4. star seeker.

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Birds were chirping, the sun was shining, but only one person at Hogwarts was awake: Daisy. It was six o'clock in the morning. However, it was a day Daisy had prepared for ages and she could not let it happen without practicing one more time.

It was the day of the Quidditch tryouts.

They weren't starting until eight o'clock, of course, but Daisy preferred to practice alone, with no distractions, before the big event. She crawled out of her dormitory, broomstick in hand, and navigated her way to the Quidditch field.

Perfect Quidditch conditions, Daisy thought to herself, relieved. Unfortunately, releasing Snitches without proper supervision or planning was against the rules at Hogwarts therefore, Daisy was stuck doing simple flying drills by herself.

After flying around the field multiple times and making sharp turns for around half an hour, Daisy noticed a figure coming towards her in a long robe and tied hair. She descended her broom once she reached the soft grass and walked towards the figure, who she now realized was Professor McGonagall.

"Wood, what do you think you're doing out here this early?" she asked, lowering her glasses and frowning. Daisy smiled.

"What else but practicing for Quidditch tryouts, Professor?"

McGonagall sighed.

"Has anyone told you that you are just like your father?" she asked. "Everyday Oliver Wood bothered me with his crazed Quidditch talks. I'm glad he got me the Quidditch Cup, of course, but really?"

"I'm sorry, Professor, but I've really got to practice!" reasoned Daisy.

"At least you've got some more respect than your father," sighed McGonagall. "Wood, you shouldn't be worried. You were a big part of Gryffindor winning the Quidditch Cup last year. You're a fantastic asset to the team."

"Thank you, Professor," beamed Daisy. All Hogwarts students knew that Headmistress McGonagall was quite straightforward so Daisy knew she was being sincere. Her nerves slowly calmed. "Any advice, Professor McGonagall?"

"Be sure to stay focused," she said. "Oh, and don't make any enemies. I once heard of a student who was Confunded during tryouts! There was no hard proof, so there was nothing to be done but it was quite clear it had happened."

So, Daisy continued practicing diligently, stopping for large gulps of water every few minutes. After an hour, her face was cold from the wind, her hair was barely in place, and her limbs were exhausted. However, Daisy was feeling more prepared than ever.

Just in time, as well, as Fred Weasley had just appeared from the changing rooms and was fetching the Quaffle, Bludger, and the Snitch. Daisy skipped over to him as he pushed his ginger hair away from his face.

"Fred!" said Daisy brightly. "I've been practicing here for over an hour!"

"And I woke up ten minutes ago," responded Fred. "Nice to see you, though, Daisy. You're my Star Seeker."

"Not yet, I'm not."

"Don't doubt yourself, Daisy," assured Fred. "Even my mum thinks you're good, and she's a hard person to please when it comes to Quidditch. Where're your friends? Marlee, Thomas, and ..." he pulled a smirk, "... James?"

"They're probably coming down soon," said Daisy, choosing to ignore the smirk. "D'you know how many people are coming today?"

"Quite a lot, actually," said Fred. "I believe twenty-five Chasers, eighteen Beaters, fourteen Keepers, and only two Seekers! You included!"

"Wow, only two Seekers?" said Daisy, shocked. "Who's the other Seeker?"

"Some girl by the name of 'Romilda Volklov'? She's never tried out before and I've never heard of her so I don't reckon she's got much of a chance ..."

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now