27. christmas letters.

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"Sick party, wasn't it?"

Daisy chuckled as she shook her head at Benjamin. The two of them, as well as James, Thomas, Gwen, and Marlee, were in their designated compartment on the Hogwarts Express. They had been on the train for a few hours now and drifted through many conversation topics, including the Christmas party that Slughorn had thrown a few days prior. Daisy leaned her head on the window to her left and shivered in her white-knitted jumper.

"You're only saying that 'cause you drank some Firewhiskey after Slughorn's speech and danced like a maniac," said Gwen. Benjamin shrugged.

"I mean, I am a great dancer," he said in defense. There was a knock on the compartment door and all sick of them turned towards it: it was the Trolley lady with her usual sweet smile and bustling trolley. "Ooh, I want some Droobles!"

"I want a Chocolate Frog!" exclaimed Marlee.


"I'm going to get some Bertie Bott's!"

"Ooh, and Acid Pops!"

"I'll get a Pumpkin Pasty," said James, standing up and reaching a hand into his pocket, "and I'll cover all of your snacks."

This was what James always did—pay for everything. Every snack, every book, every accessory ... everything. They always refused, of course. Daisy and the others were all perfectly capable of paying for their own things, but the Potter boy was as stubborn as they come.

"Mate, it's alright, really," said Thomas, trying to pull him back down to his seat.

"You pay for everything," said Gwen. "Sit down!"

"Nah, it's nothing," said James, shrugging as he picked out the treats and handed the money to the Trolley lady before any of them could do anything about it. "I want to. Maybe it's just 'cause I'm so damn nice and charming. That James Potter charm, you know?"

He threw a wink at Daisy before sitting back down and handing out all the treats. Daisy smiled in return as she began sucking on her Acid Pop.

"Geez, mate, if you keep this going, the Daily Prophet's going to say we're using you for money," said Benjamin, though he didn't stop eating his Droobles.

"Yeah, I've already got a bad article about me and I'm not trying to expand my collection," added Daisy with a laugh.

"Who cares what they say?" said James, munching down on his Pumpkin Pasty. "Yesterday, they said Mum was pregnant again. They'll come up with anything for reads."

The rest of them burst into laughter. Marlee stretched and yawned just as Thomas prompted a question.

"So, how was the party for the rest of you?" he asked. "I know Ben and I had fun, but some of you looked miserable."

"I know I had fun," said Gwen, shifting the group's attention to her.

"Ooh, yeah, tell us about that boy, the tall blonde one!" said Daisy, leaning forward. "How'd you two meet?"

"It was when James got swept away by Slughorn and the rest of you already had your dates," explained Gwen. "I sat down on a bench and he sat down next to me! His name's Leo Macmillan. His full name's Leonardo, but he said I could call him Leo! Anyway, since James wouldn't come back, I just hung out with him. He's the best! So funny and charming and good-looking ..."

"Sounds like a dud," said James. Gwen made a face at him.

"He told me he'd write to me almost every day over break!" she exclaimed. Daisy, Marlee, and Benjamin cheered, all of them high-fiving her one by one.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now