33. He is here...

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"Congratulations, Zhan! I am so happy for you and Yibo." Shi Yi hugged Zhan and Yibo while Xize stood beside her smiling. "Here, Xize picked this out", Shi Yi handed over a box to Zhan and the man's brows drew up at the words. "What's in here? You better don't have a vial full of blood or fake vampire teeth for my child, fang boy", Zhan warned and Xize chuckled at the man's words. "I wouldn't gift you that, Omega. It's a big celebration. A bleeding man and a silver stake would be more fitting."  Zhan's mouth curved up as he let out a chuckle and Xize came forth looking at Zhan's abdomen.  "May I?"  Zhan nodded his head and the vampire placed his hand over Zhan's abdomen smiling.  All eyes were locked onto Xize whose eyes turned grey and then dark again. "It will be hard to control this little one. An Alpha through and through."  "You can sense that?", asked Zhan amazed and Xize nodded his head looking at Yibo. "Draining a person dry is not my only talent. Congratulations, Zhan."  "Thank you."  Yibo stayed beside his mate while Zhan met up with guests but his focus was on potential threats, his eyes scanning the crowd for Han Shuo.  The party was in full swing and the Lan wolves appeared to be laidback and enjoying the celebration while in reality all of them were on guard making sure no one got too close to the Alpha pair.  "The Lan Alpha is really protective of his family", said an Alpha looking at the Lan wolves standing behind Xiao Zhan and Yibo's chin raised at the statement. "Congratulations to both of you."  Zhan said his thanks and they met with guests for a little while before Yibo pulled Zhan towards to a table, settling Zhan and Yuan on it.  "You have been on your feet for too long. Sit down."  Jiyang came with a plate full of good and placed it before Zhan taking a bite of the food first.  "All clear. Nothing tastes funny."  Zhan turned his eyes to Yibo and the Alpha just squeezed the back of his neck motioning him to eat.  "I am not taking any chances. Do not eat anything unless one of us tries the food first. You too, Yuan."  The little Wang nodded his head pushing his vegetables onto Zhan's plate.  "Pumpkin, if you give your sister all of your veggies she will be taller than you", Zhan said affectionately and Yuan's little brows furrowed.  The boy was quiet for a while before he took a spoonful of spinach from Zhan's plate stuffing it into his mouth.  Zhan bit his lips to keep himself from laughing and saw his son wash down the entire portion with a glass of water.  "Our big boy deserves a treat."  Guo Cheng handed the six year old a chocolate and Zhan caressed his son's head as he nibbled on it.  "Is he here yet?", Zhan asked referring to Han Shuo and Yibo shook his head in a no.  The party had been going on for over an hour and Zhan frowned as suspicion took place in his mind.  "What if he doesn't show up?",he asked and opened his mouth when Yibo brought a spoon to his mouth.  "So be it. This is supposed to be a celebration and we will enjoy it. Don't frown, firecracker."  Zhan nodded his head opening his mouth again for Yibo to feed him but the spoon froze mid-air and a growl left Yibo suddenly. Guo Cheng, Xuan, Jiyang and Fan Xing immediately got closer to the Alpha pair releasing a snarl of their own.

Zhan's gaze followed Yibo's and he found Huang Ji Han standing feets away with two of his pack members.  The Alpha stood there for a moment longer and gestured at his men to stay back making his way to the Lan wolves.  Yibo growled again, this time more aggressively and Ji Han stopped his arms in the air.   "I came here to congratulate you both. I don't have any ill intentions", the man clarified knowing all to well that the men before him wouldn't trust his words.  "Forgive us but we can't let you get any closer. For all we know you could be here to avenge your son", said Wang An and the Lan wolves growled in agreement. At the mention of his son a look of pain came onto the Alpha's face but he got his emotions under control taking a step back.  "I understand that. But, I do hope we can keep our differences aside, Wang Yibo. You are a powerful ally to the Huang pack, we don't want to lose that so we hope none of what happened will affect the relationship between our packs. These words are from the Alpha of the Huang pack, not Huang Yifeng's father."   Yibo took a moment to consider the words and stood up his gaze locked onto Huang Ji Han.  "Your pack was a great help when my mate was taken away by Zhang Wei. I haven't forgotten that. I will keep our differences aside if you choose to do the same, Ji Han.  But, if one day your pack comes bearing any malicious intent towards me or my pack, I hope you know that the consequences will be bad."  "I understand. My best wishes to both of you."  The Alpha turned around to leave and Zhan let out a breath sipping at his water.  "For a second, I thought he was here to create a scene. I guess I am being paranoid", said Zhan and Yibo resumed feeding him.  "It's you being careful not paranoid."  "Can he be trusted?"  "He is a good ally. Has morals and wants the best for his wolves. I have known the Huang Alpha for years. If he wanted to retaliate, he would have done it the day his son died. He is a good Alpha. The chances of him attacking us are nil but it won't hurt to keep an eye out."  Zhan nodded his head at his mate's words and just then Xuan's phone rang. The Head Enforcer received the call and every wolf in vicinity heard the other man's words. "He is here."

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