20. We are going to be...

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Yibo carried Zhan to the bed, his fingers flexing around Zhan's supple body and the air around them crackled with raw hunger. Zhan was placed on the bed tenderly and Yibo turned around sending Zhan into a panic. "Don't...leave", his firecracker whimpered grabbing onto Yibo's hand and Yibo turned back to his mate gazing at him with an intense look. Kneeling beside the bed, Yibo tenderly placed a kiss to Zhan's mouth and wiped the sweat off Zhan's forehead. "I just need to get some things. I promise I won't be long", Yibo reassured in a gravelly voice, swallowing hard as he stared into Zhan's eyes. Tears had gathered into those almond shaped, dark eyes and the lust and hunger reflecting in them were Yibo's undoing. A growl left him smelling Zhan's need for him and he had to stop breathing for a few seconds to gather the courage to move away. Zhan whined when Yibo stepped away, pulling at his clothes as Yibo walked to the bathroom to get the things Zhan would need later. Zhan had never been in heat before but Yibo had some knowledge regarding it and he knew Zhan would have to be taken care of during the time. Yibo grabbed some towels soaking them in hot water and texted Yubin to drop some food in front of their room warning him to do the job himself. Yibo didn't trust any of his wolves at the moment. Yubin was mated, had known his firecracker closely and Yibo's wolf knew that the man looked at Zhan as his younger brother. The looks on his packmates' faces on seeing Zhan was still fresh in Yibo's head and he couldn't trust anyone else near Zhan. The dark thoughts brought Yibo's anger back and Yibo's eyes fell on the mirror before him, his form freezing seeing his reflection. His face was stoic like always, his eyes flashing golden, there were claws protruding out of his fingers and his teeth were aching with the need to sink into Zhan's flesh. There was this horrible, gnawing need inside him that could only be sated once he had Zhan under him, his teeth digging into his firecracker's neck. Yibo didn't trust himself this moment. He feared that he would lose his head and his animal instincts would take over. Yibo was extremely protective of Zhan, wanted him more than he needed to breathe but if Yibo went down that lane he would get rough. Extremely rough. It had been easier for Yibo to keep a rein over himself before because the need to take Zhan to safety was his first priority but now, Yibo was spiraling down fast. Closing his eyes for a moment to get himself together, Yibo left the bathroom and stepped into the room but the towels slipped off his hands when Yibo's eyes landed on Zhan.

Zhan was naked, his back bowed, head thrown back as his fingers fucked himself. The scent of Zhan's slick was heavy in the air and Yibo's wolf lapped the scent up just like his human self growling with pleasure. The wet squelches echoed in the room followed by Zhan's sinful moans and Yibo ripped his clothes as he walked to the bed. Zhan's eyes opened clashing with his and seeing those dark eyes drunk on lust, Yibo lost all sense of reason. He pounced on Zhan taking a pebbled nipple in his mouth and encased Zhan's hands in one of his pinning them over Zhan's head. Zhan let out a yelp at the hard pulls on his sensitive bud, he squirmed under Yibo gasping his name but Yibo went even harder grazing the bud with his teeth. Zhan's scent clogged the air, that sweet vanilla and chocolate scent spiced with arousal and it drove Yibo over the edge. Zhan whined, swiveling his hips and Yibo ran his hand up Zhan's inner thigh coating his fingers in Zhan's slick. "Say this is for me", Yibo growled, his voice more beast than man and Zhan nodded his head. He arched his chest into Yibo's mouth seeking for more but Yibo pulled away scowling. "Say the words, firecracker. Say this is all for me. Just me." Tears leaked out of Zhan's eyes in frustration and he yanked his arms that were pinned above but Yibo didn't let him go telling him to say the words. "You..For you. Yi..bo, my Alpha", Zhan gasped between shaky breaths and he was rewarded with Yibo's hand around his length, a single delicious stroke making him explode. "All mine", Yibo snarled burying his face in Zhan's neck licking and sucking on every inch of his firecracker leaving no patch of skin untouched. Zhan could do nothing but scream and moan as Yibo played with his body like an instrument, pulling loud moans out of his mouth. Yibo fused their mouths together feeding on Zhan's tongue and Zhan went with the flow keeping up with Yibo's pace. Yibo kissed him like never before, his mouth impatient and biting with a singular purpose driving him...to devour Xiao Zhan. The hold on Zhan's hand loosened and Zhan trapped Yibo in his arms, digging his claws into Yibo's shoulders, drawing blood. Yibo moaned and went to stroke Zhan again but Zhan shook his head. "In..me. Need you in me. Can't wait, Yibo. Please", Zhan begged scoring his teeth over Yibo's neck and when those teeth sank into skin Yibo growled dangerously, his instincts overpowering him. "I can't be gentle right now", Yibo whispered against Zhan's mouth and dark eyes met Yibo's golden ones. "I don't want gentle. Need...all of you. Claim me, Alpha. Make me yours." Zhan let out a loud hiss when hands parted his thighs roughly and Yibo settled between them looking at Zhan's opening with savage desire stamped over his face. "Every inch of you is mine, Xiao Zhan. You hear me? Every fucking inch." Saying the words, Yibo slammed into Zhan cursing out a loud "Fuck" at how wet, hot and tight Zhan was. Zhan's mouth parted on a loud cry but he didn't get much time to adjust because Yibo was pounding in him so hard, Zhan's entire body jolted with the force of his thrusts. Zhan drank in the sight of his mate moving above him, the wild, unhinged look on Yibo's face as he plowed into him and Zhan arched his throat, delirious with pleasure. The moment Zhan's throat was exposed and Yifeng's mark came into view something went off in Yibo's head. Rage coursed through his veins making it difficult to breathe, it felt as if his lungs shrank and Yibo snarled at the mark, his wolf threatening to take over.

Zhan's body felt cold when all of a sudden Yibo pulled out of him but the loud whine of protest died on Zhan's lips when he was turned onto his stomach. Hands pulled at his waist getting him into position and if not for the drugs in his system, Zhan would have punched Yibo for it. On his knees and elbows, Zhan was a perfectly submissive Omega waiting for his Alpha to mount him and Yibo growled at the tantalising sight. Unable to wait a moment longer, Yibo slammed into Zhan again and savagely powered into him, his eyes bright golden, the muscles in his neck tense as he devoured his Omega whole. Zhan held onto the headboard screaming because the position made Yibo go deeper than he had ever before and pleasure violently tore through him, his eyes watering with the overwhelming ecstasy. Zhan came again, soiling the sheets under him and heard Yibo snarl behind him, the grip on his waist getting tighter. Each thrust was harder, rougher, more possessive and deep enough to hurt. Zhan was too sensitive and he clawed at the sheets below him to get away but a hand snagged below his ribs pulling him up. A hand collared his throat and Zhan mewled at the dominant touch, getting tighter around Yibo. "He thought he could touch you. Could have you...could breed you. But, all those rights are mine, firecracker. Just mine. Nothing and no one can take you away from me. I will rip him apart limb by limb for touching you." Zhan gasped at the words and the grip on his throat adjusted to a caress, Yibo's mouth descending over his racing pulse. "You are mine, Omega. Mine. You belong only to Wang Yibo." Teeth clamped down on Zhan's neck hard, blood seeping from the mark and Zhan screamed louder than he ever had when on a brutal thrust Yibo exploded inside him. Zhan slumped onto the bed, his body exhausted and heavy breaths escaping his mouth. Zhan tried to move but his limbs felt too heavy and he winced when hands came to assist him. Zhan was turned onto his back again, Yibo's dark eyes taking him in. The mark on Zhan's neck was deeper than the one before and it hurt like hell. Zhan whined when his legs were parted again and he stared up at Yibo, a chill running down his spine seeing the possessiveness in Yibo's eyes. There was this deranged look in Yibo's eyes that Zhan had never seen before and it got him hotter. Palms seized his face and Zhan was pulled into a deep kiss again his moans getting swallowed by Yibo's mouth. Zhan's brows furrowed feeling the burn in his groin again and his hands were pinned on either side of his head, his Alpha looming over him. "I am going to fuck you until you forget everything but me, Zhan-Zhan. Take you until you are buried deeper into my skin. It's going to be a long night. Hand tight, firecracker." Followed by the gravelly voice, hands gripped Zhan's thighs and on a feral thrust Yibo was inside him again.

Zhan's eyes fluttered open and they met with Yibo's dark ones first thing in the morning. Two intense pools of darkness drank Zhan in and Zhan saw adoration, lust and something else in those eyes. Something that unnerved Zhan. It was fear in Yibo's eyes and it was so profound, Yibo couldn't hide it. Zhan tried to raise his hand to cup Yibo's face but hissed at the pain letting it plop back onto the bed. There was no part of him that was not hurting. Every part of him was sore and it was a reminder of what had happened. "What's wrong?", Zhan asked and saw Yibo swallow hard before caressing the apple of Zhan's cheek tenderly. "Your scent has changed", Yibo said carefully and Yibo's tone had Zhan's hair standing because of how shaky it was. Zhan took a whiff but couldn't smell anything apart from sex and his own scent and his brows furrowed. "Do you hate it?", Zhan questioned softly thinking that the drug must have altered his scent a little but disappointment sank in when Yibo didn't say anything. "Can you help me up?", Zhan requested and Yibo gently pulled him up freezing ever so slightly whenever Zhan winced. "It's fine, Yibo. I am fine", Zhan reassured while his eyes roved over his limbs covered in red marks. "How long did it last?", Zhan asked and Yibo answered him right away. "Three days." Zhan's eyes widened at that but he now knew why his limbs were so useless. They had literally fucked like rabbits and Zhan didn't remember Yibo being gentle. Three days. Wow. Zhan was sure he wouldn't be able to walk properly for a week. It was obvious why he was in this condition. Zhan looked at Yibo and found his Alpha biting his lip in what appeared to be anxiety and Zhan pinned Yibo with questioning eyes. "What's bothering you? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?", he asked worrying his lips between his teeth and saw tears glisten in Yibo's eyes.  "W-Whats wrong, Yibo? What did I do? Yibo!!" "Take in your scent", came the choked whisper and Zhan did. Zhan was seriously worried so on his initial attempts he missed it but then, a faint scent teased his nostrils. Something that smelled like...."I...I am" Tears pricked Zhan's eyes and when they met Yibo's, a tear rolled down his Alpha's eyes. "You are pregnant. We are going to be parents, Zhan-Zhan."

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