1. the wood family talent.

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At the Wood's house, everything was somehow a game.

This is why on September 1st, 2019, Daisy Wood had to run around her room with a broomstick in order to catch her hairbrush, which her father had bewitched. She groaned.

"Mum!" she yelled, down a flight of stairs. "Dad's bewitched my hairbrush ... again!"

"You caught it?" shouted Oliver Wood back, his face appearing from the first floor.

"Yeah, of course!" Daisy yelled. "It's huge!"

Daisy threw on a grey t-shirt and a Puddlemere United jumper. With the hairbrush that she had just caught, she brushed her blonde hair until it was neatly tucked behind her ears. She ran down the staircase until she reached the kitchen, where the rest of her family were already sitting.

"There comes the princess, emerging from her tower half an hour after the rest of us," said Thomas teasingly. Daisy laughed.

"Would've been fifteen if Dad didn't make my hairbrush run away from me."

"You got it in fifteen minutes? Nice!"

Oliver and Daisy high-fived over the kitchen island.

"Careful!" exclaimed Penelope. "I spent forever cooking these pancakes and Daisy, you do look a bit peckish."

"Thanks, Mum," she said, taking a large bite of her food. She glanced over at her brother's plate, which was empty already. "Quidditch trials are in a few weeks."

"You've been practicing all summer," said Penelope. "Nearly almost waking moment. I even heard you sleep-talking about it."

"C'mon, Penelope, the Quidditch tryouts are a big deal," said Oliver. "But I agree, Daisy's got this. Thomas, you, too. You're an amazing Keeper; you can block literally anything. Daisy, I bet you can find a tiny peanut within a Quidditch stadium. You've got the Wood family talent."

"Is that a real thing?" asked Thomas skeptically.

"Of course!" said Oliver, stars in his eyes. "You've all got it. You lot can beat out anyone — even James Potter."

All four of them let out a collective sigh.

"He is one of my best friends but he's exhausting," complained Thomas.

"That boy is just like his father," said Penelope, "always getting into trouble."

"Don't let him distract you during your tryouts," said Oliver to Daisy.

"He is the most irritating person I've ever met!" Daisy said, louder than the others. "He constantly interrupts class whenever Headmistress McGonagall comes in to have a laugh and he always calls me my lady! He's such an —"

"— arrogant toerag," finished the other three. Daisy let out a small laugh.

"As much as you might hate him, that boy is mad for you," said Penelope, grinning at her daughter.

"This is my fifth year!" Daisy said aggressively. "The last thing I should be worried about is boys. I have to be focusing on my O.W.Ls and Quidditch."

"You don't decide to focus on boys ... no one ever does but they just find you," shrugged Penelope. "And one already has. Even if you don't like James I'm sure there are a bunch of boys who want to go out with you."

"I don't want to go out with a bunch of boys."

"Yeah, Penelope, she doesn't want to," said Oliver sternly.

"I'll barf if she does," said Thomas, pushing his plate away.

"How much does this Potter boy even fancy you?" asked Penelope.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now