aren't they?", came the Lan Alpha's voice and several head nodded at his words, smiles pasted on everyone's faces.

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