44. He is safe...

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Zhan's wolf eyed his enemy as the sandy wolf stood back on his feet, snarling at Xiao Zhan. Zhan bared his teeth and the Alpha came at him again, more aggressively than before. The sandy wolf slashed with his claws and Zhan jumped away moments before the sharp claws could tear his belly open. He lost his footing as he jumped away and the sandy wolf crammed him against the tree, backing him harder against the hard trunk. The impact had a yelp leaving him but recovering from the shock, Zhan bit hard on the exposed shoulder of the wolf, his jaw locking hard on the muscle. The bark turned into a yelp and the yelps turned into pained growls but Zhan didn't let the wolf go. Clearly in pain, Ming Fan crushed Zhan harder against the tree and pain shot through Zhan's abdomen making his teeth unlock from Ming Fan's shoulder. Zhan squirmed to get away and heaved out in pain, the fear for his pup's safety making him uneasy. The sandy wolf was clearly hoping to use the Omega's pregnancy for his advantage which was why he swiped his claws against Zhan's abdomen again and again each lash more vicious than the last. Zhan avoided most of them twisiting and moving away but the claws made contact with his chest once, barely missing his belly by a few inches. The deep gash made Zhan's wolf growl but the Alpha before him was clearly pleased with himself, a sick bark of satisfaction leaving him. Blood oozed out of the wound Zhan had made on the sandy wolf's shoulder and Zhan's wolf focused on the injury when their wolves crashed again. Ming Fan's forelegs raised to Zhan's neck and Zhan twisted his head to bite hard onto Ming Fan's shoulder again. He immediately dashed out of the wolf's reach licking his teeth when Ming Fan let out a pained bark. Zhan followed the same tactic again and again to deal with the Alpha. He would get within reach and just as the wolf pounced over him, he would clamp hard onto the wound hard enough to scrape bone bounding away immediately to escape the slash of claws. The sandy wolf was bleeding profusely, and it was getting harder for him to pin Zhan down due to his injured shoulder and Zhan used that to his benefit, making the injury worse until the wolf's limb was practically useless. He hadn't managed to escape unscathed though. A few times Ming Fan's teeth and claws did make contact with Zhan's body, drawing blood. They weren't deep enough to make Zhan double over in pain but they still stung like hell. Ming Fan was slower to attack than before and Zhan was tired as well, his wolf now more cautious than before but his form froze when he heard a yowl leave his mate.

Yibo's wolf and Xie Chong crashed into each other all claws and teeth. Ears perked up, hackles raised the black wolf bit into the cougar causing the cougar to twist around in pain. The cougar slashed out with his claws and they dug deep into Yibo's chest, blood coating the cougar's paws as he was thrown away by the Lan Alpha. Yibo's wolf let out a snarl when the cougar charged towards him again and bit into his ear. Yibo turned his head and his fangs dug into the cougar but his body jolted when three more cougars slammed into him, latching onto his previous injuries. They held tight making Yibo bark in pain and the cougar bit into Yibo's neck, the wound deeper and the most lethal one. The black wolf tried to shake off the attackers but they held fast and if it wasn't enough, two wolves came to the cougars' side. They pulled and bit into Yibo's legs pulling him to the ground while Xie Chong moved to Yibo's back, digging his claws deep enough to score bones. A yelp left Yibo again but suddenly a familiar growl came from beside him and Xie Chong was thrown off his back. The tired, silver-grey wolf took a moment to get up from the forest ground and he growled menacingly as he stood against the animal who had taken his parents away. Zhan might not clearly remember what had really happened years ago that night but Zhan's wolf did. He couldn't communicate his thoughts to his human side well enough but he clearly remembered the animal before him attack his mother and rip her throat out. His parents and their protectors had been completely outnumbered by the cougars that fanned their larger, deep grey Alpha. Zhan's father had been helpless, trapped under Xie Chong's cougars in his human form and he had witnessed his mate get torn apart right before his eyes. They had said some words to his father, words that a two year old pup couldn't understand at all but it had made his father charge madly towards Xie Chong and cougars had lunged at him from behind, pinning his father to the ground. They had bit into his father together, had torn flesh apart and the sight had traumatized Zhan's wolf so much that he had trouble surfacing for so many years. Zhan had no one to turn to, no one to save him and he had been left in a pool of his mother's blood to die just like his parents. There was nothing else but a deep resentment in Zhan as he stared at the cougar before him. Only one of them could survive today. Zhan was going to make sure it was him.

Yibo's wolf saw his mate pounce over the cougar and blood froze in his veins at the scene before him. Growling loud, he rose from the ground, his claws digging into the animals that were on him and he bit one's head right off because it was close. Yibo ran in his mate's direction but saw a bleeding sandy wolf come barrelling towards his mate as well, clearly meaning harm to his mate. The black wolf jumped over his mate and tackled the sandy wolf to the ground, his teeth sinking into its neck. The wolf was already injured badly and clearly no match for a far dominant Wang Yibo. In a typical wolf killing move, Yibo pinned Ming Fan under him and with his claws, slashed open the wolf's belly and closed his jaw around the neck simultaneously. He threw the lifeless body away like a rag doll and turned to see his mate and Xie Chong engaged in an intense battle. The cougar savagely bit and clawed at Zhan and Yibo's mate gave it back ten times harder. Bodies slammed together, teeth snapped and growls erupted from the two animals. A harsh swipe came towards Zhan and as the wolf moved to avoid it, he was thrown away by the cougar hard. Zhan yelped at impact and made an attempt to stand but howled in pain when teeth pierced through muscle on his leg. The cougar violently pulled at the flesh between its teeth and that was when Yibo slammed into him. Yibo could feel his heart racing and a pain began to creep up on him that felt like his but wasn't. Yibo's heart stopped when his eyes fell on his silver-grey wolf that lay on his side curled upon itself. The sight caused Yibo's legs to buckle and Yibo realised that it was his firecracker who was in pain. A whine left Yibo but it morphed into a violent growl and he charged towards Xie Chong. He grabbed the cougar by the scruff of his neck and shook the animal like a ragdoll, slamming him hard against the tree. A sickening crunch came from the cougar and Yibo pounced again his claws slashing open the cougar's back. The animal hissed but the sound didn't penetrate the haze of wrath that had descended upon the Lan Alpha. He grabbed the cougar's leg set on ripping it off the animal's body but pain lashed through him again catching him off guard.

It was hard to breathe through the pain but Yibo ran to his mate seeing more cougars descend to harm his defenseless firecracker. Another cougar had bit into Zhan's leg hard making the wolf wail in pain but his firecracker pushed through the hurt, latching his teeth onto the cougar's throat and twisting it. Yibo pushed the other cougars off his mate, fought the ones off that attacked Zhan and in his peripheral vision saw the cougar dash to Zhan. It was as if the scene was playing out in slow motion before Yibo's eyes. The claws were aiming for Zhan's abdomen and the need to protect coarsed through Yibo's veins and before he knew what he was doing, he had covered his firecracker and the claws meant to harm his firecracker had pierced through his body. Zhan's wolf let out a loud whine seeing Yibo's form tremble but high on adrenaline the Lan Alpha twisted around lightning fast, grabbing Xie Chong's neck. His teeth broke bones in the vicious move and when the cougar's bitter blood filled Yibo's mouth, Yibo put the fucker to the ground before his mate. Blood turned the black wolf's coat even darker and the scent of his blood wafted in the air but all the Lan Alpha focused on was the promise he had made to his mate. This animal had taken his mate's everything from him, it was only fair Zhan did the same. Yibo's human side had promised their mate that he would bring the cougar to him and he had. Satisfaction hummed through the wolf and he stared at his mate waiting for his approval. Zhan's amber eyes landed onto Yibo but there was no vengeance there. No joy. There was concern. Fear. Fear for Yibo's life. The black wolf didn't like the hesitancy in his mate's form and dug the cougar's body harder to the ground before Zhan, telling him to end it all. The concern was still there but soon rage rushed through the bond they both shared and Zhan bit into the cougar's neck from the other side and pulled with everything in him. The body went limp, the cougar's heart stopped beating and Yibo's wolf took two steps back from his mate, throwing his head back to let out the howl of their victory. Several others joined him, the battle finally over but soon, the black wolf's vision got blurry and his knees buckled. The Lan Alpha landed on the ground with a loud thud the last thing he saw was his beautiful mate, coming towards him. 'I did it. He is safe.' The thought was last one that Yibo had before darkness completely took over.

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