50. on a hippogriff.

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"Tell me what in the world was going through your mind when you cursed at Madam Pince!"

James had been recalling the moment constantly since it had happened. He seemed to find it hilarious. Daisy, on the other hand, did not. She blushed furiously each time he teased her about it, but maybe the blushing was just because it was James saying it.

The two were walking to Hagrid's Hut since they had just finished eating dinner in the Great Hall. Daisy hated that she had broken her perfect record, but she was happy that James would have some company tonight.

"I was trying to help you, alright?" said Daisy. "I felt terrible. You brought me food and everything. I couldn't have just sat there and said nothing!"

"You're incredible," he said, before wrapping his left arm around Daisy's shoulders in what was almost definitely a platonic action, but that didn't stop Daisy's brain from going haywire.

Finally, they reached Hagrid's Hut. James lifted his hand and knocked three times on the door. After a moment and quite a lot of noise coming from inside, the door opened to reveal Hagrid with a slightly crispy beard.

"Hiya, James, Daisy!" Hagrid greeted. "It's nice to see you two! 'Ere for your detention, amiright?"

"Yup!" said James. "What's up with your beard? Did you set it on fire again?"

"Yeah, but jus' a small one this time," assured Hagrid, shrugging it off as he walked out of his house and closed the door behind him.

"What are we doing today?" asked Daisy. "Please, not the Forbidden Forest!"

"Not too deep into it!" said Hagrid. "We're going to find an old friend o' mine. You'll just love her."

James looked elated. Daisy's heart was thumping rapidly. The two of them followed Hagrid into the trees behind the Hut.

"Oh, I remember when I had Harry and Antheia," Daisy heard Hagrid say. James raised his eyebrows. "Amazin' kids, they were. I was so happy when the two of 'em started datin', and now I have you two! Oh, how history repeats itself!"

Daisy wasn't sure what he meant by that, but shrugged it off. They continued walking for another couple of minutes—long enough for Daisy to start getting worried. The sun was beginning to set above them, making the sky glimmer yellow, orange, and pink.

"Don't be nervous, Daisy," said James. His warm voice made Daisy's stomach flutter. "Whatever it is, I'll protect you with all the Jinxes I know."

"Thanks, James," laughed Daisy. Hagrid tutted.

"You better not be Jinxin' her," he said disapprovingly. "She migh' scare you at first—I know she scared your parents, James—but she's just wonderful if yeh get to know her!"

Whoever she was was beginning to stress Daisy out. Then, Hagrid unveiled a bunch of leaves and revealed a tall, gray and white feathered creature. It turned and bowed toward Hagrid and that's when Daisy realised what it was—a hippogriff, and a mighty large one at that.

"Oh my Merlin," said Daisy, horrified.

"Oh my Merlin!" exclaimed James.

"That's a hippogriff, Hagrid!" shouted Daisy. She had never taken Care of Magical Creatures, for the sole reason that she had always been terrified of any animal that wasn't domesticated. She thought the main reason might have been because, back when she was a small child and the target of Muggle bullies, she would often have untrained animals released on her. One particular raccoon had cemented the fear of animals in her forever. Now, all she could handle were dogs, cats, toads, owls, and Nifflers.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now