23. potter or the snitch.

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Daisy had a set routine for Quidditch matches which she believed was the reason she had never lost a match. Being the Seeker, Daisy knew that most of the pressure came down to her. An anxious girl in a high-pressure position was not a good combination for a restful morning. But, Daisy knew she could handle it.

She awoke at six o'clock in the morning. It was a Saturday. Owls were hooting quietly outside her window and her dormmates Marlee and Gwen were snoring—not so quietly. Daisy scribbled down a quick note for Marlee, reading: Went down early to prepare. Tell the team to eat breakfast quickly and meet me in the locker room by eight-fifteen. Sharp.

The Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff game was set for nine o'clock. Waking up at six o'clock gave Daisy enough time to get dressed, grab a quick breakfast, write out plays, warm up, and do some practicing.

Not wanting to waste any more time, she put on her Quidditch uniform. She slipped on her shoes and pat her Pygmypuff goodbye before striding out of the dormitory and the common room.

─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─

Daisy had been standing at the blackboard for thirty minutes.

After a quick few laps around the pitch to get her blood pumping and practicing by enchanting some flying golf balls to chase around, all Daisy had left to do was review the plays that she had written.

Daisy glanced at the clock and saw that it was now seven-thirty. It seemed as though she had woken up a bit too early. Still, she believed it to be better than waking up a bit too late.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching. She whipped around, dropping the piece of chalk in her hand. Moments later, James appeared at the door, a plate of pancakes in his hand. The smell made Daisy's stomach grumble; she had eaten one mere piece of toast with some jam. James looked down at the chalk.

"What're you doing here, Potter?" asked Daisy, waving her wand to repair the chalk and picking it back up. "Shouldn't you be eating breakfast?"

"Shouldn't you?" rebutted James. Daisy cracked a smile against her will. She placed the chalk down as James walked over to her and handed her the pancakes.

"Hm," said Daisy, staring at the plate. "Seems like you've forgotten something ..."

"No way," said James, his eyes widening. "What?"

"Where's my fork, Potter?"

James' anxious look disappeared. It was replaced with a smirk.

That James Potter smirk. Daisy's knees nearly crumpled at the sight of it.

He opened up his right hand to reveal a fork.

"You think I would forget a fork?" asked James disbelievingly. "I've done this too many times, Daisy."

"Yeah, 'too many times'," nodded Daisy. She sat down on a bench and took a bite of the pancakes. They were delicious, as every other Hogwarts dish always was. "So, how'd you know how to find me, anyway?"

"Marlee told me about the note that you left her," explained James as Daisy continued eating, "and I know that whenever you wake up early for Quidditch or studying, you barely eat. And you have to eat."

Daisy placed the plate down on the bench after a few more bites.

"Thank you," she said. He grinned at her and then jumped up to take a look at the complicated blackboard.

"Didn't we go over all of this before?"

"What if somebody forgot?"

"Oh, don't worry," he said, chuckling. "We've gone over these plays way too much to ever forget. Y'know, they appear in my dreams sometimes."

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now