35. A confrontation...

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"Tianyu's men heard it in a club a few days ago. It's the same as before, nothing new but I thought you should know. Some dumb dorks have even suggested attacking the Lan territory", Xuan finished and Yibo nodded his head in response. "Got it. Tell Guo Cheng to keep an eye on the group. Let me know if anyone makes a move. Make sure no one passes through the gates, Xuan. No one gets into Lan territory without me knowing about it first. I don't care who it is." The Head Enforcer nodded his head knowing his Alpha was on edge. At a time like this none of the Lan wolves could afford a mistake. "One more thing. Xie Yili along with her father's beta met some of the pack Alphas we have issues with. I don't have all the names yet but the Zhengs might side with them. I had hoped that they will back off but looks like the cougars are planning to fight us, Yibo." Yibo's jaw clenched but there was a malicious glint in his eyes that made Haoxuan realise his Alpha wanted to fight. It was never a good thing when his Alpha was in his sadistic mood and this was another one of those times where Yibo's ruthlessness would be in the Lans' favour. "Keep following them and get me the names of the Alphas that plan to side with Xie Chong. I will have a word with them myself. And, none of this should reach Zhan's ears. He is already upset. I don't want him worried. Am I clear?" "Clear."

The Enforcer left the office and Yibo's eyes darkened as anger took control of him but he wasn't surprised. After the day at the party last week, Yibo had known it was only a matter of time before the rumours started to take wind. The Alphas had been visibly uncomfortable at the sight of the rogues and Yibo had expected the men to cause him problems. It was a well known fact rogue wolves abandoned their humanity completely and chose to be the predators they were. Hunting and killing was in every animals' instincts but for shifters their humanity held them back from becoming complete monsters. Rogues chose to hunt without mercy and did not answer to any Alpha but they did to Yibo. Yibo had gained his reputation for being dangerous and one of its reasons was the fact that he had made the rogues submit to him. The beasts that answered to no one had pledged their loyalty to Yibo and the Alphas considered that a threat. No one dared to stand against Yibo's pack because it was known that Yibo's wolves were vicious and if that wasn't enough, Yibo had the rogues at his disposal. So, Yibo didn't blame them. Their kind responded to power and seeing Yibo's pack strengthening even more, Yibo's enemies were vexed. Yibo's phone rang and seeing Xize's name being displayed on the screen, Yibo answered it. "What did you find?", he asked as soon as the call connected and heard the vamp chuckle. "No time for pleasantries, huh? Well, I have the information. There is a place Xie Chong prefers to dine in. A quiet place where he handles all his shady businesses. I will send you the address." The vamp went quiet for a while before Yibo heard his voice again. "Are you sure you want to confront him, Yibo?", the pureblood enquired and Yibo hummed his answer. "I won't wait for him to hurt Zhan, I want to catch him off guard. Give him a warning personally." "What did Zhan say about this?", Xize asked and Yibo winced at the reminder of the ugly argument he and Zhan had a few nights ago. "He isn't happy. Threatened to cut my balls off." The vamp laughed at that but Yibo didn't consider his situation amusing. Zhan had growled so menacingly at him, Yibo knew his firecracker was serious about hurting his jewels. "As much as he loves you he won't take it lightly if someone hurts you. Which is why you need to use your head, Wang Yibo. If you get hurt, Zhan will act recklessly. So be sure of your next step." "I am sure of this, Xize. Xie Chong needs to know that touching Zhan means dying."

Yibo entered his room and found Zhan sleeping on the bed curled around Yuan. These days Yibo was finding them often like this and his heart fluttered with happiness every single time. This was his world. This was what he fought for and the sight before him strengthened his resolve. Yibo had to protect his world. He could go to any lengths to make sure his family stayed safe. Yibo didn't call himself a good man but Yibo knew that whatever handful of good deeds he had done in his life had led him to this and Yibo was ready to kill or die to keep his mate and pups safe. Crossing the distance, Yibo sat on the edge of the bed caressing his son's head. A faint sleepy sigh escaped the young child and Yibo dropped a kiss to Yuan's head taking a deep whiff of his scent. His rose his head feeling eyes on him and smiled seeing his Zhan awake. "Sleep some more. I have some things to take care of", he encouraged but the man before him propped himself up on his elbow all signs of sleep vanishing from his eyes. "I want to come with you", Zhan demanded and Yibo softly shook his head. "Stay here and sleep. It's just matter of a few hours. I will be back before you wake up." "But-" "You won't get your way in this one, firecracker. There is no chance in hell I will let Xie Chong and you be in the same room." "Then you shouldn't go there either", Zhan insisted and Yibo let out a sigh rounding the bed to Zhan's side, slipping into the behind his mate. His arms went around Zhan's waist and Zhan covered his hands with his own holding him tight. "I feel so useless. I should be out there with you, helping you but I can't and it's killing me, Yibo", Zhan sighed and Yibo dipped his head to Zhan's neck pressing a soft kiss to his mark. "You are keeping me sane through all of this, how can you call yourself useless?" "Uncle told me that cougars aren't predictable, Yibo. For all we know he will be there waiting for you and he could hurt you. If you were in my shoes wouldn't you worry? I just want to be near you and I want that man far away from us." The words had dropped to a whisper and Yibo leaned over to kiss Zhan deep. "That's what I am going to make sure of. He will be far away from us if he knows what's best for him. It's important to know your enemy and it is even more important to keep Xie Chong on his toes. He has been too quiet these days which isn't a good thing. The Jiang wolves and Xize's men are guarding the packhouse. Don't worry about me just focus on eating and resting properly. I will be right back." "You know what will happen if you get hurt don't you?" When Yibo didn't respond to the words Zhan turned in Yibo's arms and palmed Yibo's cheeks looking him dead in the eye. "Let me remind you that nothing in this world is more important to me than you. Not even myself. You do know how an Alpha gets if his mate gets hurt. I don't even trust myself of what I will do, Yibo. So, you better come back to me in two hours or I am driving myself out of Lan territory to look for you." "So fiesty", Yibo responded kissing his mate's nose but the scowl on Zhan's face remained. "I will be back in two hours." Kissing Zhan deep Yibo filled his lungs with Zhan's scent so that he could last two long hours without him. He pulled away from Zhan and shooting a smile to his mate, closed the door behind him. As soon as the doors closed the smile vanished and Yibo's features hardened. He descended the steps finding his wolves ready and walked away with his eyes glacial and form brimming with killer intent.

Yibo entered the little diner and just stepping in got a whiff of the scent that clung to cougars. Ashes and leather. His wolf growled within him and Yibo walked further in well aware of the eyes the immediately turned his way. "Xie Chong", said Rong behind him and Yibo turned his face to his Enforcer finding a man in his wolf's grip. "I suggest you answer him fast. He doesn't like to wait", spoke Haoxuan with a dark smile and the man pointed to the top floor shakily. Patting the man's back, Rong let the waiter go and Yibo took the stairs, his men following him. The diner was in a neutral territory so Yibo found a lot of different shifters lounging and eating but all of them were now on the edge of their seats, staring wide eyed at Yibo and his men. Reaching the upper floor, Yibo's eyes zeroed in on the man he was looking fur and he made his way to the table not hiding his hate and anger. "Wang Yibo. I have to say I wasn't expecting this", said the man before him and Yibo hated the bastard even more with every breath he took. The man looked well enough for his age, his eyes alert and intelligent which gave Yibo the impression that Xie Chong was not a simple enemy. Yibo never underestimated his foes and from the looks of it Xie Chong was one tough motherfucker. "You should have expected me. Killing my mate's parents, leaving him to die alone, trying to kill him at the theatre two years ago...the list of your mistakes is pretty long, Xie Chong. You should have been dead a long time ago. But, it's never too late." The cougar let out a low laugh which had the Lan wolves feeling murderous but they held their emotions back. "The only mistake I ever made was leaving that mutt behind in the car. I had actually thought he would die slowly and painfully just like his parents but he got lucky. I had assumed he was dead until I heard the news that you mated with a half-Omega named Xiao Zhan. Did some digging and found he was still fucking alive." A low growl came from several Lan wolves at the words and everyone in the diner froze. The cougars that accompanied Xie Chong immediately fanned the older man but Yibo continued to stare at the cougar with his cold, empty eyes. "You must have come here hoping to negotiate", began Xie Chong lighting up a cigarette. "I will be happy to. Just hand over Xiao Zhan to me and there won't be any fight between our packs. You have met my daughter she will be a good match for you. She's smart, bold and beautiful. Think over it, Wang Yibo. Do you really want to fight me? I could wipe your pack off this planet and still hunt your mate down. There's really nothing that can save him. But if-" A loud crashing sound was heard as Yibo flipped the table between them and with one lunge he was on Xie Chong, a bone chilling growl leaving him. The cougar stared at the Alpha looming over him, the wolf's eyes cold and a sinister look on his face. The Lan wolves held the other cougars back and Yibo's lips curled in anger, his eyes flashing a bright golden. "I will kill you", promised Yibo, his voice a low, guttural sound and a smile came onto Yibo's lips as Xie Chong's heart picked up pace. "Once you step into my territory I will end you. I will gouge these eyes out that have dared to look at my mate with malice in them, I will rip this throat out that has threatened him and I will take your beating heart out as a fucking trophy for my Zhan. I didn't come here to negotiate, Xie Chong. I came here to tell you that I, Wang Yibo, the Alpha of the Lan pack will be waiting for you. This is the last face you are going to see so I suggest you start tying up the loose ends and say your goodbyes. You were dead the moment you thought of hurting my Zhan. Bring it on, asshole." Yibo growled again and backed up smirking. "And another thing. Rong?", Yibo beckoned with his finger and the enforcer threw a body on the floor, the cougar's body barely recognisable. His face was bashed in, claws had torn up flesh and there wasn't a bone intact in the lifeless body. "I found him while I was leaving my place. I think he is one of yours. Do enjoy your lunch. You might not get a chance of coming here again." "You will pay for this, Wang Yibo", snarled Xie Chong behind Yibo but Yibo just tilted his head a little to the side, glaring at the man. "You have no idea what I am Xie Chong but you will find out soon enough. You messed up with the wrong person and your time is up."

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